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Circular 02 2019 TT BNV regulatory standards data information

Table of contents article

Circular 02 2019 TT BNV it marked a significant step in improving the management efficiency of state administration in Vietnam. With the detailed rules, in particular circular this to help standardize work processes, creating a legal basis firmly to the agencies and organizations in the deployment/implementation of the tasks of state management. In this article Lac Viet Computing and readers will find out more about the main content of circular 02/2019/TT-BNV.

---Number: 02/2019/TT-BNV
Independence – freedom – happiness
-----Hanoi, march 24 01 2019


Pursuant to the Law archive April 11, July 11, 2011;

Decree no. 34/2017/ND-CP dated 03 January 4, 2017 of The government defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of the Ministry of Internal affairs;

Decree no. 01/2013/ND-CP dated 03 October 01, 2013 of The government detailing the implementation of some articles of the Law on archives;

Pursuant to the Decision no. 28/2018/QD-TTg dated 12 July 7 2018 by The Prime minister on the send and receive electronic documents between the bodies in the system of state administration;

According to the proposal of the director of the national archives and the state archives;

The minister of Interior issued a circular on standard data input information and requires the preservation of documents stored electronically.


Article 1. Adjustment range

Circular 02 2019 TT BNV specified standard data input information and require preservation of archives, electronic data specification of the storage material (hereinafter referred to as database storage material) formed during the operation of the agency, the organization.

Article 2. Applicable objects

  1. This circular apply to the state agency, state enterprise under the provisions of the Enterprise Act, 2014 (hereinafter referred to as agencies, organizations).
  2. Encourage the agencies, organizations and not under Clause 1 of this Article and personal application of the provisions in this circular.

Article 3. Interpretation of terms

In circular 02 2019 TT BNV, the terms below are construed as follows:

  1. Database archives is a collection of data including documents, electronic storage, and data specification of the storage material is arranged through electronic means to access, exploitation, management and updates.
  2. Management system materials of electronic storage is system, computerize business processes on the host, including the collection, preservation and use of archives.
  3. Incident information is system information in the process of activity that occurs the unusual circumstances such as damaged, not in normal operation; data, software, change, edit, delete, copy, unauthorized access by illegal software; contains malicious code, contains spyware,... or user-made has not the right process.
  4. Storage media are physical devices used to store the database document storage software (including hard drive, memory cards, magnetic tape, optical disk,...).
  5. Backup is creating the copy database document storage software.
  6. Convert storage media is backing up database document storage software from the storage media to storage media independently of the other.
  7. The method of incremental backup is backing up all the information may change or update the backup nearest previous.
  8. Method full backup is backing up all the information is selected, do not depend on the time of storage and the backup times before that.
  9. Document storage, digitization is electronic document is created from the digitized completeness, accuracy, content of document storage and is digitally signed by the agency, organization, document management, storage digitized.

thông tư 02 2019 tt bnv


Article 4. Design principles, data structures, input information

  1. Ensure consistency with standard input information of the management System, electronic document of the agency or organization.
  2. In accordance with the national technical standards of the structure identifier and format data packet service connect the system management text and operating circular no. 10/2016/TT-BTTTT on 01 October 4, 2016, and technical standards on the application of information technology in state agencies specified in circular no. 39/2017/TT-BTTTT on 15 January 12 2017 by The minister of information and Communications.
  3. Ensure the exchange of data between Systems, document management, electronic storage of archive history with management System electronic document of storage organs.

Article 5. Requires cataloguing data content specification of document storage

  1. Cataloguing data content specification to ensure succinct, clear means for content material need description.
  2. In the case of attribute content has many different values, then distinguish the attribute content by a semicolon (;).
  3. Agencies and organizations are responsible for updates, additional content data specification of the archives can change.

Article 6. Standard data input information of database archives

  1. Materials of electronic storage, is digitized from document storage paper background
  2. a) The Portable Document Format (.pdf) version 1.4 and above;
  3. b) color Image;
  4. c) minimum resolution: 200 dpi;
  5. d) the Ratio of goods: 100%;

e) form the digital signature of agency organization, management, document storage, digitization

– Location: upper right, the first page of the document;

– Photo: Mark of the agency, organization, red, size the actual size of stamp format, Portable Network Graphics (.png);

– Information: Name of agency organization, time signing (day, month, year; hours, minutes, seconds; the time zone in Vietnam according to ISO 8601).

