Bảo trì server: Quy trình dịch vụ bảo trì hệ thống máy chủ tiêu chuẩn

Maintenance server: service procedures, system maintenance standard server

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During the great conversion of server (server) plays an important role as the “heart” operating systems information technology of business. The stability and security of the server not only to ensure the work goes smoothly, but also directly affect business performance, brand reputation and satisfaction of our customers. However, many businesses often overlook or underestimate the maintenance serverleads to undue risk as service interruptions, data loss, or even large financial losses.

This article Lac Viet Computing will help you to understand about maintenance, server system, the standard process and the important note, at the same time discover the benefits that the maintenance service professional can bring to your business.

1. Introduction to maintenance server, what is?

Maintenance server is the process of checking, monitoring and implementation of measures for repair, optimized to host guarantee efficient operation, stable and safe. This is a work should be performed periodically to early detection of potential problems and minimize the risk of downtime and improve system performance.

Bảo trì server
Maintenance server aims to optimize the operation of the servers after a period of use

Why maintenance server is necessary?

Business SMEs are often faced with the problem of balance between operational efficiency and cost. Server maintenance helps to maintain optimum performance without the need for additional investment in hardware or large upgrade system.

Prevent downtimes and financial losses related

Downtime not only makes the system stops operation, but also drag in the intangible costs:

  • Loss of revenue: An online store is deactivated during rush hour can lose thousands of DOLLARS each minute.
  • Influence credibility: Customers can lose trust if regular service is interrupted.
  • According to a report from Gartner (2023), on average, one minute of downtime can cause business SMEs takes approximately 5.600 USD.

Protect customer information and business data

Customer data and internal information is an invaluable asset, but is also the target of many cyber attacks. Maintenance server system not only helps to check and upgrade the system security but also to ensure the copy (backup) always ready to restore when necessary.

2. Benefits of maintenance server periodically for business

Maintenance server periodically not only help the system stable operation, but also bring many long-term benefits for SMEs business. Here are the outstanding benefits:

2.1. Guaranteed system performance optimization

When the server is periodic maintenance and operational performance of the system will always be maintained at the highest level.

  • Faster processing: Check and optimize hardware, software, helps to reduce response time.
  • Increase load capacity: Server ready to serve multiple users or handle the amount of data that is not overloaded.

According to Gartner (2023), the system performance can improve from 15-30% after each periodic maintenance, minimizing downtime is not desired.

Bảo trì server
Maintenance server periodically to help improve the performance of the server

2.2. Reduce the risk of downtime

Downtime can cause major losses for your business, especially with the system depends on data, online transactions.

  • Prevent incidents suddenly: Check out, timely recovery of hardware faults, software.
  • Increased reliability: the System is always ready to operate 24/7.

Cost potential: A study of the Uptime Institute pointed out that every hour of downtime can cause damage from 10,000 to $ 50,000 for small and medium business.

2.3. Increase the longevity servers and related equipment

Periodic maintenance helps to reduce the pressure in continuous operation on the components, from which prolong the life of them.

  • Limited wear and tear: cleaning equipment, check the temperature helps to components not malfunctioning quickly.
  • Save replacement costs: minimize the must upgrade or replace components in a short time.

Fact: Businesses often prolonged lifespan server add 2-3 years if done periodic maintenance properly.

2.4. Guaranteed data safety and security

A system that is well maintained will reduce the risk of being attacked by the cyber threats, protect important data of the business.

  • Risk prevention network security: Patch security bugs promptly and monitoring suspicious activity.
  • Reduce the risk of data loss: Ensure the backup data works fine, and is updated regularly.

Cybersecurity Ventures predicts that the cost of the damage from cyber attacks will increase by 10.5 trillion per year in 2025.

2.5. Optimal operating costs long-term

Although periodic maintenance requirements, initial costs, but in the long run will help businesses save significantly.

  • Avoid major repair costs: Fix bugs promptly before the incident spread.
  • Reduce losses due to downtime: Ensure continuous operation of the system, from which optimize profitability.

Note: According to the analysis of TechRepublic, businesses can reduce up to 25% of the cost of operating IT when applying maintenance plan server basically.

2.6. Extended support system easier

Periodic maintenance to ensure server always ready for the demands to expand and upgrade in the future.

  • Sync system: software and hardware are kept in status updates.
  • Prepare for a larger scale: Server stable operation, helping business confidence in the development of major projects.

