LV-DX Dynamic Workflow
LV-DX Dynamic Workflow is software Workflow giúp chuẩn hóa và số hóa tất cả luồng quy trình, liên thông thành hệ sinh thái có thể quản lý, đo lường và điều phối.
✓ Streamlined apparatus ✓ effective Monitoring process
✓ Focus 1 platform ✓ security and privacy
Customer service 24/7 | Customization on request

“Process not only exist on paper, the process must be set up to coordinate rhythmic, are the right people for the right work and completely transparent.”
Board of Directors/Management
- Operate the contact information no point congestion – no standby status – no duplication of work.
- Management organization, more simply, spend more time developing strategies to create advantages in comparison with competitors.
- Assign, supervise and support staff anytime, anywhere, with information updated realtime reports automatically.
- Workflows clear reviews, capacity, accuracy and fairness, increase satisfaction, and engage employees.
Departmental service
- SAY NO to WRONG – FORGET – BUSY, the service providers inside and outside the organization.
- The service is always done right term, explicit, courtesy under process issued.
- Build, manage, version, deployment, application, and continuous improvement thanks to the number of system processes into software.
- Monitor and accurately assess the performance of each department business.
- Manage and update personal work proactively by software Workflow explicit, have reported visual tracking.
- Delete condition 3 ('t understand, don't know, don't remember) that the work is late.
- Understand the roles according to the job titles do not COINCIDE work – making process.
- Recorded and fair assessment, be motivated, be supported anytime – anywhere.
✓ Without installation ✓ Cost flexible fit
✓ Rapid deployment ✓ Support training use
✓ Cost flexible fit
✓ Rapid deployment
✓ Support for training use

Features of the software, LV-DX Dynamic Workflow
Standardize and digitize 100% process management work
Conversion of workflows, automate work-flow related departments on a single system

Definitions of the form input to store the information of each process by departments, or by each stage of job specific.
Make a series or set manually for each process: people, process, the followers, who received the notification,...
Software, LV-DX Dynamic Workflow allows to link processes, create a process branching, multi-threaded. Automatically switch to process resumed when finishing the process first.
Invoice system, centralized management of the entire data on software, easy access anytime, anywhere
Phần mềm workflow tự động hóa luồng công việc và giao việc
Software, LV-DX Dynamic Workflow when integrated with task management LV-DX Task

Setting the standard work step by step process set deadline for each stage of implementation.
Set conditions of transfer steps, delivered in the next stage. Supports multiple rules, assigned to each of the individuals, groups, and departments.
Progress report to work, according to the project real-time, manage todolist individual/group visual variety.
Alert mechanism varied depending on the status of work: about to perform, due date, overdue ... help control and effective implementation.

Approval and signing of right in the software Workflow
LV-DX Dynamic Workflow when integrated with the electronic signing/sign of LV-DX eSign

Software Workflow connect contact information assurance departments operations smoothly 24/7, sir browser from a distance, don't wait.
Sign electronic transactions, electronic contract, contract labor, electronic approval number in the process.
Create your own flow as a text type allows to set: Up, blinking, to sign the sign parallel/representative/sequential...
Add up mass text help to review quickly, ensuring up, right – up enough.
Control and evaluate the effectiveness deployment
The process was improved more optimal, increase operational productivity

Show in detail the whole process work and who made step by step, timely detection and treatment when the problem occurred.
Tracking & progress monitoring, accurate real-time. Get a job that has completed/failed, cause of failure, the person responsible.
View visual reports on all indicators in the process. Provides the data analysis, scientific reviews, to improve the process.

90% of customers satisfied with
PHẦN MỀM LV-DX Dynamic Workflow vì:
Increased 5-fold performance
- Remove manager feeling
- Reduce the time the sign, cumbersome procedures
- Automatic operation related departments according to the procedure
Brand reputation more than 20 years
- 24 years in development for thousands of customers
- To meet all process – every-scale business
- Professional team ready to assist in the process of using
Flexible cost only from a few million
- Flexible form of rent/buy
- No need to invest in equipment, personnel maintenance system
- Spend 90% of resources to optimize services, search marketing, product improvement
Contact information ecosystem conversion of
- No dead point – to-point congestion – point wait
- Do not enter data, automatically inherit data
- Integrated virtual assistant WHO analyze the data and have the system reports real-time

Process, software deployment Workflow for customers who buy packages
Process consulting, software, LV-DX Dynamic Workflow – deployment 24/7 is built based on the best practices and continuous improvement.

Save more with services HIRE SOFTWARE Workflow budget from only a few million/year, but still meet the professional services necessary to operate the business.
Distinctive value of Lac Viet management software systems
- Data and service interoperability
- Reduce investment costs
- Useful & easy to use
- Operational 24/7, anywhere
- Safety, security
- Big data processing
Data and service interoperability
Reduce investment costs
Useful & casual

Operational 24/7, anywhere
Safety, security
Big data processing
Some typical customers

Lac Viet's Technology Ecosystem
Platform infrastructure
Technology services
IT equipment
Collaborating with over 100 partners