  1. e) file Name: include profile code and the order number in text record, separated by dots.
  2. Photo documentation
  3. a) format: JPEG;
  4. b) minimum resolution: 200 dpi.
  5. Documentary film
  6. a) format: MPEG-4, .avi, .wmv;
  7. b) Bit rate minimum: 1500 kbps.
  8. Audio material
  9. a) format: MP3, .wma;
  10. b) Bit rate minimum: 128 kbps.
  11. Data input information of database storage material formed from the management System, electronic document of the agencies, organizations and deposited in the historical archive is packed by standard techniques on the application of information technology in state agencies specified in circular no. 39/2017/TT-BTTTT on 15 January 12 2017 by The minister of information and Communications.
  12. Data specification of archive material specified in appendix I of the circular 02 2019 TT BNV.
  13. Cataloging, content updates data specification of archive material specified in annex II of this circular.


Article 7. Principle

  1. Secured data base stored documents to be preserved, safety, authentication, security on the storage media.
  2. Guaranteed the ability to access, manage, search, update, database archives.

Article 8. Requirements

  1. Do not save the database stored documents contain information belonging to the scope of state secrets on the device connected to the Internet network, computer network, telecommunication networks.
  2. No shipping purposes use the saved device database stored documents contain information belonging to the scope of state secrets when not removed thoroughly database archives.
  3. Database storage material must be backed up at least 02 sets, each on 01 storage media independently. Backing to ensure full, accurate, timely, secure.
  4. Ensure consistency check process, backup, data recovery.
  5. Person assigned to manage database archives of agencies and organizations are responsible for inspection, maintenance, backup, recovery.

Article 9. Check the database documentation storage

  1. Time check: periodically every year.
  2. Test procedures specified in annex III circular 02 2019 TT BNV.
  3. Inspection specified in annex IV of this circular.

Article 10. Backup software and database document store

  1. Duration and method of backup
  2. a) base document data storage to backup daily by the method of incremental backup, the first day of every month to backup according to the method of full backup.
  3. b) conversion storage media

Database document storage software to convert media storage 03 years/01 times according to the method of full backup; Data specification of document storage is backed up and stored with file format XML (eXtensible Markup Language).

  1. Process backup specified in annex V of this circular.
  2. Diary backup specified in appendix VI of this circular.
  3. Bien backup specified in annex VII circular 02 2019 TT BNV.

Article 11. Restore database document store

  1. The process and content recovery database stored documents specified in appendix VIII of this circular.
  2. Minutes recovery database stored documents specified in appendix IX of this circular.

Article 12. Ensuring secure database storage material

  1. Database archives are guaranteed safety information according to the level specified in Decree no. 85/2016/ND-CP dated 01 October 7, 2016 of The government and circular no. 03/2017/TT-BTTTT 24 January, 4 2017 by The minister of information and Communications.
  2. The destruction of equipment, storage media database archive material to ensure information security level is specified.
  3. Do not bring equipment, storage media database archive material out of storage organs, historical archives, is not the consent of the competent person.

thông tư 02 2019 tt bnv

Chapter IV: implementation provisions

Article 13. Effect

Circular 02 2019 TT BNV have effect from 10 January 3 2019.

Article 14. Organization and implementation

  1. Ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, heads of governmental agencies, the chairman of people's Committee of provinces and cities directly under the Central government and agencies, relevant organizations responsible for implementation of circular 02 2019 TT BNV.
  2. In the process of implementation, if there are concerns suggest the agencies, organizations and individuals to reflect on the Ministry of the Interior to study, modify and supplement accordingly./.
Where to get:
– Secretariat of the Party central committee;
– Office of the National assembly;
– Office of the president;
– The Ministries, ministerial-level agencies, agencies attached to CP;
– People's procuracy, the supreme;
– Court of the supreme people;
– The state audit;
– The economist group, the state corporation;
– Agency TW of the unions;
– People's COUNCIL, people's COMMITTEE of provinces and cities directly under TW;
– Department of the Interior provinces and cities directly under the TW;
– Ministry of Internal affairs: minister, the deputy minister;
– National archives and state archives (20b);
– Department of examination of documents of legal documents (Ministry of justice);
– The notice;
– Electronic portal of the Ministry of Internal affairs;
– Electronic portal of the national archives and the state archives;
– Luu: VT, PC.

