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5 reasons you should invest in management systems, business as soon as possible

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Management system business singly, scattered data, and workflow, and lack of connection are the main reasons why businesses operating less smoothly, but still cost the costs. By lean management system from the manufacturing operations, finance and accounting, hr to customer strategy – marketing on 1 comprehensive system, businesses can improve the efficiency of management, potential competition and towards sustainable development.

In the article below Lac Viet Computing will provide business 5 reasons you should invest in management platform and comprehensive manner deployed most effectively.

1. First of all, let's learn an overview of this management system

Management system business is the set of rules, process, tool, mechanism is set to run, control and optimize all activities of the business. Support system-level leaders, implementing the strategies, policies, rules, guidelines, process management, business, and procedures.

No longer faced with anxiety management, discrete, teen, affiliate system, business administration, will help strengthen the effectiveness of all mining, implement the plan, operate the business and business strategy.

Hệ thống quản lý doanh nghiệp là gì
Management system, help operator control and optimize all activities of the business

2. 5 reasons you should invest in management systems, business

Management system business brings many advantages developed in the stitching operation.

Here are 5 compelling reasons businesses should invest as soon as possible:

  1. Standardized work processes, the optimal cost
  2. Increase in the effective coordination between the parts
  3. System operation on 1 platform
  4. Forecast, accurate decisions based on data
  5. Strengthen the strength of competition in the market

2.1 Standardized work processes, the optimal cost

Management platform business modern standardized process seamless, fused through the removal of the work-flow repeated, limiting the maximum operation information transfer crafts. Meanwhile, all staff are easily accessible data and connect to source of information, the “brain” in other departments to complete the task.

Typical, when the application system process management operation LV-DX Dynamic Workflow, enterprises can standardize and digitize all processes, related information into ecosystem can manage, measure and coordination. Operating system related information, multi-departments from Finance, accounting, business, Personnel, Administrative personnel, etc. on 1 single platform, non-point congestion – no standby status – do not duplicate work.

hệ thống quản lý doanh nghiệp
Standardize and digitize all processes, related information into ecosystem

Thanks to that, improved business activity manufacturing business daily, optimal operating costs and personnel.

2.2 increase in the effective coordination between the parts

If a business has ways of working singly, scattered data, the information cannot be transferred in a seamless way, exactly. This increases the waiting time and direct influence on the coordination between the departments

With management system, comprehensive enterprise, businesses can link the process, create processes, branching, multi-threaded, multi-departments. In addition, the LV-DX Dynamic Workflow also have functions to set conditions of transfer steps, delivered at the next stage when the previous mission has been completed. Whether in the branch or location, our staff can also maintain communication and coordinate the processing of the instant.

2.3 system operation on 1 platform

Follow report of Slackstaff said the excessive use of tools/applications to manage work led to the distraction and decreased ability to concentrate. No need to switch between many different software, all necessary information is concentrated in one system to help enterprises to manage, monitor and adjust.

In addition, when data are consistent focus on a platform, the departments can share information and collaborate anytime, anywhere. 

hệ thống quản lý doanh nghiệp
Unified storage and management of the operating system on 1 platform

2.4 Forecast, accurate decisions based on data

Management system of modern enterprise integrated analysis tools powerful data to help businesses, trend forecasting, decision accurately and timely. Instead of relying on sentiment, managers can base on the real data synthesis report real-time about the number of customers, number of items sold or the stage, high score, put off important decisions. 

Outstanding mentioned management system business LV-DX integration tools Chatbot AI smart support synthetic data, lookup, analyze, and give accurate assessment. Chatbot to answer any queries in real time right in functional statistics report helps to Leadership take out the strategy developed in accordance, from the planning stage, reserve inventory until financial strategy to customer service,...

hệ thống quản lý doanh nghiệp
Take out the accurate analysis based on data thanks to the support of Chatbot AI

2.5 enhance competitive strength in the market

Instead of promotion at a standstill with workflow craft cumbersome data scattered in multiple software platforms individually made for the coordination of the departments becomes difficult management system, business all-in-one help businesses connect multiple departments, processes operate smoothly. 

Besides, through the streamlined work processes, enterprises can optimize the customer experience and improve employee performance. From the premise to maintain the operation process is stable and raise potential competition in the market.

3. The main features of the system, business management

3.1 operational Management

Management platform gives businesses all the tools needed to digitize and automate workflow, creating a more seamless in the stage expert traffic news, work between departments such as Finance, accounting, Management, production, Marketing, Retail, administrative, Personnel, etc.

In particular, the system process management commissioning of LV-DX also provides the definition form input to store the information of each process by departments, or by each stage of job specific. Or link the processes, create a process branching, multi-threading, automatic switch to process resumed when finishing the process first.

3.2 Manage personnel

Next operation management management system business, also support solved the problem about the hiring manager, hr, timekeeping, payroll, evaluation capacity,...correctly and quickly. Formation process manager employees comprehensive, seamless: attract – integration – maintenance – Planning – development – employment.

hệ thống quản lý doanh nghiệp
Roadmap business management professional

All hr processes with complex source data are managed on 1 single platform. With the support of Chatbot AI, administrators can even perform data analysis, predict trends, needs of employees, thereby making the retention policy and human resources development.

