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Automation business process, business (BPA) optimal cost

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In era 4.0 with countless new technologies constantly emerging, businesses are always looking for solutions advanced technology to help optimize automation workflow to enhance the performance. LV-DX Dynamic Workflow is a software management process integrated chatbot artificial intelligence AI to help automate the entire workflow of the business.

Let's Lac Viet Computing find out details about the solution, LV-DX Dynamic Workflow with the superior benefits it brings to the business.

To go deep into the features of the software first, let's find out through the information about process automation what is.

1. What is Process automation?

Process automation (Business process automation) is the use of technology to perform the professional service in the business activity, the production operation that previously needed human intervention. Instead done manually, these tasks are performed automatically through the software management system or robot software. 

Process automation plays an important role in the optimal operation of the business. By automation, businesses can:

  • Increase productivity: The process takes place continuously 24/7 without a break, from that increase in the volume of work is completed in a short time.
  • Minimize errors: eliminate errors caused by humans, ensure high accuracy in the process.
  • Cost savings: Cut costs related to personnel, processing time, thereby optimizing operating costs overall.
  • Apply enterprise process automation will have the ability to respond more quickly to market changes, thereby creating competitive advantage superior.

Process automation can be applied in many different areas such as:

  • Automation of production lines, products, components, ...
  • Process automation accounting, invoice processing, financial reporting
  • Personnel: Manage recruitment, timekeeping, employee training can be automated.
  • Customer service: process automation, customer care using chatbot AI management system requirements, customer feedback.

2. The technology process automation

2.1 RPA – automation software

RPA (Robotic Process Automation) using robot software to automate the task, activity, regular, repeated that people usually done. RPA works by interacting directly with the application and the system through the user interface, such as a virtual employee.

RPA is often used in processes such as data processing, data entry, managing invoices, and handle customer requests.

tự động hóa quy trình
RPA – automation software

2.2 System process management BPM

BPM – Business Process Management is the method of comprehensive management, focused on improving the efficiency of business processes by integration tools to automate the business process. BPM is often used in project management, supply chain management, and managing customer service.

Benefits when applied BPM:

  • Process optimization using analyze and improve existing processes to increase efficiency, minimize waste.
  • Easy to adjust the process to meet the requirements of new business.
  • Monitoring processes, help business understand each progress period, the performance of the process.
Tự động hóa quy trình BPM
10 Characteristics of the system process management BPM

A number of BPM systems in the market common has to as LV-DX Dynamic Workflow, Base Workflow, Kissflow, ...

2.3 Using AI – Machine Learning in automation

AI and Machine Learning is the advanced technology helps the computer automatically learn from data, prediction and decision-making in a smart way. When integrated into the process of this technology has the ability to handle complex tasks, analyze data to make decisions automatically, without human intervention, often used in the process such as data analysis, predict market trends, risk management, optimal customer service.

In addition, many software process in Vietnam that also has integrated technology AI chatbot to support the system processes automatically. To mention as Lac Viet app chatbot AI to lookup and signed approval; Chat WHO will help lead the investigation and control of data in the file works up quickly to make a decision fast approval – more accurate.

tự động hóa quy trình với AI
Using AI – Machine Learning in the process of business

In addition chat bot AI Lac Viet is also used to answer 24/7 the internal information business; Management accounting with artificial intelligence, ...

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3. Steps to implement process automation success

To implement automation processes bring good operation performance, the most business can refer to the process is Lac Viet suggestions below:

  • Step 1. Define work processes need automation
  • Step 2. Technology selection and fitting tools
  • Step 3. Training and change the mindset of employees
  • Step 4. Monitoring, measurement and optimization after deployment

Step 1. Define work processes need automation

Business there are many workflow with how to operate different, there will be those processes need or don't need to make automation and still provide good performance. Things to do in this step is analyzing reviews the process to determine the process time-consuming, there are many repetitive steps, easy-to-happen errors, or affect the general effect of the organization.

Businesses should prioritize the automation of processes bring the highest value, easy to carry or can bring immediate benefits.

Step 2. Choose the solution most suitable technologies

Now on the market there are multiple solutions to help automate the process of effective, rapid deployment cost savings in the form of rent for small business or to buy for big business.

Department responsible for automation need to make a claim, the desire to achieve, what is the automation requirements about services, features, software, expense budget for the automation ....

Then find the reputable vendors in the market. A number of companies that provide solutions credits can weigh as:

  • Solution LV-DX Dynamic Workflow from Lac – Lac Viet Computing
  • Solution AMIS process from Misa Amis
  • Solution Workflow from Base
  • Solution Dynamic Process from CoDX

The selection of suppliers is also important to consider the reputation, service support, and the ability to provide the update, maintenance long-term.