nội dung chính của Thông tư 02/2019/TT-BNV


(Circular 02 2019 TT BNV date 24 months 01 year of The minister of Internal affairs)

  1. Data specification of fonts/works/archive collection
STTSchool informationName

(English abbreviation)

Data typeLength
1Code archiveIdentifierString13
2Code font/works/archive collectionOrganldString13
3Font name/works/archive collectionFondNameString200
4The historical units form fontsFondHistoryLongText
5Duration materialArchivesTimeString30
6The total number of paper documentsPaperTotalNumber10
7The number of paper documents were digitizedPaperDigitalNumber10
8The group documents mainlyKeyGroupsString300
9The type of material otherOtherTypesString300
11Lookup toolLookupToolsString50
12The number of pages the document has set of star insuranceCopyNumberNumber10
  1. Specification data of record storage
STTSchool informationName

(English abbreviation)

Data typeLength
1Profile codeFileCode
1.1Code storage organ historyIdentifierString13
1.2Code font/works/archive collectionOrganldString13
1.3Index number or years of recordFileCatalogNumber10
1.4Numbers and symbols profileFileNotationString20
2Title recordsTitleString1000
3Preservation periodMaintenanceString100
4Mode of useRightsString30
6Start timeStartDateDateDD/MM/YYYY
7End timeEndDateDateDD/MM/YYYY
8Total number of texts in the profileTotalDocNumber10
10Information signInforSignString30
12Number of sheetsMaintenanceNumber10
13Number of pagesPageNumberNumber10
14Physical stateFormatString50

3. Specification data of the text

STTSchool informationName

(English abbreviation)

Data typeLength
1The identifier textDocCodeString25
2Profile codeFileCode
2.1Code storage organ historyIdentifierString13
2.2Code font/works/archive collectionOrganldString13
2.3Index number or years of recordFileCatalogNumber4
2.4Numbers and symbols profileFileNotationString20
3Order number text in the profileDocOrdinalNumber4
4Name type textTypeNameString100
5Number of textCodeNumberString11
6Notation of the textCodeNotationString30
7Day, month and year textIssuedDateDateDD/MM/YYYY
8The names of agencies and organizations issued textOrganNameString200
9The extracted contentSubjectString500
11The number of pages of textPageAmountNumber4
13Information signInforSignString30
15Mode of useModeString20
16Confidence levelConfidenceLevelString30
18Physical stateFormatString50

 4. Data specification of material film (negatives)/photo

STTSchool informationName

(English abbreviation)

Data typeLength
1Code archiveIdentifierString13
2Number of storageArchivesNumberString50
3Information signInforSignString30
4Event nameEventNameString500
5Movie title/photoImageTitleString500
8Shooting locationsPhotoPlaceString300
9Shooting timePhotoTimeDateDD/MM/YYYY
12Documentation includedDocAttachedString300
13Mode of useModeString20
14Physical stateFormatString50

 5. Data specification of documents, movies, audio (video recorder, sound recorder)

STTSchool informationName

(English abbreviation)

Data typeLength
1Code archiveIdentifierString13
2Number of storageArchivesNumberString50
3Information signInforSignString30
4Event nameEventNameString500
5Title film/audioMovieTitleString500
12Documentation includedDocAttachedString300
13Mode of useModeString20
15Physical stateFormatString50

dữ liệu đặc tả của tài liệu lưu trữ


(Circular 02 2019 TT BNV 24 January 01 2019 of The minister of Internal affairs)

