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Continuous improvement: the instructions apply in the process practices

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These organizations are thinking conservative forever hold a process, how to operate the old-fashioned sooner or later they will also be eliminated. Therefore, businesses need to make continuous improvement in all aspects of business, from hr, production, finance and accounting to sales.

Because this is a relatively new concept, so let's Lac Viet Computing learn details and how to apply on the important aspects of the business through the article below.

1. Learn continuous improvement is what?

Continuous improvement is a management philosophy aimed at process optimization and system in the organization by constantly monitor, evaluate and regulate the activities to achieve the highest efficiency. Improvements don't just stop at the change, but also the process to upgrade and improve continuously the aspects of the business from the work process, quality manufacturing, IT systems for the performance of work of each department.

Cải tiến liên tục là gì
Continuously monitor, evaluate and adjust the operation of the business

Benefits of continuous improvement:

  • Quickly find out the problem, bottlenecks in the workflow to minimize the risks.
  • Adapt promptly to market demand, thanks to the constantly improving quality of products, services and processes.
  • Remove the step workflow unnecessary and inefficient.
  • By constantly adjusting, and finishing, businesses can build a solid foundation for the steady growth and long-term.
  • Update, enhance professional skills staff constantly for employees.
  • The production process, work happens faster, increase labor productivity, reduce waiting time and operating costs.

2. PDCA – Model process improvement work most effectively

PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) is one of the model improvement process most common and effective is many businesses apply today. This method provides a frame work system for enterprises to identify the problem, make the change and evaluate the results of work.

Model PDCA is used to implement improvements in loop circulating in 4 steps:

  • Plan (plan): Identify issues that need improvement, set specific goals and plan in detail to perform.
  • Do (implement): Deployment plan according to the correct method was proposed.
  • Check (Check): Evaluation of the results achieved compared to the initial target.
  • Act (Action): If the result is as expected, apply changes and standardize the new process. If not reached, go back to step Plan to adjust and test again.
Cải tiến liên tục
Pattern, process improvement PDCA

Typically, the process PDCA will be business applied when starting a new project, process improvement, availability or need to identify the root cause of a “knot” in the workflow,...

However, the deployment model PDCA requires relatively more time and concentration of resources. Therefore, the method is suitable to solve the situation, bringing long-lasting, does not require creativity or quick-witted.

3. Applicable model PDCA in the process improvement practices [example]

3.1 Cải tiến liên tục trong quản lý chất lượng sản xuất

Improved management capacity production quality allows businesses to meet the increasing demands of customers, the standard of product quality and optimize the performance of machinery and personnel.

Cải tiến liên tục
Improved manufacturing process to improve product quality

Applicable model PDCA process improvement, quality management, production:

  • Plan (plan): Identify problems such as defective products rate high performance machinery unstable or process quality inspection has not tight. The goal can be reduced the error rate to below 1% or increase performance machinery up to 95%.
  • Do (implement): Implementing measures such as enhanced staff training, periodic maintenance, machinery, or apply the technology to check automatically. Start testing on a production line before expanding out the entire process.
  • Check (Check): Measurement results once done, compare the error rate before and after the improvement. If the error rate is reduced, evaluate the effectiveness of the measures already taken.
  • Act (Action): If the results are as expected, standardize the new process on the entire production system. If you haven't reached, the cause analysis and adjust the plan.

3.2 Cải tiến tài chính – kế toán

Department of finance and accounting are often faced with many serious challenge from the errors in data processing, operating costs exceeded, the processing time extends to compliance with the legal provisions of increasing complexity. 

Để giải quyết triệt để những khó khăn này, việc cải tiến liên tục quy trình làm việc của bộ phận tài chính kế toán là nhiệm vị quan trọng. Áp dụng mô hình PDCA sẽ giúp doanh nghiệp nâng cao độ chính xác, giảm chi phí, rút ngắn thời gian xử lý và đảm bảo tuân thủ quy định..

Cải tiến liên tục
Shorten the processing time and to ensure compliance with the provisions of accounting – financial

Applicable model PDCA improvement activities financial – accounting:

  • Plan (plan): Identify the problems as high operating costs, processing invoices manually cause delays or errors. The goal can be reduce operating costs or increased accuracy in invoice processing up to 100%.
  • Do (implement): Applied management software, financial accounting, process automation invoice processing, and enhanced internal test. Start with an accounting department before widespread deployment.
  • Check (Check): Evaluate the changes in operating costs and the accuracy of processing bill after applying the solution.
  • Act (Action): If achieved positive results, standardize the new process and continue to monitor to ensure effective long-term. If not, go back to step Plan to search for alternative solutions.

