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How to assign work effectively for employees x5 performance [Excel Template]

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Assign work efficiency for staff is one of the important skills of managers, leaders, but not everyone will make delivery of the good.

Here are the problems that leaders are applying management methods delivered the traditional encounter, whether you're located in this number?

  • Do not grasp the progress made after the delivery of the
  • Worried employees do not do well when assigning a new job
  • Vague about the project activities work that employees do have the report overview, detailed realtime without waiting staff report every week, every month, quarter, ...
  • Work delay due to regular work, be approved papers of the project.

Vậy đâu là cách phân công công việc cho nhân viên hiệu quả? Cùng Lac Viet Computing track right in this article.

1. Assignment what is work? Principle of separation efficiency

Work assignment is the process of analyzing, sorting, and division of duties, responsibilities or authority for individuals or groups in the organization to ensure that work is done effectively.

Assign tasks transparency creates clarity about responsibility, improve performance and ensure that each member in the organization knows their role.

The principle of the efficient work

  • The right people for the right work: Assign tasks based on ability, experience and expertise of the individual.
  • Clear and specific: Take out the mission is clear, easy to understand, avoid ambiguity. This helps employees understand the requirements and expectations from management.
  • Balance the workload: Ensure that each employee has the workload reasonable, not overloaded nor too little work.
  • Monitoring the progress of the work realtime: Accurately grasp the process of implementation of each staff member, from that early detection of the problem and take measures to handle right now.
  • Ask the staff feedback and work report: Management level to understand the difficulties, progress and the next steps in the work.
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5 principle of separation of professional work

2. Why business need a work assignment effective?

Not only people assigned to that receiver task will get the practical benefits when work is divided reasonable. Specific as follows:

With respect to the assignment

  • Enhance work performance of the team.
  • Minimize the volume of individual work, focused time to complete the other important tasks.
  • Capture the real situation in a continuous manner, from which it can be controlled better and give timely adjustments when problems arise
  • Create opportunities for staff to develop skills, encourage the active and enhance the ability to work independently from that building a team of inheritance has good capacity.
  • Identify the strengths and limitations of the employee.

For the person assigned

  • Employees have the opportunity to challenge yourself with new tasks.
  • Employees know exactly their duties, avoid the overlap of work with colleagues.
  • Have the opportunity to maximize the ability and learn more about the expertise.
  • Have more motivation, spiritual work better when the boss trust empowerment.

3. 5 Phương pháp phân công công việc hiệu quả cho nhân viên x5 hiệu suất

Trước khi áp dụng các giải pháp công nghệ được đề cập bên dưới, Lạc Việt gợi ý cho bạn 5 cách phân công công việc cho nhân viên đạt hiệu quả tốt nhất.

  1. You need to understand the capacity of staff
  2. Construction standards, on time work
  3. Identify where work is needed priority
  4. Given deadline for work
  5. Track progress, work results
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5 Methods divide the work efficiency x5 performance

3.1 You need to understand the capacity of staff

Have you ever heard the famous story “take the hard work for a lazy person” of the billionaires Bill Gateshe said, “I always choose the lazy person for the hard work. Because they always know how to find out what the easiest way to do it.”

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You need to understand the capacity of staff

The special point here is not to choose a lazy person to communicate the difficulty that Bill Gates out of his employees how their capacity to where, whether they are a one who has the power to create the quick method, no need to spend too much time but still achieve work efficiency.

So understanding the strengths and weaknesses of employees are very important to assign work effectively correct with the capacity and skills that they are.

3.2 construction of the standards of the time work

Parkinson's law was given a receipt that “work will expand to fill the time period that we had set out for it.” Whether is simple jobs will also become more complex when there is a regulation specific time or place too long time to complete.

Setting the standard duration for task work will help increase work productivity in an efficient way. Issues that leaders need to do is getting to be now is the time standards suitable for staff is not overloaded.

For example, a task such as “draft report monthly selling” typically can take between 4-6 hours to complete if there is sufficient data and process standardization. However, if there are no rules clear time, employees can take days just to do this, due to the feeling of not being limited on time. Conversely, if the specified time is too short, only 1-2 hours, employees will be easier to fall into a state of stress and not achieve quality results.

Therefore, the set a reasonable time from 4-6 hours is appropriate, ensuring that employees have enough time to complete the work in an efficient way without being overloaded.

3.3 Determine where is the job priority

Determine the level of priority in the work is one of the important elements to complete the goal, this is evident through a variety of methods of administrators known as the Method of ivy lee, the law of 80/20; principles 4D,...

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Assign tasks based on priority

These methods all have one thing in common is focus on completing the important work, work is a priority, these tasks will affect 80% of the completion of the goal.
For example you are the project and there are 10 tasks to complete during the week. According to the rule 80/20, 80% of results come from 20% of the most important tasks. You can specify that meet customer strategy and complete planning to deploy the project is the top priority, as they will greatly affect the progress of the project and the company's revenue. Meanwhile, the work as reply email conventional or discuss internal odd little can be done after.