  2. With respect to the information in the form of numbers, then use the Arabic numerals.
  3. For information is time, the day, month and use 2-digit year, use 4 digits; the day, month and year separated by “ / ” sign (for example: 03/01/2008).
  4. The identifier of the agency or organization specified in circular no. 10/2016/TT-BTTTT on 01 October 4, 2016 by The minister of information and Communications issued technical regulations, national structural code identifier and data format packet service connect the system management text and the executive.
  5. The identifier specified text in Decision no. 28/2018/QD-TTg dated 12 July 7 2018 by The Prime minister on the send and receive electronic documents between the bodies in the system of state administration.
  7. Code storage organ: Is the identifier of the archive history. The identifier of the agency, the organization is default in the System.
  8. Code font/works/archive collection: For the font, close up, scored according to the number in The list fonts by historical archives to determine. With respect to fonts, open, record the identifier of the agency, the organization formed the font (the identifier of the agency, organization, cataloging record); code works, collections storage of agencies and organizations identified.
  9. Font name/projects/gallery archive: fully Recorded and the exact name of the font/works/archive collection.
  10. History unit formed font: brief description of the process of formation and operation of the unit formed font.
  11. Duration documents: Record year texts are early and late in the font, in first year and final year separated by the sign “-“.

For example: 1946-1975.

  1. The total number of paper documents: Record the total number of meters price paper material of the font.
  2. The number of paper documents've digitized: Record the number of pages of paper documents has digitization of the font.
  3. The group documents mainly: Record group name, material and time of each document in the font under the scheme document classification of the font.

For example: Font Ministry of health of the period 1945-1995, including the group of documents as follows:

a) material synthetic(1948-1995)
b) documents on organization and personnel – wage labor(1945-1995)
c) documentation of training(1946-1994)
d) document about science and technology(1955-1994)
e) documentation of international cooperation(1952-1995)
e) documentation of work financial services(1947-1995)
g) documentation of your devices and basic building(1954-1990)
h) documentation of disease prevention and treatment(1947-1995)
i) documentation of the ethnic medicine(1949-1995)
k) document about the pharmacy main(1949-1994)
  1. The type of material other: cases in the font are the type of other material such as movies, pictures, audio recordings, video recordings, electronic document, then specify and the enclosed quantity. Unit number according to the specified mode statistics report industry Interior in circular no. 03/2018/TT-BNV on 06 January 3 2018 of The minister of Internal affairs.
  2. Language: If in the font only English, then leave blank, if at the same time there are both English and another language, recorded all languages, between the languages separated by commas and arranged in alphabetical order.

For example: English, Russian, French, Vietnamese.

  1. Lookup tool: Record lookup tool's existing fonts (list instructions, catalog, card sets, databases).
  2. Record the number of pages the document has set of star insurance.
  3. Notes: make the other necessary information of the font that has shown in the upper part.


  1. Profile code
  2. a) For storage agency

Profile code include: the identifier of the agency, organization, formation of font, Years of record Number, and sign the record.

Years of record, numbers and symbols profile is determined according to The catalog record. The components of the profile code is delimited by dots.

For example: 000.00.00.G09.2010.01.TH is Code of profile no. 01 group of Synthetic, 2010, the Ministry of Internal affairs.

In which: 000.00.00.G09 is the identifier of the Ministry of Internal affairs, 2010 is the year of formation records, 01.TH is number and sign the record.

  1. b) with Respect to the historical archive

– Case font close: profile Code, including: the identifier of the agency hosting Code, backdrops/projects/gallery archive, Catalog number, record number. The components of the profile code is delimited by dots.

For example: 000.04.16.G09.003.01.30 is the Code of a record number of 30 under catalog number 1 font number 3 is preserved at the centre national archives III.

In which: 000.04.16.G09 is the identifier of the centre national archives III, 003 is the code font, 01 is the record number 30 is record number.

– Case font open: profile Code description as for the storage organs.

  1. Header record: Record full profile headlines.
  2. Shelf life: Recording time limit preservation have been identified for the record: “permanent”, or the time limit is calculated by the specific year.
  3. Mode of use: Recording “restriction” if the document belongs profile is determined on the list of limited use. If not subject it to the drum.
  4. Languages: description, such as Item 10 Part II.
  5. Start time: Record the time the earliest of the documents contained in the record.
  6. End time: Recording time later most of the material contained in the profile

For example: In profile approval of The project “center for information Agriculture” of the Ministry of Agriculture funded by FAO, 1985 have documented as early as day 10/04/1985 and as late as 22/05/1985, then enter: start Time: 10/04/1985; end Time: 22/05/1985.

