cách trình bày văn bản hành chính

Textual administrative STANDARD of 30/2020/ND-CP

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Long ago, the presentation of administrative documents, a standard made under the guidance of circular 01/2011/TT-BNV. However, from 05/3/2020, when the Decree 30/2020/ND-CP effect has changed many points in the and presentation administrative documents. Let's Lac Viet Computing learn just below to the following article

1. General provisions on the presentation of administrative documents

1. Paper size: A4 size (210 mm X 297 mm).

2. Typography: the length of the A4. Case content text with the table icon but not be made in the appendix to the text can be presented in width.

3. The page margins: the Way the upper edge and the lower edge 20 – 25 mm distance from the left edge of 30-35 mm distance from the right edge of 15-20 mm (Distance 20-25mm in be and the distance at the left edge, top edge, bottom depending on the content of the text that we could choose a 20 or 21 or 25 mm at the right edge)

4. Fonts: Fonts English, Times New Roman, the Unicode character code according to Vietnam standard TCVN 6909:2001, black color.
5. Font sizes and typefaces: Follow the specific rules for each element can form.

6. Presentation administrative documents for the composition formula:

7. Page number text: rated from number 1, by Arabic numerals. Font size 13 to 14, typography stand, be placed centered horizontally in the top margin of the text, do not display the number of the first page.

cách trình bày văn bản hành chính

2. The components can be the main presenting administrative documents

2.1. Brand and Target language

a) the National title of “the REPUBLIC socialist of VIETNAM”:

In capital letters, font size from 12 to 13, typography stand bold and at the top right of the first page of the text.

b) The term “Independence – freedom – happiness”:

Text in normal font size from 13 to 14, typography stand bold and be centered under the brand; the first letter of the phrase is capitalized, between the phrases with hyphens (-), are way word; the bottom there is a line horizontal definition mainland, there is the length equal to the length of the inscription.

c) Both the words brand and Target language are presented separated by single line.

2.2. The names of agencies and organizations issued text

  • Is the official name, full of agency, organization, or institution the state of the person authorized to raise the issued text.
  • Name of agency organization, issued in the presentation of administrative documents is presented in capital letters, font size from 12 to 13, typography stand bold, be put up between them under the names of agencies and organizations directly; the bottom there is a line horizontal definition mainland, have a length of from 1/3 to 1/2 the length of the inscription and put the balance compared with the words.

2.3. Number, sign in textual administrative

a) Number of text

Is the number of documents by agencies, organizations and issued in a year, is registered in clerical authority as a rule, the number of text written in Arabic numerals.

b) notation of the text

Includes abbreviations name type the text and abbreviations name of agency, organization, or institution the state has the authority to issue the text.

Abbreviations names of agencies, organizations and units in each agency, organization, or sector of the head of the agency, institution-specific regulations, ensuring short, easy to understand.

c) the Number of symbols of the text

Be put up between them under the names of agencies and organizations issued text.

The word “Number” is presented bandage letter print often, font size 13, arrogant letters stand; after the word “Of” there is a colon (:); with numbers less than 10 must score more number 0 in front.

Sign of official documents presented in capital letters, font size 13, typography stand. Between number and text symbols there slash ( / ) between the groups acronym in text symbols there are hyphens (-), not by the letter.

2.4. The presentation places and time issued administrative documents

a) Place the notes on the text by state agencies in central issued. Is the official name of the province or city directly under the central government where the agency issued text based.

