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Build workflow with 30 diagram template process of the company

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Become a business professional – modern – performance, then build workflow operation is indispensable, especially in the context of culture as currently. To proceed to the business of, the first step is standardizing the process to perform the work to digitize up to the system administrator.

So building process work how standardized and streamlined, but still bring operational efficiency, optimal? The same Lac Viet Computing find out now in this article.

1. What is a Workflow?

Workflow là chuỗi các bước thực hiện xử lý công việc nhằm giải quyết một vấn đề nghiệp vụ hoặc đạt được mục tiêu cụ thể để hoạt động kinh doanh được vận hành xuyên suốt.

Quy trình làm việc

In a business there will be 4 types of Workflow basic below:

  • Operating procedures business
  • Process manager clients
  • Process innovation
  • Process social regulatory agency state management

Depending on the operation characteristics of each business will have the process to perform the specific job details to ensure businesses operate best.

2. Xây dựng quy trình làm việc, xử lý công việc đem lại lợi ích gì?

Done building model diagram workflow and standardized up the tools of bringing many benefits for businesses, such as:

  • The excess work not need to be removed thoroughly: business not set operating procedures usually arises many jobs redundant, time-consuming, but don't bring work efficiency. Done building workflows that will help the business look get back to standardize the whole process, identify where is the work important influence to bring the final result. Thanks to it, get rid of the excess reducing performance.
  • Increase coordination between departments department in company: Many cases of conflict in business comes from the inconsistency of employees between departments. The disagreement comes from the no process coordination between departments basically, leads to disagreement in the process of handling the job. A clear process in detail, specifying job responsibilities of each employee, the department will increase effective cooperation between the departments together.
  • Risk management efficiency: Business process perform the work clearly with the division of responsibilities detailed help easily determine the cause when problems arise. The timely detection, give solutions quickly will help enterprise risk management effectiveness.

2. 30 Mẫu quy trình làm việc công ty dạng sơ đồ và file mô tả quy trình xử lý công việc chi tiết

2.1 Schematic workflow room business

  • Sales process
Mẫu quy trình làm việc
Sales process
  • Process process for approval, business contracts
Mẫu quy trình làm việc
The process for approval, business contracts

2.2 Mẫu quy trình làm việc của bộ phận Marketing

  • Implementation process job website SEO
Mẫu quy trình làm việc
Process SEO website
  • Model building process – running advertising campaign
Sơ đồ quy trình làm việc
Pattern diagram of the construction process – running advertising campaign
  • Process of implementation of construction work made to order.
Mẫu quy trình thực hiện công việc
Process of implementation of construction work content content

2.4 Mẫu quy trình làm việc phòng nhân sự

  • Recruitment process
Mẫu quy trình làm việc
Recruitment process hr
  • Process internal training
Mẫu quy trình làm việc
Process internal training

2.5 Sơ đồ quy trình làm việc phòng hành chính

  • Incoming Document Processing Procedure
Mẫu quy trình làm việc
Incoming Document Processing Procedure
  • Process pending stationery
Mẫu quy trình làm việc
Process pending stationery

>>> Xem ngay mẫu quy trình chuẩn (SOP) trong lĩnh vực nhà thuốc, sản xuất, logictics

2.6 Download for free the 30 diagram template workflow and file description perform detail work

  • 30 Sample process departments schematic work-flow
  • Excel File described in detail process, perform the work, parts – officer in charge with the sample business respectively.

bộ quy trình làm việc các phòng ban trong doanh nghiệp

DOWNLOAD FREE 30+ SAMPLE process management business AT THIS

3. Xây dựng quy trình làm việc của công ty với 6 BƯỚC TINH GỌN chuyên nghiệp

There are up to 85% of problems arising in business comes from the work elements are not made according to a the process management business standard consistency.

To solve the administrator of this, let's Lac system setup workflow of the company with 6 steps streamlined below:

Xây dựng quy trình làm việc của công ty
Construction work processes of the company with 6 steps STREAMLINED

Step 1: Identify needs, goals, scope process

  • Identify needs: collect information from the relevant departments to understand the actual needs should be addressed through the process. And setting up this process is to meet the needs what, for example, to upgrade to system process number, perform standardized process to apply software tools.
  • Define goals: Lay out the specific goals that the process should be achieved, including short-term goals and long-term during the construction process, what is?
  • Define the scope: Define the scope of application of the process, including the departments and the specific job will be deployed in this process.

