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5 payroll software ONLINE MOST POPULAR AUTOMATIC 2024

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Management compensation is an integral part in the operations of any business. However, the salary management is not only time consuming but also easily lead to errors. Errors in the calculation of payroll, deduction of tax or other benefits that may cause big problems financially and distrust of employees.

With the diversity of the solution payroll software on the market, businesses need to learn to choose the system best suited to the scale and needs. This article Lac Viet Computing will introduce the top software salaries highlights in Vietnam, along with the features, pros, cons, prices help businesses make the right decision in investing in technology for the management of personnel.

1. Importance of business management, payroll management in business

According to the survey of Gartnerget to 55% of small and medium enterprises admitted encountered an error payroll at least once in the past 12 months. These errors not only cause the internal dispute, but also negatively affect the mental work of the staff, the reputation of the business.

Phần mềm tính lương
The management of payroll is not only time consuming but also easily lead to errors

Payroll software is a solution that helps business process optimization manager salary in an automated way accurate. The main benefits that this software brings include:

  • Process automation salary calculator from the input timesheets, calculate the payroll tax deduction benefits are automated help minimize errors due to input manually, ensure the accuracy in the calculation of salary for each employee.
  • Ensure compliance with the law: management software, payroll is integrated the provisions of current legislation on labor, personal income tax, social insurance and other benefits. Thanks to that, the business can easily comply with the legal regulations that do not worry about penalties or administrative processing due to violation of the law.
    According to statistics from Report of the Ministry of Labor – invalids and Social affairsthe business of violating regulations on wages and benefits for workers each year fined from 50 – 200 million, depending on the severity of the violation. Use payroll software to help businesses avoid these risks.
  • Increase transparency: the tool wage calculator allows businesses to manage closely the account of salary, bonus, deduction, tax and other benefits. Employees can also lookup your payroll system online, which helps increase transparency, build trust from the employees.
  • Cost savings: The process automation salary calculator help businesses save personnel costs, particularly in the enterprise with large scale. The cost of the initial investment for the software is usually quickly be offset through a reduction in minimum of time and effort in handling payroll monthly.

In general, the application of payroll software not only solves the difficult problem in the management salary craft but also help businesses operate more efficiently and meet the requirements of development in the digital age. Convert numbers in the process manager salary is a step essential for businesses to enhance performance and create satisfaction from the employees.

2. Payroll software has the basic features how?

Management software, payroll offers a variety of features to help businesses automate process optimization manager salary. Below are the main features that a software salaries need to have:

2.1 automation of payroll calculations

This is the basic features, but most important. Payroll software automates the entire process of calculating, from the input clocking, additional allowances, calculate personal income tax, social insurance, medical insurance, other deductions. The automation helps to minimize errors due to input manually to ensure consistency in the salary of business.

2.2 Management time attendance integration

Payroll software is often integrated with time and attendance system to accurately calculate the number of working hours of each employee including overtime, vacation hours, leave or holidays. This feature ensures that the factors related to working time are accurately reflected in the wage, which does not need to calculate manually.

2.3 Calculate the tax and deductions automatically

The software automatically calculate the personal income tax, social insurance, medical insurance, other deductions in accordance with the law. This helps businesses comply with regulations of the state to ensure that the deductions are done accurately and minimize the risk of penalties due to violations of labor laws.

According to the study of SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management), businesses often make mistakes about the tax deduction, amounting to 15% of the errors in payroll. Use software to help minimize these errors, ensure that employees and business are done right financial responsibility.

2.4 analysis report data

Payroll software online provides features detailed report on payroll analysis, payroll costs, keep track of your employee benefits. These reports not only help hr departments manage the details but also provide key information to leaders take strategic decisions about policy salary, bonus and benefits.

For example, the software can generate a report that compares the cost of the monthly salary, or analyze the level of pay for each department. This feature helps businesses better control labor costs and construction of the remuneration policy reasonable, optimize financial resources.