  1. The total number of documents in the record: Record the total number of documents in the record.
  2. Note: aim To shed additional light on the content, text, name text type, the origin of the text, information carriers and the time and venue the event that the header record has not reflected. Depending on the facts of each record which are annotated accordingly.
  3. a) explanatory Notes on content issues

– No note for the record titled as: program, plan, report on the work periodically.

– Just note records the title that profile reflecting also the generic or too general to shed light on content issues that material contained in the record reflect.

Example 1: “record union was held in 1975 by the Ministry of culture”.

In this case, the need to explanatory notes to the names of countries in chronological order of the group comes into the record as follows:

– The place: France, Poland, mongolia, Japan, Usa.

– Delegation in: French, English, Belgium.

Example 2: “The office of The Council of ministers allows a number of local services, remittances and delivery of the General department of Customs has the main responsibility in the inspection and control of overseas Vietnamese sent back in 1985”.

In this case, the explanatory note is: allows Hanoi and ho chi minh CITY. Ho Chi Minh user remittances buy medicines, buy materials produced and paid in Vietnamese Dong for families in the country.

Example 3: “report of the central province of Static on the situation of public order and security in 2 hamlet, Tan Yen and The Phuoc Wall Paint, Anh Son district, 1978”.

In this case, the explanatory note is: The work happening in area fellow christian.

  1. b) explanatory Note about the original name, category and author of text

– On the origin of the text: The root here is understood as the document in the record is the original, the main manuscript or copy of the text. Just note for the type of text as normative law and the text, other important cities are in the record is not in the original key.

– About the name text type: If in the profile there are many types of writing that title has not reflected all I need to note, but does not list the whole that just annotate the text type have important content or need special attention.

– About the author text: Just note about the author of the text important or particularly valuable, i.e. the individual or agencies and organizations to make out the text.

The note about the original name, category and author text is written adjacent to each other.

For example: “record of the negotiations for long-term loans, exchange of goods and payments from 1976 to 1981 between Vietnam and the gdr”.

Note: copy of a Letter by Prime minister Pham Van Dong.

  1. c) explanatory Note about the name

– If in the record refers to the individual important or special to note, it must glossary.

For example: “The office of the Ministry of Internal affairs (now the Ministry of Public security) on the bearing material science abroad years 1976-1978”.

In this case, the explanatory note is: proposals for Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Chau bring documents to the Soviet Union to do thesis Deputy Phd.

– If the individual carries many aliases, pseudonyms,... need to be unified take a common name for the alias, pen name of that person. The common name is note after the alias name and put in parentheses.

For example: English (Ho Chi Minh); Ceiling Power (Ho Chi Minh); warrior (Ho Chi Minh).

– If individuals hold leadership positions, academic degrees, academic titles, the title of The state room, then position, position, academic title, the title appears before them and name the individual.

For example: president Ho Chi Minh, Deputy Prime minister Le Thanh Nghi, professor Ton that Tung...

  1. d) Note on time events

The event time is the time the event takes place. A full glossary days, months and years. Case record last many days or many months, years, then, between days, months, years and days, months, years end separated by a dash (-). For example: 01/02/1970-12/01/1971.

e) explanatory Notes on event locations

– Event location is where the event takes place, note the order: social (ward)- district (district) – province (city).

– If the places where the event takes place today took place names, new names, address the new needs to be of the following place names old and put in parentheses. For example: Thang Long day this ancient change is Ha Noi, then in the glossary note: Thang Long (Ha Noi).

  1. e) explanatory Notes on the information carriers

Except for documents with information carriers is paper, also all the documents on which other news in the profile are necessary explanatory notes.

For example In the profile photo, then at the note record is: there is photo shooting who or what events are happening where, when and photos that are preserved now?