Step 2: construction of the process steps need to deploy

Two activities to do in this step:

  • Make a list of the steps required: Listed in detail each specific steps in the process, from beginning to end.
  • Detailed description step by step: clear definition, step by step, including the action to be taken, time, material, and tool support.

To set the steps in the process, bring efficiency to apply suitable models such as:

a/ Model 5W-1H-5M:

  • What – what Is: Determine the content of work in the process.
  • Why – why: Determine goals and requirements of the job.
  • When – When: Determine the 3 timelines start. done and finished.
  • Where – where: Identify a location to do the job.
  • Who – Who: Identify the direct work, the support and supervision.
  • How – how: Identify the methods of application in the work.

b/ Model 5M to identify important resources in the process:

  • Man – Human resources: capacity Assessment qualifications, skills of the employees meet work is assigned or not?
  • Money – Budget: planning estimated budget for each item in the process.
  • Material – Raw material: Confirm the raw material supply, transport operations or tools to apply.
  • Machine – technology, machinery: Determine the readiness of the technology and machinery that are related to the deployment process.
  • Method – Method of execution: building the methods work effectively to ensure the process when go into operation smoothly.

Step 3: Determine control points operating efficiency

  • Specify the control points: Lay out the critical control points to monitor, identify the process when operating properly planned and effectively.
  • Set test indicator high efficiency: Lay out the index performance measurement indicators (KPIs) to evaluate and monitor progress made.

Step 4: assigning duties and job responsibilities

  • Specify the individual roles and responsibilities of the staff involved in the process.
  • Assign specific tasks for each staff member or department to ensure people understand his work.

Step 5: Determine the test method procedure

  • Choose the method of examination and assessment processes, such as internal inspection, periodic inspection, or 360 degree assessment from the outside. Then plan specific for the test, including duration, frequency, and the evaluation criteria.
  • If the business is no method that can set the check with factors such as: the steps in The process need to check – important Points to check out – The make – Frequency implementation.

Step 6: build guide describes deployment process

  • Drafting documentation: Written document that describes in detail the process, including the implementation steps, tasks, responsibilities, as well as the control points.
  • Downloads documentation for the entire staff related. Organize training sessions to ensure people understand to execute the right process.

Mẫu quy trình làm việc

Download FREE sample workflow of a professional company

4. Các mô hình xây dựng quy trình làm việc của công ty hiệu quả

5 popular Model is now applied to build the workflow:

  1. Model PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act)
  2. DMAIC in Six Sigma
  3. Model Toyota Production System (TPS)
  4. Model Total Quality Management (TQM)
  5. Model Agile

4.1 Model PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act)

Model PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) is a management tool for continuous improvement, consists of 4 main steps:

  • Plan (plan): Define detailed plan to achieve the goal and the necessary resources, planning specific actions.
  • Do (perform): implementing proposed plan. Record the results, problems arise in the implementation process.
  • Check (Check): Evaluation of the results made by comparison with the original goal. Analysis of the deviations, causes.
  • Act (Action): perform the action adjusted based on the evaluation results. Implementation of the improved method to process work more efficiently.
xây dựng quy trình làm việc của công ty
Model PDCA

4.2 DMAIC in Six Sigma

DMAIC is a method of Six Sigma is used to improved workflowinclude 5 steps:

  • Define (Determine): Identify the problem to be solved, goals for improvement and the scope of the project.
  • Measure (Measure): collect data to assess the current situation of the process. Measure the performance metrics important.
  • Analyze (analysis): data analysis to determine root causes of problems. Use the tools of statistical analysis to find out the influencing factors.
  • Improve (Improvement): proposed deployment of innovative solutions to fix the problem. Test and evaluate the effectiveness of the solution.
  • Control (control): set the control measures to maintain process improvements. Ensure that the improvements are maintained continuously improved.

4.3 Model Toyota Production System (TPS)

TPS is a production system developed by Toyota, that comprises the principles and methods below:

  • Just-In-Time (JIT): Produced only when there is demand, reducing waste and inventory.
  • Jidoka: automation with a human element, to stop production when the error detection to avoid defective products continue in the process.
  • Kaizen: continuous Improvement, people in the company are involved in the search to make improvements small but constant.
  • Heijunka: planned production regularly, avoid work overload or lack of work.
  • Standardized Work: process work standardized to ensure consistency and efficiency.

