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Sops SOP what is? 5 Steps to building effective

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Operating procedures, consistency, rigor and precision are important factors to ensure the quality of products/services, performance of work by employees. By building sops SOP complete business can create a set of rules, norms, restrictions for errors in the work process.

So, SOP, what is? How to build SOP procedure effective? Track your articles Lac Viet Computing to be answered.

1. SOP what is?

SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) system is a set of processes, guidelines are designed to ensure that employees follow the correct sequence and the standard minimize errors.

quy trình thao tác chuẩn sop
SOP is the system set processes, instructions in business

Sops SOP can apply for the job as simple as answering the phone for up to complex operations such as supply chain management, manufacturing, medical, business,...

Standard operating procedures, clear the allow all members of the organization understand and perform the work uniform. Don't stop there, when applied SOP on standard operating procedures will bring outstanding benefits for business:

  • Consistency all activities and processes work according to a common standard.
  • New employees quickly capture work that does not need too much time guide from level management based on process Onboarding available.
  • Limit wasted time, resources and manpower.
  • Form the habit of working professionals, compliance with standard processes of the organization.

2. SOP in the field

Not bound in industry specific, sops SOP can be applied to many different fields, from production and Logistics to GPP pharmacies, restaurants – hotels.

2.1 SOP in GPP pharmacy

In the medical field, SOP is a mandatory process to ensure compliance with the standards of Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP). Specifically, the drugs need to have standardized processes for all activities from storage and distribution to pharmaceutical consulting. 

Because of the peculiarity of the medical field, before widespread deployment processes, SOP, need to build based on contributions of all staff and approved by the drug.

quy trình thao tác chuẩn sop
SOP is the process required to ensure compliance with the standards of Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP)

2.2 SOP in production

Một quy trình sản xuất sai sót ảnh hưởng trực tiếp đến chất lượng sản phẩm, thậm chí gây lãng phí nguyên liệu và nhân lực. Với SOP, doanh nghiệp có thể chuẩn hóa mọi khâu như nguyên liệu đầu vào, quy trình sản xuất, kiểm tra chất lượng thành phẩm cuối cùng. 

In addition, through sops SOP, team staff will gradually imbued with the general standards and enhance work productivity significantly.

quy trình thao tác chuẩn sop
Limiting the rate of product/service, errors, poor quality thanks to SOP

2.3 SOP in Logistics

Logistics is the field requires a high level of precision in each stage of operation, from warehouse management, shipping to delivery. SOP in logistics role optimize the operation process, such as inventory management, order processing, even transportation planning. 

Việc áp dụng và tuân thủ SOP giúp doanh nghiệp logistics đảm bảo tính chính xác, giảm thiểu rủi ro giao hàng chậm trễ, nâng cao trải nghiệm khách hàng.

quy trình thao tác chuẩn sop
SOP optimize the process, inventory management, order processing, shipping plan

2.4 SOP in restaurant – hotel

The field of restaurants – hotels always uphold the customer experience and quality service to the top. Therefore, the process of welcoming guests, serving food/drinks, toilet room, check-in, or check-out,...all need to follow a standard process.

Sops SOP specific, clear as a guideline to help consistency every behavior of staff, improve the quality of service and minimize the complain from customer.

quy trình thao tác chuẩn sop
Sample sales process in hotel

3. Build sops SOP how?

Việc xây dựng một quy trình chuẩn SOP đòi hỏi sự kỹ lưỡng, tuân thủ các bước chi tiết để đảm bảo tính hiệu quả và phù hợp với nhu cầu của doanh nghiệp. Dưới đây là 5 bước quan trọng trong việc xây dựng SOP:

quy trình thao tác chuẩn sop
5 Steps building process SOP standard, applicable in all areas

Step 1: list the process operation in the work

Businesses should start by making a list of the core processes, directly related to the main activities of the business. For example, in the manufacturing industry, which can be the production process, quality control and distribution.

The list specifically about the sops SOP in helping managers and employees identify important points in each mission, impact factor to the quality of products/services.

In addition to the process of big business need to list the manipulate small details can affect the quality and efficient work such manner that preserves raw materials, processes, data entry,...

quy trình thao tác chuẩn sop
Make a list of the core processes, directly related to the main activities of the business

Step 2: build the plan SOP

A plan SOP professional should be fully determined by 3 factors: the goal, form SOP and assign tasks.