Bright spot: The business plan routine maintenance easily expand the system by more than 40% compared to business no periodic maintenance, as reported by Forbes IT Insights.

3. The maintenance process server standard for business

To make sure stable operation, maintenance need to follow a process and is done by expert or team of IT professional. The maintenance process server usually includes the main steps below.

Bảo trì server
6 steps in the maintenance process server standard for business

Step 1. Check the status of hardware

Hardware is the operational platform of the server, so that a periodic check is necessary to detect and handle the problem promptly.

  • Check the hard drive: Measure performance, identify signs of errors such as bad sectors or disk near full.
  • Check RAM memory: Guaranteed RAM normal operation, no error cause a decrease in system performance.
  • Check the power supply and temperature: Ensure power supply stability, heat dissipation system works well to prevent overheating damaging the components.

According to reports from the Data Center World (2023), 70% of server issues rooted in hardware are not maintenance or periodic inspection.

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Step 2. Software updates and patches security

Updates to the operating system, software, the security patches help reduce the risk of network attacks.

  • Operating system updates, server: Ensure the server running a version of the latest operating system to avoid the outdated cause security vulnerabilities.
  • Software updates: includes application management tools, related on the server.
  • Check and patch security: Ensure firewall, antivirus and other security tools are always activated.

Important information: security Firm Symantec shows that more than 80% of network attacks in the year 2023 to exploit the vulnerabilities on the server are not updated.

Step 3. Check and optimize the system data storage

Hard drive capacity and how data is stored can greatly affect server performance.

  • Clean up unnecessary data: remove temporary files, log the error or old file is no longer used.
  • Optimizing system storage: Use a tool like RAID to improve performance and increase fault tolerance of the storage system.
  • Check backup (Backup): Ensure your backup is always updating, ready to use when needed.

Hint: Business SMEs should apply system cloud storage (cloud storage) to combine backup and data protection.

Bảo trì server
Check and optimize the hard drive capacity and how data is stored is important item when maintenance server

Step 4. Monitoring performance

Performance measurement server is the best way to timely detect unusual signs.

  • Track resource usage: CPU, RAM and network bandwidth.
  • Check response time: Ensure the processing speed quickly to service requests from the system.
  • Journaling system (Logs): analyze the log file to identify potential errors.

Reality from the market: According to a survey conducted by Spiceworks (2023), the business has systems performance monitoring to proactively reduce to 40% downtime than businesses do not apply this solution.

Step 5. Network inspection system

System network connecting the servers with each other and with users. Periodic inspection will ensure no interruption in data communication.

  • Test bandwidth: Ensures high speed data transmission stability.
  • Check network devices: Router, switch, firewall, and other relevant equipment.
  • Detection and error handling: Find the weak point or connection errors cause a decrease in system performance.

Highlights: optimizing the internal network can boost server performance by up to 25%, especially with the business using the system many users at the same time.

Step 6. Reporting and evaluation effective maintenance

After each maintenance, need to establish a detailed report on the work already done, the effect is achieved.

  • Lists the error is remedied.
  • Evaluate the performance after maintenance: Comparing indicators before and after the maintenance.
  • Proposed maintenance plan next: schedule periodic maintenance to ensure all issues are handled the right time.

Note: detailed report not only help businesses track the status server which also supports the optimization, IT strategy long-term.

4. Factors to note when choosing maintenance services business server

Businesses need to carefully consider the following factors to ensure select is a service, maintenance, server fits, effective:

4.1. The experience and reputation of the service provider

  • Reputable brand: Choose vendors who have long-time experience in IT industry and maintenance of the server.
  • Project reality: evaluating the project was successfully implemented to determine the level of expertise.
  • Customer reviews: review feedback of other customers to look at objectively.

Fact: businesses can partner IT with experience from 5 years and above usually reach satisfaction rate higher than 30% compared to new partners.

4.2. Our team of technicians highly specialized

  • Certificate of specialization: Ensure technicians have the certifications like CCNA, MCSE, or certificate related to the system server.
  • Skills troubleshooting: Ability to analyze and solve problems quickly is important factor.
  • 24/7 support: our Team are ready to assist in emergency situations.

Note: more Than 70% of incidents server occurs outside office hours, so 24/7 support is important criteria when selecting services.