3.3 customer Management

The system also has the ability to management, customer experience, CRM, comprehensive breakthrough revenue growth with the optimal cost, thanks to the closely linked with the business operations and marketing. 

For the system LV-DX CRM, Vietnam focused on building experience buyers thanks to the sales process consistency and transparency, automate business processes.
The other highlight features:

  • Link with marketing activities, automatically deploy and collect customer information from marketing activities.
  • Approach, communicate and interact with customers in an effective way.
  • Customer management (CRM) and predict future demand, allowing for service department customers to interact with the customer as quickly as.
hệ thống quản lý doanh nghiệp
Management potential customers with the CRM

3.4 experience Management staff

In addition to home care, quality improvement, work, business number, then management system business also has the ability to connect employees in the digital space, creating a culture of knowledge, creating working environment, ideal, engage and retain employees.

Typical systems such as the LV-EXP focused on exploiting the features that help enhance the experience, staff, making every moment in business all become more meaningful, promote work motivation.

With the integrated tool features a versatile fit with the real needs of each object such as space communication – collaboration of recognized – honored, Welfare, flexible, Honor talents, listen and continuous improvement.

hệ thống quản trị doanh nghiệp
The system helps enhance the experience and motivation of employees

4. How to implement build systems business management

Building management system business is a complex process and requires the involvement of many departments within the organization.

Here are 5 detailed steps to set up a management system, comprehensive:

hệ thống quản trị doanh nghiệp
Process, building management system, business standard

4.1 Selection of suppliers

To choose home provides reliable, this requires the business to have thorough research on different units on the market, assess the credibility, experience and the project was done. 

A good provider not only brings quality software, but also provides good support services throughout the deployment process and after the system goes into operation. 

Please give priority to suppliers who can supply customized solution tailored to the specific needs of your business and have a team of customer support professionals ready to solve technical issues as needed.

4.2 analysis of existing processes

A management system business be assessed as fit as can solve all the difficulties backlog and “dovetail” with the process of making the corporate culture. 

The thorough analysis of the current situation, strengths and limitations to help businesses plan to deploy more efficient. At this stage, the need for detailed assessment of the organizational structure business and the function of important activities such as Finance, accounting, Marketing – sales, executive Management, human resources Management.

hệ thống quản trị doanh nghiệp
Reviews the difficult backlog and workflow, culture and business

4.3 Install and configure the system

This is an important process, which requires close collaboration between business and suppliers to ensure that the system is set up properly, in accordance with the needs of the business. 

This process usually consists of setting up the workflow, assign access rights for each department, and configure specific features on demand. It should be noted that, in this stage, the inspection system is often necessary to ensure that all the functions operate stable before deploying the official series.

4.4 user Training

A management system business, though modern where also not be effective if the user does not know how to use and harness the features. 

The business should ask the supplier to support the program comprehensive training for staff to become familiar with the system, from basic functionality to advanced features. 

The training process not only focuses on the use of the system but also guide how to exploit the features to enhance job performance.

nền tảng quản lý doanh nghiệp
Training staff to use the system and ktwo of the most extensive features

4.5 operation and maintenance

After applying the system on the model operating practices, businesses need to monitor closely to ensure that all subsystems are stable operation and no error occurs.

To make sure the system works well and not cause disruptions to the progress of work, businesses need to have a plan for periodic maintenance, including activities such as software updates, backup data, check system performance, fix the bugs.

5. Selection criteria are the system administrator business suit

5.1 review of features

Because each management system, the business will have strengths in other modules, so businesses need to thoroughly evaluate the feature can fully meet the current needs or not. For example, for the production enterprises should focus on the system have full features of process management, production management, inventory management and sales,...

nền tảng quản trị doanh nghiệp toàn diện
Thorough reviews of feature can fully meet the current needs or not

Priority selection of the software interface is easy to use to all members in the organization can access and manipulate. 

In addition, scalability in terms of features, the user use and customize, flexible interface, form,... also very necessary to be able to “tailor” the system in accordance with business processes peculiarities of the business.

5.2 integration Capabilities

A system of good corporate governance must be flexible enough to connect with the tools and software available. Because this feature will help businesses harness the data source quickly and ensure transparency in the work flow.

Besides, please choose a system support multi-language and multi-currency to be able to operate flexibly in many business environment different.

5.3 system Cost

The business is still often encountered the situation of deployment costs exceed the original. To control the cost exactly, please list the investments need to spend phased deployment management system business. For example:

  • Initial costs such as software, installation, training,...
  • Operating costs every year is how much?
  • Have the service pack support comes free or not?
Xây dựng hệ thống quản lý tổ chức
List of investments need to spend in each stage

5.4 security security

Security is a prerequisite for the system of corporate governance because it contains the information, important data about customers, personnel, finance, business cash flow. Consider the platform features the authorization/access control, encryption when used on different devices and have the security certificate according to the international.

The construction of management system business there will be no general formula for any organization. However, there is a general requirement that is moved form of governance traditional crafts to automation. LV-DX confidence is one of the solution set management, comprehensive to meet all the needs of the business in the conversion number.


Picture of Hồ Hiếu
Ho Hieu
Over 12 years of experience on business and management business and is a consultant on business management exposure over 300 CEO, CIO, CFO,...Read more >>>
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