  1. Sign information (if any).
  2. Keywords: Write the words bring the focus information.
  3. Number of sheets: Record the total number of sheets of documents in the record.
  4. Number of pages: the total number of document pages to be in the record.
  5. Physical state: Only to record the physical condition of the material is damaged, document normally, to empty.
  6. TEXT
  7. The identifier text: Stored in the System when the text is created.
  8. Profile code: description as Category 1 Section III.
  9. Number of text order in profile: due to System updates.
  10. Name type text: Record name right type of text.
  11. Number of text: Record the number of text (if available).
  12. Sign text: Record notation of the text (if any).
  13. Day, month and year text: Record duration of documents.
  14. The names of agencies and organizations issued text:

– Record the names of agencies and organizations issued a text in the correct name is shown in the text. If text is inter so many agencies, shall record all the agencies issued, the name of each organ separated by a semicolon (;).

– For documents where the author's personal, then enter their name and position (if any) of that individual in the correct name and position is shown in text and documents.

  1. Extracted content: Recording properly extracted the contents of the text document. For text, the document does not have the extracted content is catalogers must read and summarize the contents of the text document.
  2. Languages: description, such as Item 10 Part II.
  3. The number of pages of text: Record the number of pages of text documents.
  4. Notes: Remember the other essential information about documents (if available).
  5. Sign information (if any).
  6. Keywords: Write the words bring the focus information.
  7. Manual mode: Record is “Restricted” or “unrestricted”
  8. Confidence level: Remember the “original” if the text document is the original or “copy” if the text document is the copy.
  9. Autographs: autographs is the signature approval, write comments, corrections... on the text. Just remember the pen work of these individuals held: president, chairman of the National assembly, General secretary of the communist Party of Vietnam, Prime minister, President and the equivalent positions. These individuals previously often held many other services, so please do not record position, record only their personal names. For example, Do Ten, Ton Duc Thang, Vo Van Kiet, case on document recording alias, then the alias record them and personal name and put in parentheses.

For example: Car (Pham Van Dong); Kidney (primary School)...

  1. Physical condition: described as Section 14 Part III.
  3. Code storage organ: description, such as Item 1, Part II.
  4. Digital storage:
  5. a) For material number formats: Record numbers, symbols storage device document film/photo; file name document film/photo;
  6. b) For material other formats: Record number of movies/photos in archive.
  7. Sign information (if any).
  8. Event name: name Record events such as congresses, conferences and visits.

For example: president Tran Duc Luong visit the district, Bac Son, Lang Son province, 27 February 9, 2003.

  1. Movie title/photo: Remember the name film/photo. If the film/camera has more character then scored according to the order: the order row, Monday (if available), title, and name the person in the picture/pictures in order from left to right.

For example: president Tran Duc Luong visiting comrades aging of revolution and war veterans Bac Son district.

From left to right: chairman of the people's COMMITTEE of Lang Son province Doan Ba Course (the Monday); president Tran Duc Luong (the Tuesday).

  1. Notes: explanatory Notes, add those information which title has not reflected all as the facts about the events of the film/image origin film/photo, video/photo awards in the country and abroad.
  2. Author: Burn them and the name of the author photograph.
  3. Shooting locations: Record place event occurs which the photo is taken in the order: social (ward/town), district (county, town, city, province), province (or city directly under the central government).
  4. Shooting time: Record the date, month and year in which that photo was taken.
  5. Color: specifies it is “Color” or “Black and white”.
  6. Mature/photos: Record size picture/image.
  7. Accompanying documents: Record the accompanying documentation, if any.
  8. Manual mode: Record is “Restricted” or “unrestricted”
  9. Physical condition: Record the physical condition of your video/photo like: normal; torn; matte; mold; stain, gold (for documents not in digital format).
  11. Code storage organ: description, such as Item 1, Part II.
  12. Digital storage:
  13. a) For material number formats: Record number of sign, storage devices, documents, movies, sound; name, document file, video, audio;
  14. b) For material other formats: Record number notation of the original tape; the sign of the ribbon stars.
  15. Sign information (if any).
  16. Event name: full Recording of the event name, the place and time that event occurs.

For example, The national congress fourth of the Labor Party of Vietnam held in Hanoi from October 14, October 12, 1976 to June 20, July 12, 1976.