4.4 Model Total Quality Management (TQM)

TQM is a management approach, comprehensive improvements in the quality of every aspect of business, including:

  • Customer Focus (customer focused): Put customers at the center of all activities and decisions.
  • Total Employee Involvement (involvement of the entire staff): Creating conditions for all employees involved in the process of quality improvement.
  • Process Approach (approach according to the process): Management activities, resources such as a process to reach desired result.
  • Integrated System (integrated System): Combine the process – activities into a unified system to achieve the strategic goals of the business.
  • Continuous Improvement (continuous Improvement): Always looking for improvement opportunities in all activities of the business.
  • Fact-Based Decision Making (decisions based on data): Use data and analysis to make decisions to manage and improvements.

4.5 Model Agile

Agile is a flexible method in project management, usually applied in software development, including:

  • Individuals and Interactions (human and interactive): Priority to the interaction between the individual, the work group rather than processes and tools.
  • Working Software (software active): Focus on providing software actual operation is more fully documented.
  • Customer Collaboration (cooperation with the customer): Continuous cooperation with customers throughout the development process to ensure products meet their needs.
  • Responding to Change (rapid Response to change): ready-flexibility to adapt to the changes instead of strict adherence to the original plan.
  • Iterative Development (development loop): implementation of development according to the short loop (sprints) to quickly provide value, get feedback from customers.

5. Apply LV-DX Dynamic Workflow to establish, standardize, and operate corporate processes

Many businesses today are experiencing difficulty in the problem of chemical process up digital platforms such as:

  • Yet have the full set of operating procedures to standardize professional
  • 've built processes, however, still carry freight in the traditional way, forwarding the signed approval crafts that cause loss of time, effort.
  • Have known the need to perform digitized – standardized – apply tools, however, have not selected the right solution.

Aware of this problem, LV-DX Dynamic Workflow provide enterprise software platform to manage the set-up process, convert, normalize, storage, and operate every process on 1 single platform with the optimal cost.

LV-DX Dynamic Workflow do to simplify the conversion process of?

Provides system management – standardized process of comprehensive

  • Free build standardized processes for each business, based on the requirements given and the structure departments, by operation of business when BUYING a software package process of Vietnam.
  • The system allows the storage of the entire workflow on a single platform, data is synchronized, unified, easy synthesis and analysis.
  • Provide inventory process standard reference model for construction business.
Giao diện quản lý quy trình LV-DX Dynamic Workflow
Provides system management – standardized process of comprehensive

Every activity, work performance managed, tracked live realtime (real time) on the process

  • LV-DX Dynamic Workflow integrated management software, job LV-DX Task to help work directly on the process.
  • Automatic transfer of tasks to employees, the next division at the end of the 1 stage in the process.
  • Track progress of implementation of the process, the work performance of each employee in real time.
  • Warning system work smart, auto send notification to employees involved when a process is established, the transfer task alerts, overdue done, ...
Giao diện theo dõi tiến độ LV-DX Dynamic Workflow
Every activity, work performance managed, tracked live realtime (real time) on the process

Application AI to help optimize performance operating procedures business

  • Integrated LV-DX eSign help job approval, signing a number of fast everything, everywhere on the process of. Leadership does not need to come to the company to make up for document browsing, now all operations can be performed remotely at all times with LV-DX Dynamic Workflow.
  • Integrated chatbot WHO Lost Vietnam to help the leader out of control, the accurate data on the file browser to help the number quickly, avoid reporting anything complicated, optimal time is work, leaders have more time to build your business strategy, long-term performance improvements for the organization.
Giao diện quản lý quy trình LV-DX Dynamic Workflow
Application AI to help optimize performance operating procedures business

LV-DX Dynamic Workflow vận hành

Sign up FREE DEMO software, LV-DX Dynamic Workflow to make the change number process business.

Hope these information about the building workflow the sample standard procedure due to Lac Viet provide good support for the business in the period of digitization and transformation processes of today. Any questions related to the solution of process action please contact us Vietnam to get detailed consultation.


Picture of Hồ Hiếu
Ho Hieu
Over 12 years of experience on business and management business and is a consultant on business management exposure over 300 CEO, CIO, CFO,...Read more >>>
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