Determine the goal of the SOP

At this stage, the business should identify the goal of the task and understand the reasons need to use SOP. The goal can be enhanced product quality, reduce errors, increase productivity, or ensure compliance with the regulations.

Choose the form of SOP

Next, based on the goals and peculiarities of business sectors, businesses need to make a selection use the form SOP fit. Can refer to the 4 following format:

  • Flowchart or workflow diagram: In accordance with the business process does not predict the results.
  • Simple steps: The procedures are listed in a list format bulleted or numbered only in accordance with the work simple.
  • Hierarchical steps: This form also lists the process as bulleted lists or order number, however, will be more professional. Specifically, sample SOP will include 1 list the main work, and it was followed by material/content details.
  • Software/Management System SOP: The system software integrated SOP, allows businesses to set the standards process and implemented directly through the software. Can mention software, LV-DX Dynamic Process allows the conversion of workflows, automate workflow, assign tasks, or approved by, and register number on 1 single platform.

Assign tasks

Specify department or staff responsible for each “dash” in the process SOP've listed earlier. Ensure that every individual can understand the role of themselves and coordination with the member to create a process to manipulate unity.

Step 3: exchange, SOP guide for employees

Process, regardless of its quality, but certainly will be difficult to succeed if there is no coordination, consistency between the employees. Therefore, after finishing sops SOP, enterprises should organize training sessions, provide the document or have specialized department to answer questions related to the process is done properly.

Step 4: Follow the implementation process SOP

SOP can help improve work efficiency or reduce errors or not? To visually assess in this regard, enterprises should periodically monitor the work performance of employees based on SOP.

In addition, regularly collect feedback from staff about the implementation process, SOP, the materials will help businesses detect problems not fit and give the suggestions for improvements.

quy trình sop
Track the implementation process SOP through the index rate, chart

Step 5: regularly update SOP

Creating and enforcing SOP is the process repeats. Follow Techtargetafter the detailed instructions are written out, the process SOP must be analyzed and updated every 6 to 12 months to adapt quickly to the change of technology, legal regulations or internal processes of the organization.

All changes must be recorded and immediately notified to all staff to adjust the process as soon as possible.

4. Unified solution the standard process for the entire business

According to the report of Fatfinger , thiếu các tiêu chuẩn chất lượng cụ thể và không có quy trình kiểm soát rõ ràng thường dẫn đến việc sản phẩm không đạt chất lượng, khó khăn trong việc duy trì sự nhất quán. 

Indeed, many Vietnamese enterprises and international are still stuck in status:

  • Quality of products/services is uneven, the error rate is high directly affect brand reputation.
  • Difficulty in complying with the standards and regulations of the industry, especially in the areas of strict requirements on quality products such as pharmaceuticals or food. 
  • Increased production costs due to handle the problems that arise after the product has been produced, but does not meet the standard.
  • Improved product/service becomes challenging when there is no statistical data, and detailed reviews.

Softwares LV-DX Dynamic Workflow can dispel the worries about the quality of products/services, while lack of operating procedures. Besides basic features are digitized sops SOP, the system also supports business set quality standards, monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of work on a single platform.

Cụ thể, cấp lãnh đạo có thể theo dõi, giám sát quy trình chuẩn thao tác SOP theo thời gian thực, nắm rõ giai đoạn nào thất bại/thành công, nguyên nhân và cá nhân chịu trách nhiệm.

The software also offers visual reports of results of each stage of the process based on the index measure, it is the data base for enterprises to determine the point of “congestion” in need of improvement.

With the ability to customize flexible, LV-DX Dynamic Workflow can set the standard process to meet the requirements of all the fields such as manufacturing, medical, restaurant – hotel, travel,...

Sops SOP is documentation important instructions, help every activity in business becomes homogeneous and minimize flaws. In particular, for the field requires a process closely as medical, manufacturing, it SOP is effective tool for “bending jigs” all acts of the hr team. Track Lac to update the news administrator latest.


Picture of Hồ Hiếu
Ho Hieu
Over 12 years of experience on business and management business and is a consultant on business management exposure over 300 CEO, CIO, CFO,...Read more >>>
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