  1. Movie titles, audio: Record according to the order type name, author, content and duration.
  2. Notes: Remember the content aims to shed light on events, content material or the other highlights to note.
  3. Author: Notes in the order the author (if not ignore): word; music; literature; writer; director; editor; film or audio recording.
  4. Location: Record location where the recording.
  5. Duration: full Recording of day, month and year.
  6. Language: Remember all the language used in the event.
  7. The: Remember the specific time of development of the document how many hours, minutes, seconds; between the numbers separated by a colon (:).

For example: 00:05:35; 01:12:58

  1. Accompanying documents: Record the accompanying documentation, if any.

For example: I removed the tape, photos, etc...

  1. Manual mode: Record is “Restricted” or “unrestricted”
  2. Quality: Recording the actual quality of the film sounds like: normal, dim; and cacophony; hiss, distortion; noise at the big time.
  3. Physical condition: Record the physical condition of the information carriers, such as: normal, kinky, twisted, matted, sticky; bubble layer from scratch; mold; off connector (for documents not in digital format).


(Circular 02 2019 TT BNV 24 January 01 2019 of The minister of Internal affairs)

  1. Flow chart process
  2. Detailed description process

Step 1. Specify the source database stored documents check

Person assigned to manage database archives of agencies and organizations to implement specify database storage material to conduct periodic inspections.

Step 2. Boot the system equipment, software service check

Prepare equipment, software, document management, storage, storage media, software service check and start the system check. The preparation to ensure safety, minimize errors may occur in the process of conducting the test.

Step 3. Connection system cater check with media storage

After you have done to determine the source database check and prepare the storage media, software, necessary to serve the inspection, the person assigned to manage database archives of agencies, organizations and proceed to connect the storage media database document storage system to the test.

Step 4. Check the database documentation storage

Use software to check the document data storage need to check out.

Step 5. Statistical categories, including file name, address, file storage device error

Statistical categories, including file name, the address of the storage file is defective, the address of the storage file error include: Numbers, symbols, media storage, the folder path containing the file.

Step 6. The record, set records

Finish the inspection process, the person assigned to manage database archives of agencies, organizations record check database stored documents specified in annex IV circular 02 2019 TT BNV, set up and record the service activity management and monitor periodically.


(Circular 02 2019 TT BNV 24 January 01 2019 The minister of Internal affairs)

Independence – freedom – happiness



  1. Date and time: ...............month............year.........
  2. People check: ................................................................................................
  3. Address look up device storage: ........................................................................
  4. Test content:
  1. The proposed project fix the error






(Signature and name)
(Signature and name)


(Circular 02 2019 TT BNV 24 January 01 2019 of The minister of Internal affairs)

  1. Flow chart process
  2. Detailed description process

Step 1. Specify the source database document storage backup

Person assigned to manage database archives of agencies and organizations to implement specify database storage material to conduct periodic backup.

Step 2. Prepare, check (software, database management, document data archive storage media, software service backup).

The preparation to ensure safety, minimize errors may occur in the process of conducting backups.

Step 3. Conduct backup

After you have done to determine the source database document storage, backup, and prepare the storage media, software to serve the backup person assigned to manage database archives of agencies and organizations conducting backups, including software source code and database document storage on storage media.

Step 4. Test results backing

After completing the backup, database, document storage, person assigned to manage database archives of agencies and organizations perform check result backup. Case backup results not satisfactory then go back to Step 2 to check, find directions to fix the errors and report Leadership; in case the backup satisfactory then, on storage media, that contains the database document storage backup to the storage.

Step 5. Storage storage media

The preservation of storage media that contains the database document storage backup is done in accordance with Article 12 circular 02 2019 TT BNV.

Step 6. Journaling, setting records

Finish the backup process, the person assigned to manage database archives of agencies, organizations and logs the backup process specified in appendix VI of this circular, memorandum of backup specified in annex VII this circular set up and record the service activity management and monitor periodically.