2.5 Integrated with the system of HRM other

Some payroll software is easily integrated with the system of personnel management (HRM), allows automatic update of information about employees, contracts, promotion, salary adjustment, the personal information within help businesses maintain consistency in the data management payroll personnel.

3. 5 payroll software the most preferred in the market

3.1 Lac Viet SureHCS

Lac Viet SureHCS is a system of personnel management, comprehensive developed by Lac Viet, a technology company has over 30 years experience in Vietnam. SureHCS is specially designed to meet the needs of personnel management, timekeeping, and payroll for businesses at any scale, from small and medium enterprises to large corporations. With technology integrated AI, the ability to customize flexible SureHCS help businesses automate the entire payroll process, minimizing errors and increasing management efficiency.

Phần mềm tính lương
Lac Viet SureHCS is a system of personnel management, salary, comprehensive

Salient features of Lac Viet SureHCS

  • Attendance management, payroll automation: Integrated systems, timekeeping, and payroll, automatically calculate salary, bonus, allowances, deductions.
  • Tax insurance accurate: SureHCS automatically updates the rules on tax, social insurance, ensure accurate calculations comply with the law.
  • Information management personnel details: Support records management hr from recruitment, contract labor, to track the process of work and the remuneration policy.
  • Financial reporting personnel: Provides the detailed report on payroll, personnel costs, labour performance in real time.
  • Integrated multi-platform system: SureHCS can be integrated with the system, financial management, ERP, help business management.
  • Employee portal (Self-service): Employees can check the information of salary, vacation, benefits individuals through the online portal.

Table advantages and disadvantages of Lac Viet SureHCS

The ability to customize flexible to meet various regulatory requirementsThe deployment process can take time for big business
Calculate salary accuracy, compliance rules lawHigher cost compared to other software in the same segment
Easy integration with ERP systemTechnically demanding in the custom system
Our team of technical support professionalRequires personnel training for effective use

Price of the package Lac Viet SureHCS

Lac Viet SureHCS packages offer flexible services according to the needs of the business:

  • Basic Package: In accordance with the small business, from 15 million/year, including management, hr, payroll basic.
  • Standard Package: From 30 million/year, including advanced features such as attendance management, tax, insurance.
  • Premium Package: For large enterprises with many branches, from 60 million/year, including full-featured management, detailed reporting, integrated ERP.

3.2 Misa Amis payroll

Misa Amis payroll is one of the products of ecosystem management business of MISA Amis, one of the leading technology companies in Vietnam. Developed to help businesses automate the process of payroll, minimize errors in the calculation of payroll, personal income tax, social insurance. 

Phần mềm tính lương
Misa Amis payroll is one of the products of ecosystem management business of MISA Amis

Particularly suited to small and medium enterprises, with friendly interface, easy to use, easily integrated with the accounting software, human resource management, other.

Salient features of Misa Amis payroll

  • Automation salary calculator: automatic calculation of payroll based on attendance data, employment contracts, remuneration policy of the business. Software supports to customize the payroll in multiple positions, wage level, wage structure different.
  • Tax management and insurance: calculate the deduction of personal income tax (PIT) according to the rule of law, at the same time updates the latest regulations on social insurance (SOCIAL insurance), health insurance (health INSURANCE), unemployment insurance (UI).
  • Integrated system of personnel management – accounting: tightly integrated with the management software, hr, accounting and other of MISA as MISA HRM, MISA AMIS help sync data on payroll, tax and insurance amounts, at the same time support export detailed reports.
  • Report details: MISA Salary provides detailed reports about payroll, personal income tax, SOCIAL insurance, personnel costs in real time, support the management in the control of decisions related to labor costs.