Step 3. Professional training to use the system

After applying the solution process automation in business, supply-side solutions will have the training sessions on how to use the system, handle the situations that arise in the implementation process.

In addition, enterprises should also be noted that automation is not just technology problem, but also related to the change in the work culture. Employees should be encouraged to accept change, understand the benefits of automation, and are willing to cooperate in the process of conversion.

Step 4. Monitoring, measurement – optimal improvements after deployment

Once deployed, enterprises need to establish a monitoring system to track the performance of system automation workflow. A number of important indicators need to measure as the processing time, accuracy, cost.

Automate the process is not done once it's done. Businesses need to constantly evaluate and optimize for improvements to ensure that the system always meets business needs, changes in the market. The update process improvements should be done periodically to maintain competitive advantage.

>>> Find out more about automation business what is

4. LV-DX Dynamic Workflow helps automate the process of working out how?

LV-DX Dynamic Workflow is software to digitize all the processes, help business operate automatically from hr, finance, accounting, business to produce a excellent task management excel with three't: “don't wait – No clogging – No forget”.

Tự động hóa quy trình tiến tới tự động hóa vận hành kinh doanh THÀNH CÔNG
Automate process towards automation business operation SUCCESSFUL


Digitized and standardized workflow

LV-DX Dynamic Workflow allows unlimited storage the entire process of business in a scientific manner according to departmental, inter-departmental, scale and nature of business.

Warehouse process model standards, businesses can apply now or standardized processes according to the characteristics of the business.

Tự động hóa quy trình
Digitized and standardized workflow

Affiliate departments, automatically assigned when setting up the process

  • Automatic data link between the process
  • Integrated with software LV-DX Task to automatically delivered to the individual parts in the process.
  • Integrated LV-DX esign approval – register number on process quickly
  • Integrated chatbot WHO helps leaders, check data, business lookup the information in the document approvers.

Automatic tempo control with warning system, the smart reminder

System reminder automatically send alerts, reminders when there is task work assigned new work coming term, late term help to ensure the progress of work in the process.

Some features notifications, reminders, such as:

  • Notice when the work is approved
  • Notice when the work is browser extension deadline
  • Notifications when employees finish the work
  • Notice the in feedback in the delivery process of the

Performance measurement work with the reporting system, visual statistics

LV-DX Dynamic Workflow detail display the whole information in the process of work, the implementation step by step, timely detection and treatment when the problem occurred.

Interface visual reports on all indicators in the process, understand the work that has completed/failed, cause of failure, the person responsible.. Provides the data analysis, scientific reviews, to improve the process.

tự động hóa quy trình làm việc
Performance measurement work with the reporting system, visual statistics

5. Benefits when deploying software process management LV-DX Dynamic Workflow

For board of directors – Management:

  • Operate the contact information no point congestion – no standby status – no duplication of work.
  • Management organization, more simply, spend more time developing strategies to create advantages in comparison with competitors.
  • Assign, supervise and support staff anytime, anywhere, with information updated realtime reports automatically.
  • Workflows clear reviews, capacity, accuracy and fairness, increase satisfaction, and engage employees.

Service department administrative:

  • SAY NO to WRONG – FORGET – BUSY, the service providers inside and outside the organization.
  • The service is always done right term, explicit, courtesy under process issued.
  • Build, manage, version, deployment, application, and continuous improvement thanks to the number of system processes into software.
  • Monitor and accurately assess the performance of each department business.

For employees:

  • Manage and update personal work proactively by software wall minh city, have reported visual tracking.
  • Delete condition 3 ('t understand, don't know, don't remember) that the work is late.
  • Understand the roles according to the job titles do not COINCIDE work – making process.
  • Recorded and fair assessment, be motivated, be supported anytime – anywhere.

6. Why choose LV-DX Dynamic Workflow?

LV-DX Dynamic Workflow not only help the business operate efficiently, but also reduce administrative costs, reduce time wasted waiting by the sign craft. Businesses can spend the entire time focused strategies for producing effective business to create competitive advantages in comparison with competitors.

Special software that helps each employee management, update personal work actively avoid't understand, not know, not to remember, leading to a delay term, do wrong, do sterile work.

With forms of deployment flexibility allows businesses choose to rent or buy software, businesses do not need investment in equipment or personnel protection system, to help remove the barriers of costs and risks in the number conversion.

Contact now to get free demo and experience the difference from amalgams automation workflow LV-DX Dynamic Workflow – Software process management operation the new generation for business number.


Picture of Hồ Hiếu
Ho Hieu
Over 12 years of experience on business and management business and is a consultant on business management exposure over 300 CEO, CIO, CFO,...Read more >>>
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