Bảo trì hệ thống máy chủ
Businesses need to choose a team of technicians has the expertise to maintain the system efficiency

4.3. Package diversified services and in accordance with the needs

  • Pack periodic maintenance: in accordance with the business wants to optimize costs long-term.
  • Services emergency support: Respond immediately when an incident occurs, large.
  • System upgrade: including inspection services, hardware replacement, or software upgrade.

Figures illustrate: According to the survey of TechTarget, 55% of SMEs business choose flexible packages to ensure compliance with budget and actual needs.

4.4. Reasonable cost and transparency

  • Competitive price: Make sure price commensurate with the quality of service.
  • Quotes transparency: Not incurring hidden costs.
  • Optimal cost long: compare the benefits of periodic maintenance with the cost of unexpected repairs.

4.5. Warranty policy and support after the maintenance

  • Warranty maintenance: A number of suppliers to ensure bug free during the warranty period after service.
  • Consultant upgrade: Support business plan long term for the system.

Hint: businesses should ask clear warranty policy when signing the contract to avoid risks arising later.

5. Cost of maintenance services server and the optimal way to budget

5.1. Factors affecting maintenance cost server

Cost of maintenance of the server depends on many factors, including:

  • Scale system: Server configuration is more complex, then the maintenance cost as high.
  • Type of services: Cost of services will periodically lower the cost of handling unexpected problems.
  • The current status of the server: Server used for long years or more bugs will need maintenance more thoroughly.
  • The level of commitment support: 24/7 support service often have a higher cost services during office hours.

Figures illustrate:

According to research from Deloitte, the average cost to maintain a server annual physical ranged from 1,500 – 3,000 USD, depending on the configuration and level of complexity of the system.

5.2. Economic benefits when using the services periodic maintenance

  • Reduce costs troubleshoot abrupt: Compared with the repair when an error occurs, periodic maintenance may be reduced to 30-50% of the cost of the long-term.
  • Longevity server: service maintenance regularly helps to reduce the pressure for hardware and maintain stable performance.
  • Increase work performance: Limit interrupt system to help businesses save on operating costs.


Businesses invest in maintenance services for states often save about 20% of IT budgets every year than business only handle incidents when they arise.

5.3. Hint optimal way budget maintenance server for SMEs

  • Compare service package: reference quotes from multiple providers to choose the package most suitable.
  • Priority service package: The package of services including inspection, repair and refurbishment consultants often optimal cost more.
  • Sử dụng công nghệ hiện đại: Sử dụng AI Server – Tích hợp AI và phần mềm quản lý giúp tự động hóa một số quy trình bảo trì cơ bản, giảm phụ thuộc vào nguồn lực bên ngoài.
  • Budget planner: Set a target fixed cost every year to ensure financial viability for the maintenance.

Recommendations: Business SMEs should consider maintenance packages according to contract long-term (1-3 years) to get deals on cost and service better support.

Choose a service, maintenance, server professional brings many benefits unsurpassed from malfunction prevention, improved performance to support solutions to upgrade the long-term. The business SMEs need special attention criteria of credibility, quality and flexibility of service providers to ensure investment to bring the highest efficiency.

6. Maintenance services server professional for business

Maintenance service system, professional server of Lac Viet is a comprehensive solution to help businesses optimize operation, data security, and ensure continuous operation of the system.

Strengths of professional services:

  • Check overall system server periodically.
  • Troubleshooting when error detection.
  • Counselling support to upgrade the hardware and software.
  • Service 24/7, ready to assist emergency.

The maintenance process server professional

  • Step 1: to get information, reviews the current state of the system.
  • Step 2: Proceed to test hardware, software, network connection.
  • Step 3: analyze fix the problems detected.
  • Step 4: report the system status and proposed solutions to improve.
  • Step 5: monitoring and maintenance support after service.

Benefit from hiring the services of professional maintenance

  • Minimize the risk to a system error suddenly.
  • Save time cost for the business.
  • Ensure safety and security data maximum.

Please set server maintenance on strategy development in the IT your business to be ready for the challenge of technology and competition in the new era. A system server operating stability is the foundation for business outreach.

If you need assistance maintenance server hoặc tư vấn buy server, giải pháp tối ưu hóa hệ thống, hãy liên hệ ngay với đội ngũ chuyên gia của Lạc Việt để được hỗ trợ chi tiết và nhanh chóng!


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