Table advantages and disadvantages

Automate the process of payroll tax deduction, insuranceMore suited to the small and medium business
Easy integration with ecosystem software MISA otherUnlimited customize with the business has particular requirements
Detailed reports, and track payroll, personnel costsThe cost can be high for very small business
Friendly interface, easy to use for both non-expert usersThe ability to expand features not much compared to the solutions international
Good support from MISA with a network of vast customersRequires stable internet to ensure access to timely data

Price of the package Misa Amis payroll

  • The basic package (Basic): From 5 million/year. Fit small business with basic features, such as managing payroll, tax deductions, insurance.
  • Standard package (Standard): From 10 million/year. Include the more advanced features, such as report, salary details, manage multiple branches, integrated with the accounting software, hr.
  • Premium package (Premium): From 20 million/year. Fit medium business and large with the features, comprehensive management, payroll, tax, insurance, financial reporting, multi-branch.

3.3 Zoho Payroll

Zoho Payroll is a payroll software comes from Zoho Corporation, a technology company worldwide with many management solution business. Zoho Payroll focusing on automation, process payroll, tax administration, ensure the accuracy in the payment of wages to employees. Designed for the small and medium business, Zoho Payroll featured with the ability to deploy quickly, easy to use, integrated with the system Zoho another as Zoho Books, Zoho HR.

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Zoho Payroll is a payroll software comes from Zoho Corporation

Salient features of Zoho Payroll

  • Automation salary calculator: The software automatically calculate salary, bonus, allowances, deductions, such as insurance tax.
  • Tax administration in accordance: Zoho Payroll automatically updates the application of the legal provisions related to tax, to help businesses comply with the law.
  • Attendance and leave management: Integrated timekeeping, track-day leave of employees, automatically adjustable to the pay table.
  • Employee portal: Allows employees to access pay information, leave requests, update personal information.
  • Report salary details: The software provides the report, salary details, support tracking analysis of personnel costs.
  • Integration with Zoho Suite: Zoho Payroll easily integrates with other products of Zoho, help enterprise comprehensive management of financial operations, accounting, hr.

Table advantages and disadvantages of Zoho Payroll

Friendly interface, easy to useLess extensive features than the premium software
Integrates well with the system Zoho SuiteNot yet support multiple languages, regulations, local laws
Reasonable price, suitable with small and medium enterprisesDoes not fit with the business have very large scale
Support many features of the tax, insuranceThe ability to customize more limited for enterprises with specific needs

Price of the package Zoho Payroll

  • Standard Package: From $19/month (about 450,000 copper) – included features, tax, payroll, insurance management.
  • Premium Package: From $29/month (about 690,000 copper) – includes full-featured hr management, detailed reporting, integration with Zoho Books and Zoho HR.

3.4 Tanca

Tanca is a platform to manage hr, payroll developed with the objective of the optimization process payroll timekeeping for business. This software aims to integrate easily with other systems and provides many useful features for businesses from small to medium.

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Tanca is a platform to manage hr, payroll integrates easily with other systems

Salient features of Tanca

  • Payroll automatically: Tanca business support, automatically calculate salary according to various criteria such as working time, workload, level, rewards, punishments.
  • Integrated timekeeping: Support integration with the timekeeping devices, help recorded hours of work, overtime, vacation of employees.
  • Insurance management society – tax: The software automatically calculates deductions related to social insurance, health insurance, personal income tax according to the regulations.
  • Management benefits, bonus mode: Support business tracking management bonuses, allowances, welfare of employees.
  • Report details: Provides visual reporting of payroll costs allocation the cost of salary for each department, the index of the other.

Table advantages and disadvantages of Tanca

Fits small and medium enterprisesExtended features need to purchase additional service package
Friendly interface, easy to useNot uncommon for businesses large-scale complex
Integrates well with the timekeeping devices, other systemsThe ability to customize the limit of some function

Price of the package Tanca

  • Package Basic: About 1.5 million/month, fit small business.
  • Package Pro: About 3 million/month and offers more features extending, such as benefits manager, report analyzed in detail.

3.5 Paradise HRM

Paradise HRM is a management software, hr payroll for the medium and large business. This software focused on automation of hr processes, including timekeeping, time management, work, wage calculation.