Landmarks by state agencies at local issued is the official name of the administrative unit where the agency issued text based.

b) Time of promulgation

As days, months, years, text to be issued. Duration issued the text must be written in full; the number representing the day, month and year using Arabic numerals; for those of the current day is less than 10, and months 1, 2 must score more number 0 in front.

c) Place and time issued text is presented on the same line with numbers, sign text, in cell number 4, Section IV, Phan I this appendix, by print often, font size from 13 to 14, italic type; the initials of the places must capitalize; after places have comma (,); landmarks, and the day, month and year placed under, up the middle than the National brand and Target language.

cách trình bày văn bản hành chính

2.5. Presentation type name and the extracted text content administration

a) type of the text is the name of each type of text due to agencies, organizations issued. Extracted text content is a brief sentence or a phrase reflecting the general main content of the text.

b) Name the type and the extracted text content is presented in box 5 a, Section IV, Part I of this appendix. Put up between horizontal text.

  • Name text type: letter print, flower, font size, 13 -14, typography stand bold.
  • Extracted text content to be placed right below the name text type, presented by print normal font size from 13 to 14, typography stand bold. Below extracted text content with a line horizontal definition mainland, have a length of from 1/3 to 1/2 the length of the inscription and put the balance compared with the words.

For dispatch, the extracted text content that is presented in the box 5b, Section IV, Part I of this appendix, after the letter “V/v” by print normal font size from 12 to 13, typography stand; put up between them under numbers and symbols text, line spacing 6pt with numbers and text symbols.

2.6. Text content

a) Grounds for issuance of documents

– Includes the text specified jurisdiction, functions and tasks of the agency, the organization issued the text; and the text content rules, the basis for issuance of documents.

– Presentation of administrative documents must write full name type text, numbers, symbols, bodies, dates of issuance of documents and extracted text content (private Laws, ordinances do not record numbers, symbols, the agency issued).

– Presented by word in regular, italics, font sizes from 13 to 14, presented under the category name and the extracted text content; after each base right down the line, end of line accented occipital comma (;); the last line ends with a dot (.).

b) When the lead first relevant text:

Must write full name, type, number, sign, text, time issued, name of agency, institution issued the text; and the extracted text content (for Law and ordinance only recorded name the type and name of Law, order); in the times, citing next, just write the name type and number of symbols of the text.

c) the layout of the text content:

Depending on the type name and content text can have legal grounds to enact the opening and can be layout according to the section, chapter, section, subsection, article, paragraph, point; or be divided into sections, items from big to small according to a certain sequence.

  • For the form of text to be layout according to the section, chapter, section, subsection, it shall, part, chapter, section, subsection, it must have a title. The title is the phrase just the main contents of the part, chapter, section, subsection, it.

d) the presentation part, chapter, section, subsection, article, paragraph, point in administrative documents

– The word “The”, “Chapter” and the order number of the parts, chapters are presented on a separate line, up the middle, with letters print casual, font size from 13 to 14, arrogant words stand bold. Black order of the program using Roman numerals. Title of the chapter is presented immediately below, centered, in capital letters, font size from 13 to 14, typography stand bold.

– The word “Section”, “subsection” and the number of the category, sub-category is presented on a separate line, up the middle, with letters print casual, font size from 13 to 14, typography stand bold. The number of items, sub-items using Arabic numerals. Title of the category, sub-category is presented immediately below, centered, in capital letters, font size from 13 to 14, typography stand bold.

– From “the Thing”, the order number, and title of the article is presented by print casual back to top of the line 1 cm or 1.27 cm. the number of things using Arabic numerals, following order numbers have a dot (.); the font size using the font size of the words, typography stand bold.

e) content writing

Presented by print often, get up, are both margins, typography stand; font size from 13 to 14; when down the line, the first word lines receding into 1 cm or 1.27 cm; the distance between the paragraphs is the minimum 6pt; the distance between the minimum line is single line, the maximum is 1.5 lines.

2.7. The presentation position, name and signature of the person authorized in writing administrative

a) Signature

Signature of authorized person's signature of the person authorized on text paper or digital signature of the authorized on electronic documents.

b) Authority of the person signing:

– TM : signed on behalf

– Q. : is delivered right to grant, mature

– KT. : if the head of agency or organization

– TL. : register assumes command

– TƯQ. : signing authorized

c) position, title and name of person signing

– Position in writing the formal leadership of the text in agencies and organizations; 't remember the position that The state is not specified.

