Lạc Việt - Phú Hưng Life: Đồng hành cùng phát triển

Lac Viet - Phu Hung Life: Companion in development.

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The year 2020 marks the first stage of the journey, the companions of company shares Information, Lac Viet (Vietnam) and jsc life insurance Phu my Hung (Phu Hung Life). Far from it, Lac Viet Computing has successfully implemented software hr management Lac Viet sureHCS for your partner, Phu Hung Life. This is seen as a bridge between Vietnam and one of the security company leading in Vietnam – Phu Hung Life.

1. Some details about Phu Hung Life

Although only established in 2013, Phu Hung Life has become a famous name in the life insurance market in Vietnam. With the mission of becoming a reliable companion of every Vietnamese family, Phu Hung Life always puts customers' interests first and provides quality and diverse insurance services. This has helped Phu Hung Life develop quickly and expand strongly.

Công ty Bảo Hiểm Phú Hưng Life
Phu Hung Life Insurance Company

With 60 sales offices present throughout the territory to ensure the best companionship, support and support for customers in all regions of the country. Phu Hung Life has become a trusted name when it comes to life insurance in Vietnam.

2. The need for a comprehensive human resources management software

With the development and increase in the number of sales offices nationwide, Phu Hung Life's difficulties gradually became clear that the company needed an effective human resource management solution, helping to optimize the human resource apparatus. to increase work productivity and eliminate cumbersome and costly processes.

After the process of surveying and consulting on human resource software solutions, Lac Viet was fortunate to become the name chosen to successfully deploy "Lac Viet sureHCS Human Resource Management Software" and entered operate.

3. Evaluate effectiveness after implementing Lac Viet sureHCS human resource & talent management software

Thanks to owning a complete human resources management system, the productivity and efficiency of the human resources apparatus have also improved significantly compared to previous times. All human resource processes are professionally systemized, and human resource administrative operations are also performed more easily and effectively.

Gia tăng trải nghiệm tuyệt vời và trọn vẹn vòng đời của nhân viên với LV sureHCS
Increase great employee experiences and complete employee lifecycles with LV sureHCS

In particular, with the Human Resources Management Software System and Employee Information Portal (HRIS portal), Phu Hung Life employees can easily perform online human resources services conveniently and quickly.

Cổng thông tin nhân viên Lạc Việt sureHCS (HRIS portal)
Lac Viet sureHCS employee portal (HRIS portal)

Appreciating the professional and enthusiastic working attitude of the system implementation team and system maintenance and operation team at Lac Viet, Phu Hung Life hopes that in the near future, along with the development and popularity of With the transformation of digital technology, the Lac Viet sureHCS Resource Management Software system will take new steps and modernize the system to help processes and human resource management on the system become more and more effective.

4. Information about Lac Viet sureHCS Human Resource Management Software

Established in 1994 and trusted by many large and small businesses in Vietnam. To date, Lac Viet sureHCS has provided this solution to more than 500 customers and successfully deployed more than 1,000 projects on large and small scales. Lac Viet sureHCS was also honored to be named in the 2013 Sao Khue Award and many other valuable awards.

LV sureHCS: Một điểm chạm cho mọi dịch vụ nhân sự
LV sureHCS: One touch point for all HR services

Always remember the mission "Digital transformation is beneficial for everyone and every organization". Lac Viet sureHCS has helped transform traditional human resources processes that are cumbersome and ineffective, bringing satisfying experiences to employees during their journey at the Enterprise. You may be surprised that Lac Viet sureHCS helps increase "Talent Attraction & Retention Rate" up to 40%!

In particular, Lac Viet sureHCS is a product that meets the requirements of businesses with flexible features, ease of use and meets the needs of different types of businesses.


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