Phần mềm tính lương
Paradise HRM is a management software, hr payroll for the medium and large business

Salient features of Paradise HRM

  • Payroll automatically: Paradise HRM help payroll automatically based on information about working hours, overtime, allowances deducted.
  • Smart attendance: Software, integrated with the attendance system different, help recorded accurately track the working time of employees.
  • Management, insurance and taxes: Calculate automatically updates the account insurance, tax according to the regulations of the state.
  • Management bonus and allowance: Keep track of the policy, bonus, allowances, benefits of the business.
  • Reporting system multi-dimensional: Provides detailed reports about pay, benefits, indicators of staffing to help businesses manage costs and optimize resources.

Table advantages and disadvantages of Paradise HRM

Provide comprehensive solution for medium and large businessCost to deploy high
Support management, timekeeping, and payroll with many flexible optionsThe user interface can be complicated for new users
Report detail, suitable for large enterprises wishing to manage pestsDeployment time time for businesses that have large system

Price packages Paradise HRM

  • Package Standard: From 5 million/year for medium and large business.
  • Package Enterprise: Flexible price based on the custom requirements of the business, suitable for big businesses who needs to manage complexity.

4. Selection criteria payroll software suitable

When choosing software to manage payroll, review the important criteria is essential to ensure software is not only in accordance with the scale current needs but also has the ability to expand to meet the future requirements. 

Below is the criteria that businesses should consider when choosing payroll software, ensuring the investment they bring the highest efficiency.

Phần mềm tính lương

4.1 automation Capabilities, comprehensive

Businesses need to choose software that has the ability to automate the entire payroll process, from the calculation of basic salary to the tax, insurance and other deductions. This not only helps reduce the load workload for the hr department but also minimize the errors due to the calculation manually.

4.2. The ability to customize the extension

Every business has, salary structure, management processes, welfare policies different. Therefore, the software should have the ability to customize flexible to suit the peculiarities of each organization. In addition, the software must support the business in the large-scale expansion without interrupting the process management salary.

Many businesses are in a stage of growth, from 100 employees to 500 employees within 2 years, software, payroll, initially did not meet the needs expansion led to overcrowding in data management. Therefore, businesses have to be replaced by a software has the ability to expand better.

4.3 Integrated with the system of HRM and other tools

Software manager salary should be tightly integrated with the system of personnel management (HRM), attendance management software, other business such as accounting, tax, to ensure consistency in data. 

4.4 confidentiality and comply with the law

Issue of data security is one of the important factors that businesses should pay attention to when choosing payroll software. Software must ensure data security, especially the sensitive information such as payroll, personal information, deductions. Besides, the software also need full compliance with the laws and regulations labor, tax and insurance.

Follow IBMabout 30% of the business encountered security problems when using the software do not meet the standard. Therefore, when choosing software, enterprises need to check the standard security features comply with the law that the software provides.

4.5 Ability to create reports and detailed analysis

Payroll software must provide the report feature diverse with the ability to analyze detailed data about the cost of payroll, tax, and insurance allowances. These reports help business leaders have the overall look of personnel costs, thereby making the strategic decisions accordingly.

4.6 Costs of deployment, the ability to support technical

Cost is always a deciding factor when choosing software. Businesses need to thoroughly evaluate the initial cost, maintenance cost, and technical support to ensure that the software brings benefits outweigh the cost. In addition, our team of technical support, customer service, supply unit, software is also an important criterion to help businesses solve the problems arising in the process of use.

According to reports from Gartner, 70% of businesses fail in the deployment of new software do not support full specifications, hidden costs incurred after use. Therefore, choosing software has a reasonable cost and technical support of high quality is extremely important.

In the context of convert numbers are going strong in Vietnam, the application of payroll software not only are a temporary solution but also is a step in the strategy for the sustainable development of the enterprise. By choosing the right software, businesses will not only optimize the payroll but also improve the effective hr management, thereby creating an environment of professional work experience of employees. Hope that the information in the article will help the business to have an overview and selected solutions manager salary calculator best.


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