– Title: is the title leader of the sign text in organizations consultation.

– For the consulting organization is allowed to use the seal of authority, organisation, then enter the title of the person signing the text in the organization and consulting positions in agencies and organizations.

– For the consulting organization is not allowed to use the seal of authority, institutions shall only record the titles of the text in organizations consultation.

– Position (title) of the person signing the text of The council or steering Committee of state issued that the leadership of the Chief or Deputy chairman or Deputy chairman of The board must specify the position (title) and the names of agencies and organizations where the leadership of the Ministry of works at the top they name sign.

– Name the sign text in the present administrative documents must include their name, middle name (if any) and name of the person signing the text. Before them the name of the person signing, don't write academic degrees and titles of the other. The recording of more military rank, academic degrees before their name who signed for text of units armed the people, organizations, education, health, science due to the head of the agency management industry, sector regulations.

d) picture, position, signature of the authorized person is the image signature of the person authorized on the text paper, blue, format Portable Network Graphics (.png) transparent background; set up between the position of the sign and the name sign.

Cách trình bày chức vụ, họ tên, chữ ký

2.8. Stamp, signature of agency or organization

a) image, position the digital signature of the organization is pictures about of the agency, the issuance of documents on the text, red, bandage size the actual size of stamp format (.png) transparent background, hooded up about 1/3 of the image digital signature of the competent person on the left.

b) the digital Signature of the organization on the text accompanying the main text are shown as follows: Text attached to the file with text content in electronic Office agency only made up of text and not made up of up accompanying text; the text is not the same file with text content in electronic Office agency made up of agencies and organizations on the accompanying text.

  • Location: upper right, the first page of accompanying text.
  • Image digital signature of agency or organization: Not displayed.
  • Information: numbers and text symbols; time signing (day month year; hours minutes seconds; the time zone in Vietnam according to ISO 8601) is presented with the fonts Times New Roman print, casual, typography stand, font size 10, color black.

c) Sign the digital signature of the organization is presented in figure 8, Section IV, Part I of this appendix.

2.9. Presentation administrative documents about Where to get

a) Where to get the text, including: Where to get to make; where to get to the test, monitoring, reporting, exchange of work, to know; where to get to save the text.

b) For paper presentation, report (agency, organization, subordinates sending agencies, organizations and superior; THIS is the new rules for the reporting level below the send level on the right are from dear under the extracted content of the report) and The office where received include:

  • Part one includes the word “dear”, then the name of the agency, organization, or individual units directly address work.
  • The Monday include the word “Where to get” the bottom is from “As above”, followed by the names of the agencies, organizations, units and individuals concerned other text recognition.

c) with Respect to the other text, where to get cover from the “Where to get” and part lists the agencies, organizations, units and individuals who received text.

3. The presentation of the ingredients, recipe cards other in administrative documents

3.1. Appendix

a) in case the text has attached appendix, then in the text must have instructions on annex it. Text from two appendices the appendices should be numbered using Roman numerals.

b) the Word “appendix” and the number of the appendix is presented in a separate line, up the middle, with letters print casual, font size 14, typography stand, bold; the name appendix (if any) is presented centered, in capital letters, font size from 13 to 14, typography stand bold.

c) information the instructions accompanying text on each annex is issued, including: numbers, symbols, text, duration issuance of documents and the names of agencies and organizations issued text. Information in the instructions accompanying text is aligned to the bottom middle name of the appendix, text in normal font size from 13 to 14, typography
tilt, the same font with the text content, color black.
Information in the instructions accompanying text on each ỉục (Accompanied by text number of days .... months ....year ....) to be fully credited for writing the paper; with respect to electronic text, not to fill in these positions.

d) with Regard to annex the same file with text content in electronic Office agency only made up of text and not made up of up appendix. With respect to annex not the same file with text content in electronic Office agency made up of agencies and organizations on each file attached, in particular:

  • Location: upper right, the first page of each file.
  • Image digital signature of agency or organization: Not displayed.
  • Information: numbers and text symbols; time signing (day month year; hours and minutes
    seconds; the time zone in Vietnam according to ISO 8601) is presented with the fonts Times New Roman print, casual, typography stand, font size 10, color black.

e) the Number of pages of the appendix are numbered separately in each appendix.

e) presentation Template appendix text done as specified in appendix III of this Decree.