(Circular 02 2019 TT BNV 24 January 01 2019 of The minister of Internal affairs)

Independence – freedom – happiness


TTModal contentDurationFile name/ folderCode storage mediaThe backup
(Signature and name)


(Circular 02 2019 TT BNV 24 January 01 2019 of The minister of Internal affairs)

Independence – freedom – happiness



  1. Time: date.........months.........year.........
  2. Address điểm:...............................................................................................................
  3. The stars lưu:.......................................................................................................
  4. Code storage media, old:.....................................................................................
  5. Code storage media, new:...................................................................................
  6. Method of backup:............................................................................................
  7. Database document storage backup:

7.1. Database name:...............................................................................................

7.2. Content data backup:.....................................................................................

7.3. Capacity backup:...........................................................................................

  1. Error occurs in the process of backing up data:




  1. Solution fix:



  1. Results:



(Signature and name)
(Signature and name)


(Circular 02 2019 TT BNV 24 January 01 2019 of The minister of Internal affairs)

  1. Flow chart process
  2. Detailed description process

Step 1. Identify the problem informatics

Person assigned to manage database archives of agencies, organizations and determine the cause of the incident information due to hardware failure or software bug to find ways to overcome.

Step 2. Perform isolation database documentation stored with source cause damage to data, troubleshoot hardware

Person assigned to manage database archives of agencies and organizations to implement quarantine database documentation stored with source of data corruption, by repair, replacement equipment, block strike network intrusions, off progress software ensure the system is operating normally.

Step 3. Error checking software and database

After performing troubleshooting hardware, the person assigned to manage database archives of agencies, organizations and error checking software (including the operating system, software, database management, document data archive).

Software case no error, after troubleshooting hardware system normal operation, proceed to log and set up work profile.

Case software errors, go to Step 4 determine the case of recovery.

Step 4. Define case restoration

Person assigned to manage database archives of agencies, organizations need to determine the case of recovery is due to the breakdown data management software database, software application from which to come up with ways to recover quickly and accurately.

Step 5. Specify the source database storage materials recovery

Person assigned to manage database archives of agencies and organizations to identify and retrieve the backup database, the most recent before the time of the incident to conduct recovery.

Step 6. Proceed to recovery

  1. a) in case of incident data

When the entire data system of the management system database remains safe, only data storage material broken, the person assigned to manage database archives of the agency, organization done restoring data using file backup data prior to the time of the incident (using function Backup/Restore of system administration, database or restore function data of the application software).

  1. b) in case of incident management software database

– Save the document data storage and proceed to re-install management system database;

– Use the function to Attach your Database management system database to restore data saved in the step above or use data backup nearest advance the time of the incident to proceed to data recovery.

  1. c) in case the incidents application software

Person assigned to manage a database of agencies and organizations perform restore application software by using application software that have been backed nearest first time an incident occurs.

Step 7. Check the recovery results

When the system operation back to normal, the person assigned to manage database archives of agencies and organizations to implement test data to ensure data after complete recovery complete, accurate compared to before the time of the incident. Case data is not satisfactory, then go back to Step 5 to check the source data recovery; in case of satisfactory then proceed to go to the next step.

Step 8. The record, set records

After completing the recovery process, the person assigned to manage database archives of agencies and organizations made the record recovery database stored documents specified in annex IX circular 02 2019 TT BNV, set up and record the service activity management and monitor periodically.


(Circular no. 02/2019/TT-BNV 24 January 01 2019 of The minister of Internal affairs)

Independence – freedom – happiness



  1. Time: date.........months.........year.........
  2. The hồi:...................................................................................................
  3. Reasons dresses hồi:....................................................................................................


  1. Address look up device storage:................................................................................
  2. Name, date, file recovery:...............................................................................
  3. Content recovery:




  1. Error occurs in the process of recovery:




  1. Results:



(Signature and name)
(Signature and name)

 Text File invited to download here: thong-tu-02-2019-tt-bnv-tieu-chuan-du-lieu-bao-quan-tai-lieu-luu-tru-dien-tu.doc

After finding out about Circular 02 2019 TT BNVhope that you now have more comprehensive overview about the specific rules that this circular brings. The master, to comply with the provisions in the circular to help consistency in the management of the administrative state. Thank you for the follow up article, hope that this information will support you in the work and mission of their management.


Picture of Hồ Hiếu
Ho Hieu
Over 12 years of experience on business and management business and is a consultant on business management exposure over 300 CEO, CIO, CFO,...Read more >>>
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