Lạc Việt đồng hành cùng tỉnh phú yên trong chuyển đổi số ngành giáo dục

Lac Viet accompanies Phu Yen province in digitally transforming the education sector

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Attending the conference were comrade Bui Thanh Toan, Member of the Standing Committee, Head of the Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Committee, Deputy Head of the Provincial Digital Transformation Steering Committee; leaders of the Department of Education and Training, the Department of Information and Communications and a number of related departments, branches and units; Representatives of companies and businesses providing digital services; leaders of schools in the province.

Lạc Việt đồng hành cùng tỉnh phú yên trong chuyển đổi số ngành giáo dục

1. Objectives of the workshop

At the conference, educational managers, educational experts, and technology experts presented presentations on: results, orientations for implementing IT applications and digital transformation of the education sector; applying information technology in managing teachers' teaching activities in schools; digital transformation in management and non-cash payments; vnEdu-IOC education operating center; Tuition payment solutions for schools; overall information management platform for the education industry... Representatives of companies and businesses providing digital services displayed online teaching equipment, software, and interactive classrooms.

Lạc Việt đồng hành cùng tỉnh phú yên trong chuyển đổi số ngành giáo dục

Lạc Việt đồng hành cùng tỉnh phú yên trong chuyển đổi số ngành giáo dục

Lạc Việt đồng hành cùng tỉnh phú yên trong chuyển đổi số ngành giáo dục

2. Applying technology to education and training in Lac Viet's way

On this occasion, Lac Viet Computing also introduced 2 flagship product, has been widely applied in schools with diverse scale and at the training procedures of the business in Vietnam:

  •  Lac Viet ELearning Online Training Software - "High quality human resource and talent training solution according to international standards."
  •  Lac Viet Vebrary Library Management Software – “One destination for all” with the goal that everyone can easily access library resources through the library portal.


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Over 12 years of experience on business and management business and is a consultant on business management exposure over 300 CEO, CIO, CFO,...Read more >>>


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