Cách trình bày các thành phần thẻ thức

3.2. Sign the policy, the level of emergency, the indications of the scope circulation

a) textual administrative use only Bookmark density

Determining the location and stamped just the secret (secret, secret or confidential), marking document retrieval for text that state secrets are made according to current regulations. Seal the density (top SECRET, SECRET or CONFIDENTIAL) and sign documents recovered engraving available under the provisions of the law on protection of state secrets. Mark only density is packed in box 10a, Section IV, Part I of this appendix; sign document retrieval is closed to car number 11, Section IV, Part I of this appendix.

b) The only level emergency

The text editor has properties emergency unit or individual draft text proposed level of emergency, the person signing the written decision. Depending on the level of need is courier, the text is determined urgency according to the following levels: express, terrace, emergency, emergency.

Seal the level of emergency is engraving available rectangular size of 30 mm X 8 mm, 40 mm X 8 mm and 20 mm X 8 mm, on which the word “EXPRESS”, “UPPER EMERGENCY” and “EMERGENCY” presented by capital letters, font Times New Roman, font size from 13 to 14, typography stand, bold and put the balance in rectangular frame borders menu. Mark only the level of emergency in the way of text presentation was officially closed on car no. 10b, Section IV, Part I of this appendix. Ink to stamp only the level of emergency, use a bright red color.

c) The indications of the scope circulation

For the text range object, use restrictions, use the instructions on the scope circulated as “FINISHED WATCHING RETURN”, “INTERNAL circulation”. The instructions about the scope of circulating presented in box 11, Section IV, Part I this appendix presents the balances in a rectangular frame borders menu, in capital letters, font Times New Roman, font size from 13 to 14, typography stand bold.

3.3. Sign the draft text and number of releases

Presented in boxes of 12, Section IV, Part I of this appendix; denoted by capital letters, numbers in Arabic numerals, font size 11, typography stand.

3.4. The presentation address of agencies and organizations; electronic mail; electronic information; telephone number; Fax number of administrative documents

These components are presented in box 13, Section IV, Part I annex to this in the first page of the text. Words in regular font size from 11 to 12, typography stand. Under a line definition mainland extends the width of the text presentation.

Quản lý, lưu trữ văn bản hành chính không hề đơn giản và đòi hỏi sự chính xác, nhanh chóng hơn bao giờ hết. Để giúp các doanh nghiệp, tổ chức tối ưu hóa quy trình làm việc, software management profile ra đời như một giải pháp toàn diện. Không chỉ giúp lưu trữ, sắp xếp, mà hệ thống phần mềm quản lý văn bản​ còn hỗ trợ tra cứu, chia sẻ thông tin hiệu quả, tiết kiệm thời gian, công sức cho các hoạt động quản lý văn bản hành chính.

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Mastering presentation administrative documents not only professional but also ensure the accuracy and clarity in your work. Often comply with the regulations, forms, contents in order to meet the increasing demands in the work environment is great. With the specific instructions in this article, Lac Viet hope you will have more confidence in the drafting, presentation of the administrative documents in an effective way.


  • Lac Viet Computing Corporation
  • Hotline: (+84.28) 3842 3333
  • Email: info@lacviet.vn – Website: www.lacviet.vn
  • Headquarters: 23 Nguyen Thi Huynh, P. 8, Q. Phu Nhuan, ho chi minh CITY. Ho Chi Minh
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