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10-Step process, document management, business intelligence

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Establish, implement, document management effectively help maintain consistency in the storage, access information, make sure important documents are protected/optimal use. So process management documents become an indispensable element in the operation of the business. Let's Lac Viet Computing learn the steps in the process, data management under article later!

1. Identify sources

  • Specify the source material is considered the first step in the process of document management. First, the unit should determine the amount of information which is located in range management and storage. Most of the units now are usually only interested in the digitization of text documents with numbers, signatures or seal.
  • However, these important documents on the units, organizations also need to manage all of the information relevant to the goals of the organization. Therefore, all items, valuable artifacts such as badge, medal, cup, celebration, flag, achievement, flag, souvenir ...or all information relevant to the objectives of the organization: merit, certificate, slogan, logo, photo, anniversary, ... are to be considered as resources to manage stored as text, as a basis for the digitization of electronic documents.
  • In this case, the development of technology and especially cloud computing need to be weighed and avail a maximum.

2. Choose form information in the management process document

  • The material after being digitized should be determined form information. Can be paper documents, documents, photos, sounds, ...
  • Many materials can be formatted in the file structure is different. However, to ensure consistency and convenience when put into the system database, then the best way is to convert about the same structure general format.
  • Structural worded information. With respect to the document as the form, the expression is usually to ensure a sufficient amount of information, ensure the legality, accountability, privacy or ensure convey the message effectively. For electronic documents, the structure worded information as there are rules, then digitized and stored as favorable.
  • Language and terminology is a significant problem in need of attention. If the unit does not first language of different countries, as well as professional terminology will cause difficulties for the process of digitizing, storing and processing information.

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3. Find ways to collect information in the management process document

The received information is divided into information collection, online or offline. With these materials not yet digitized will be digitized to for the electronic data. With the information that has been digitized, then there must be a way of delivery of physical documents were digitized. Form of delivery online is usually preferred over in this step.

4. Recorded documents

The recorded material is now often be done according to the method of encryption. The coding will be done in a scientific manner according to the principle of building the library system. The display method, the code documents can is the set of pure or combination between letters and numbers. It can also be displayed as a barcode or code form multiple layers. In the case of electronic documents, the document will be recognized through the display medium or a means of confirming that.

5. Document distribution process management

The factors related to the distribution of material in the process of document management can be listed as: Who decided to change subjects related media exchange news, information flow, information security. Today the majority of people often use the form of electronic distribution is more distributed documents in physical form due to the rapid and higher security.

6. Document storage

  • The method of document storage in the unit, most are still handmade nature makes for the search, information extraction more difficult and time-consuming. Therefore, the encoded data information, then pushed to the database general are more encouraged to improve the quality of work.
  • Store electronic documents shall have a process to periodically copy back to avoid the error arising. At the same time the file format should also be transformed to suit the application program developed after this.
  • Elements of information security also need to be concerned in the process of document management in general and the process of storing particular. Solutions, advice, harness for security, safety is needed but pay attention that must change, new technology updates, because the field is always chase circle between crooks and protected. Choose how data is stored securely to ensure the business data is not stolen.

Giải pháp quản lý hồ sơ – tài liệu LV SureDMS chuyên nghiệp

Support the organization of goods 100% record storage

  • Allows to create a new storage profile with full information according to standard Dublin core.
  • Cho phép lưu trữ nhiều loại định dạng (văn bản, hình ảnh, video, tệp âm thanh,…) theo nhu cầu công việc.
  • Supports manage both paper records and records digitization, information management, storage location, condition of your existing profile.
  • Integrated with devices of chemical profile that helps to digitize records in 1 mouse click.

Preserving the safety profile, adjustable, easy to

  • Organization data, multi-level: Stock the shelves and boxes of records according to the structure by individual organizational model.
  • Support organization storage warehouses in many different positions and decentralized management independently on each repository.
  • Technology integrated Barcode/ Qr code/ RFID to manage profiles and profile components.
  • Assist in the category profile filed hosted, pattern sheet contents of the profile in accordance with the standards of the Department of archives.

Exploit convenient use anytime, anywhere

  • Quickly view documents online without download.
  •  Có công cụ hỗ trợ: chỉnh sửa, xóa, di chuyển, sao chép, tải tài liệu, đánh dấu yêu thích,…
  • Allows search by keywords, document type, profile and search by content in the document.
  • Lets borrow/pay online profile through software or mobile application.
  • Integrated approval process a request to borrow online and automatically revoke access to records upon expiration borrow.

Management flexibility using intuitive tools

  • Status management, warehouse operators, document management loan – pay and policy loan payment.
  • Allows decentralized multiple levels and limit the rights of users to be granted access in order to control the approaches to the material according to density different.
  • Allows transfer data from excel file cataloging record storage into the system.
  • Integration with other systems to unified storage profile focus 1 place.

7. Edit document management procedures

The steps to follow here is:

  • Fault detection, verification of information need to edit;
  • Make the change; Recorded guaranteed principles of management, legal;
  • The report, notify the relevant objects.

quy trình quản lý hồ sơ tài liệu

8. Exploitation and use of material

  • The storage organization science, logical, will determine the quality of the exploitation and use of materials.
  • Search is the first thing to do to re-use material in the process of document management.
  • How to find the document, first of all based on the principles of coding.
  • With electronic documents, there are other tools such as: search from the semantic to the image; right word to approximate, to infer; from there to the comparison, a reference to the stock, antagonistic; from single to multi, to gather related.
  • Search for documents on the physical space will be much more difficult, but information technology also can locate and help be a part.
  • In addition, the distribution rights for objects to use also is very keen to ensure confidentiality for information documents.

9. Allocate human resources in the management process document

  • Administrative work, clerical, storage is not considered important. They only know the value of it for the work ahead, without thinking about the historical value of these types of documents formed in the operation of agencies and organizations. Many people do this work not properly trained profession. The majority of follow routines, according to the experience of people go ahead, according to regulations and the direction of bureaucratic superiors.
  • The progress of the transfer of electronic documents, using software, document management, it, human resources, there are also the disadvantages. It comes to electronics, the unit commonly used techniques in information technology. The technique is normally very confident in his craft into a contempt of service of others. Organizational skills pairing between technical and business has not tight.

10. Environmental compliance legal

  • The state has issued many regulations, administrative work, office, process work about the office go to the office store. With the trend of electronic document, then the regulations should continue to be additional updates. Can't mandatory rules or no rules too wide, exceeding the need of state management, but should also have the instructions to increase the effective information of the document. The instructions in electronic information as necessary to achieve the effect of consistency.
  • Electronic documents that are related to technology. So standardization is very important. Standardization is a process, document management, from research to dissemination and organization to apply stars for updates to the evolution of science and technology. Ministry of Science and technology has been in and out regulations on the use of code English in electronic documents; training System related to this problem with the training course under many different forms, but the popularity of it, even with those who need to know are also limited. Besides training system, also need a system lookup, effective instruction is based on information technology.

Can say process management documents is one of the business process should be business focused setting, especially in the implementation phase transition to digital business as it is now. Find out about the software document management and software build process to digitize comprehensive the operate the business to digital platforms.


Picture of Hồ Hiếu
Ho Hieu
Over 12 years of experience on business and management business and is a consultant on business management exposure over 300 CEO, CIO, CFO,...Read more >>>
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