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Technology what is digital? Status app and trends impact in the future

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Khám phá cách công nghệ số đang xoay chuyển thế giới từ AI, Cloud, Blockchain đến IoT với những giải pháp đột phá được áp dụng thành công trong lĩnh vực giáo dục, y tế, tài chính. Đón đầu xu hướng tương lai như 5G và công nghệ lượng tử để hiểu rõ tác động mạnh mẽ của công nghệ số lên doanh nghiệp, thị trường lao động. Xem chi tiết bài viết từ Lac Viet Computing below.

1. Definition of digital technology

Digital technology is the whole system of digital solutions, from software to hardware, from storage infrastructure to system information network. The system converts analog to digital system created a major turning point in the way we handle data management. This gives enterprises the flexibility unmatched in the processing of information, manage resources and optimize operational processes.

Importance of digital technology does not stop at improving labor productivity, but also opens up new opportunities, promoting change and sustainable development. From there, process optimization, increasing the ability to adapt flexibly to the changes, especially to minimize risks in the process of operation.

2. 4 digital technology platform is app

Công nghệ số

2.1 Cloud Computing (Cloud Computing)

In the context of business to handle and store huge amount of data, the cloud has become a core element in the ecosystem of. Instead of investing in infrastructure server overpriced, the organization can hire a cloud service to store, handle remote data access computer resources according to the needs. Business support greater flexibility in the scale, make decisions based on real information, at the same time optimum operating costs.

2.2 Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI is increasingly becoming a key factor in promoting the development of digital technology. With the ability to analyze huge data, learning from data source available to give the result to optimize the process of decision making.

WHO had shown his superiority in many fields such as: face Recognition; virtual Assistant; analyze customer behavior; predict market trends. In particular, in the medical industry, WHO help extend the ability to receive requests, improve the quality of service, and diagnosis of the disease.

2.3 Blockchain

Blockchain is one of the inventions most revolutionary of digital technology. This technology is an important contribution to the transaction of electronic money such as Bitcoin, due to the decentralized, secure and transparent. Blockchain is being applied in many different industries such as: Finance; insurance; supply Chain Management; personal information;...

Noticed positive potential, businesses are gradually use blockchain to improve the fraud in the supply chain, strengthen security in financial transactions to ensure the integrity of data in the system management information.

2.4 Internet Things (IoT)

IoT is big step in connecting the physical world and digital. The devices, smartphones, appliances, sensors in the factory can be connected to the Internet, collect – share data in real time. From there, improve performance, bring a comprehensive perspective and a more accurate production activities, the processes that are operating in the business.

The combination of IoT and AI in the future will create the automation system complete service, good for the 3 purpose: Management system, intelligent traffic; monitor the status of machinery in factory; predict consumer trends in e-commerce.

3. Achievements the application of digital technology in the field

ứng dụng của công nghệ số trong các lĩnh vực

3.1 digital technology in education (E-learning, MOOCs)

E-learning and MOOCs have brought big changes in education, make the learning more accessible than ever. Students do not need to go to school that can approach knowledge from anywhere with just a computer or smartphone. The platform such as Coursera, Udemy, Khan Academy has successfully connected millions of people around the world access to high quality education remotely.

The future of education will not stop at providing online courses, but also the integration of new technologies such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) to create a virtual classroom where students can interact directly with the environment learning, create the learning experience more dynamic.

3.2 digital technology in health (Telemedicine, medical records electronic)

In the medical industry, Telemedicine and medical records electronic has expanded the ability of health care in large quantities. Now, patients don't need to go to hospital that can receive advice, diagnosis through remote healthcare platform number. The developed countries have applied this solution to reduce the load pressure for medical facilities, reducing the large amount of vehicles in traffic and the juice poured into the big city with the aim of medical treatment.

With the development of AI, Big Data, health system in the future will serve for the purpose of examination and treatment and predict the underlying disease, the prevention of disease. The system big data analytics is expected to have the ability to identify trends in disease and support given early warning, help improve the quality of life, reduce health costs for society as a whole.

3.3 digital technology in finance (Fintech, bank number)

Fintech, bank numbers are opening up a new era for the financial sector. Recently, the services, electronic payments, e-wallets are changing habits of users as well as financial management. In Vietnam, the platform such as Momo, Zalo Pay, AirPay in Vietnam has helped people access to financial services quick, convenient, more particularly in the young.

In the future, Fintech will continue to grow with the combination of AI with Blockchain, creating financial solutions safe, authentic and effective more

4. Application of digital technology in business

4.1 digitization workflow

Digitized workflow is to help businesses minimize time and effort in the executive management. The automation tools such as system management, work systems, cloud storage will help increase productivity and reduce operating costs.

Digitized gradually become a useful tool for enterprises to enhance competitiveness in the market is fierce today. Respond well to the reduce errors, save time, more easily than in the performance analysis, process optimization to improve the quality of work.

4.2 application of digital technology in the management and operating (ERP, CRM)

ERP (System resource planning, enterprise) and CRM (System management customer relationship) is indispensable tool in the management and operation of modern enterprise. With ERP, organizations can manage the entire process from financial, hr, production to distribution activities, a streamlined and efficient. Meanwhile, CRM squeeze the relationship between business – customers become more intimate, thanks to the ability to exploit the information collected to analyze the behavior and improve the customer experience.

4.3 digital Marketing and e-commerce (Digital marketing, e-commerce)

Digital Marketing, e-commerce is gradually replacing the form of traditional sales, thanks to the speed increase ability to reach target customers in an effective way.

The future of digital marketing focuses on the personalization user experience, when ONE can accurately analyze consumer behavior and then provide for organizations that demand. So, the organization will capture the exact needs of the clients, giving marketing strategy more effective.

5. Trends and impact of digital technology in the future

5.1 Trends in development of digital technology

In the future, technologies such as 5G, quantum technology also creates the significant leap in connectivity, information processing. 5G promises to accelerate the speed of data transmission up many times, opens up opportunities for apps, IoT, VR/AR. With the ability to calculate the superiority of quantum technology, faster resolution of the complex tasks that the current computer can't perform as climate forecasts or medical research.

5.2 Impact on social, economic,

One of the biggest impacts of digital technology is the change in the structure of the labor market. Many jobs will be replaced by robotic automation, the majority of workers lost their jobs, but also opens the opportunity to develop new industries related to technology for world child labour.

In addition, modern technology also contributes important to build a healthy society. Promote the development of environmental solutions such as energy management, smart, optimized use of resources, reducing waste to help the world go by green lifestyle.

This article has provided a comprehensive look at digital technology, confirms the pioneering role of technology to the social development. The business knows grasp and application of this tech trend will be the lead in the race for number conversion.

Picture of Hồ Hiếu
Ho Hieu
Over 12 years of experience on business and management business and is a consultant on business management exposure over 300 CEO, CIO, CFO,...Read more >>>
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