3.4 Given deadline for work

No need to say too much about the problem set deadline, here is the rule to follow when assigning work to employees.

Deadline will help accelerate the progress of work to avoid delay. Deadline is pressure, but is also a factor to help employees focus on work, avoid distractions cause a decrease in performance.

Many managers often the administrator under this method, only focus on the completion time and the results that employees achieve, not important process done and how.

3.5, track progress, work results

To know is are you assign work efficiency for employees or not, the elements of the progress and results of work will help you to know the efficiency after the delivery.

Now there are a lot of businesses are using the traditional methods, such as using Excel, word,... to report, track work progress. This caused many problems in managing employee performance “discrete”, the data is not connected unity. A consequence led to the is leader does not have enough information to make the right decisions.

cách phân công công việc cho nhân viên
Many leaders experience difficulty in tracking the progress, results, job related departments

The optimal solution that is the work on the process with LV-DX Dynamic Workflow. The software allows setting the standard work step by step process set deadline for each stage of implementation. In particular, LV-DX Dynamic Workflow provide the progress report to work, according to the project real-time, manage todolist individual/group visual variety. In addition, the system also alert mechanism varied depending on the status of work: about to perform, due date, overdue ... help management control and effective implementation.

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4. Sample assignment work effectively in Excel professional

The use of Excel to assign work not only helps to manage the work efficiency, but also create a visualization tool, easy to monitor and adjust. Below are some samples of work assignment are often used in the business, consistent with each management goals and track progress.

4.1 Template work assignment according to the project using Excel

Sample work assignment according to the project managers divide the work in a clear, easy to track and ensure progress.

With this template, the tasks in the project are listed in detail, accompanied by the domain following information:

  • Project name
  • Name done
  • Priority level
  • The project start date, end date project
  • % The progress of the work
  • Work status (Done/Not done)

This template not only helps to manage easily track the progress of each task, but also create conditions for the project members to coordinate closely to ensure the project is completed the right plan.

Mẫu phân công công việc
Sample divide the work according to the project using Excel

4.2 Template work assignment by week Excel

This a simple but effective way to manage and track the progress of work weekly. With template work assignment this effect, the tasks are arranged according to each day of the week, along with information about curator, deadlines and completion status. 

Mẫu phân công công việc
Sample divide the work week by week Excel

4.3 Sample assign tasks by month the chart Gantt

Sample assign tasks according to the months in the form of Gantt charts provide overall insight about the execution time of each task, help managers easily capture progress and adjust the plan as needed. 

Beside information like task name, who made the start time and end template, divide this task also provides chart to visually show the time frame of each job.

Mẫu lập bảng phân công công việc bằng Excel
Sample distribution of tasks by month the chart Gantt


5. Leadership encounter difficulty when assigning supervision of communications, the related departments – SOLUTION

In a business, the coordination of the work between the parts or delivery of the related departments are regular activities leaders need coordination in operation.

However, many leaders of “trouble” in problems perform assigned work effectively related departments and monitoring activities, track progress follows the work with the management traditional jobs.

  • The tool management traditional jobs such as Excel spreadsheets or paper sheets are often not enough to meet demand in the track and manage the progress of work complexity. They cause the lack of sync, not transparent, difficulties in the updated information in a timely manner.
  • Upon delivery of the related parts, information may not be communicated clearly, consistency between departments can cause misunderstandings lead to jobs not being completed on schedule or do not reach the desired quality.
  • Many leaders have difficulty in the use of the software tracks the progress of the work or no monitoring system effectively, which leads to not being able to control the progress and quality of work.

So how to know to be effective after the assignment assignment? Reviews operational performance in any way?

cách phân công công việc cho nhân viên
Rated performance operating with LV-DX Dynamic Workflow

LV-DX Dynamic Workflow to help businesses evaluate the following work assignment comprehensive how?

  • Made to digitize the whole process work to easily track, monitor progress closely.
  • All work processes in the enterprise are connected to measure the performance of the employees.
  • The responsibility of individual employees, departments are assigned details on the software to evaluate the performance clearly.
  • Interface performance measurement, reporting, visual assessment with multiple tabular data chart.

Use LV-DX Dynamic Workflow will help enterprises simplify the process made the switch number quickly become active to be effective, optimum cost.

  • The entire business process is standard cargo free of charge according to needs, characterize the structure of the business when the sign up purchase the software.
  • Work flow is automatically transferred in the process when employees complete each stage.
  • Integrated virtual assistant WHO helps leaders checking the data on the file browser to approve, register number quickly, eliminating the time the report.

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Contact us Vietnam to sign up free demo software, LV-DX Dynamic Workflow to assign work efficiencyevaluate operational efficiency of the business only on a system, affecting only.


Picture of Mai Hiền
Mai Hien
Content Marketing Leader for more than 5 years experience, has built and deployed many successful marketing campaign, contribute to strengthening brand awareness and promote sales. Read more >>>
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