3.3 Cải tiến quản lý nhân sự

Forever cling to methods of personnel management traditional, old main was the cause rate, high absenteeism, recruitment, stretching and working performance is uneven.

By continuous improvement, business can build a team of strong development, long-term commitment and good capacity.

Cải tiến liên tục
Team building, the development of strong, long-term commitment and good capacity

Applicable model PDCA improvement of personnel management: 

  • Plan (plan): Identify the problem as the proportion of high absenteeism, recruitment process lasts or work performance of employees is not satisfactory. Set a goal to improve the recruitment process or performance-enhancing work.
  • Do (implement): Deploy programs, staff training, software application management personnel to monitor and evaluate performance, or adjustment of the remuneration policy. Experiment with a group of staff before deploying over a wide area.
  • Check (Check): Check the effectiveness of measures such as resting rate, reducing recruitment time is shortened, or employee performance increases.
  • Act (Action): If satisfactory results, standardized measures were taken. If not, re-analyzing the problem and adjust the plan.

3.4  Cải tiến công nghệ thông tin

In a survey of Arcserve year 2022, 76% of IT leaders said they had experienced data loss condition is important, serious, and 45% of them suffer from permanent data loss.

Từ sự cố bảo mật dữ liệu cùng hệ thống công nghệ thông tin cũ kỹ làm gián đoạn hoạt động kinh doanh đến và lãng phí nguồn lực đáng kể. Đây chính là lý do doanh nghiệp cần nên cải tiến liên tục, đầu tư và cập nhập các công nghệ thông tin mới vào quy trình làm việc.

Cải tiến liên tục
Innovation, investment, and enter the new information technology

Applicable model PDCA improvement, information technology:

  • Plan (plan): Identify problems such as system information technology obsolete, no security or not compatible with the requirements of current business. The target can be a system upgrade or enhance the security.
  • Do (implement): Perform system upgrades, deployment, security measures, or integrated tools, more advanced technology. Start with a small parts or testing on a backend system first.
  • Check (Check): Measure the effectiveness of the upgrade through the improvement of system performance and minimize security incidents, or enhance the interaction between the systems.
  • Act (Action): Standardize the improvements if you reach the goal, or step back Plan, if necessary, adjusted.

3.5  Cải tiến chiến lược Marketing và bán hàng

Marketing and sales is 2 strategy directly affect sales and position of the organization. Applicable model improvement PDCA help enterprises to optimize marketing strategies, improve conversion rate, and measurable business of a more accurate way. 

cải tiến quy trình làm việc
Optimize marketing strategies, conversion rate by improving regular

Applicable model PDCA improvement, Marketing strategy and sales:

  • Plan (plan): Define the problem as the marketing campaign is not effective, low conversion rate, or do not achieve sales goals. Set a goal to raise effective campaign or increase conversion rates.
  • Do (implement): Implementation of new strategies such as adjusting content marketing, optimizing landing pages, or deployment of new marketing channels. Experiment with a small campaign before expanding.
  • Check (Check): Evaluate campaign results through indicators such as conversion rate, traffic, website, or sales.
  • Act (Action): If the campaign is successful, widely apply new strategies. If not, analyze the causes and adjust the plan.

4. The secret optimize process efficiency, continuous improvement

4.1 Loại bỏ các khoản chi lãng phí

To optimize process efficiency improvements, the removal of the spending waste is extremely important. 

Instead engrossed with the work, duplicate, business should focus on leveraging maximum resources for the creative task and bring higher value. 

Eliminate the cost of managing physical resources, personnel costs, losses in the supply chain, cost management and tracking craft, as well as the cost of communicating and meeting not required, businesses can save a considerable cost.

Ví dụ, hệ thống quản all-in-one LV-DX là một trong những giải pháp hỗ trợ doanh nghiệp tiết kiệm chi phí vận hành và nhân sự tốt nhất. Bằng cách tích hợp tất cả phân hệ như quản lý quy trình, công việc, tài liệu, nhân sự, Marketing – Khách hàng trên 1 nền tảng, LV-DX có thể đáp ứng mọi nhu cầu cải tiến liên tục của doanh nghiệp mà không tốn nhiều chi phí vận hành.

công cụ cải tiến quy tổng thể
Save on operating costs with total solution LV-DX

4.2 Hoàn thiện quy trình làm việc, liên thông đa phòng ban

When departments work independently and lack of connection, information will be loss, delay progress, and will sometimes happen that duplicate work. Therefore, a work flow smooth, seamless, continuous, multi-departments create privacy is the key to innovation workflow of the business.

To perform the tasks of this business should invest in a software process management as LV-DX Dynamic Workflow. Don't just stop in the optimal process, the software also has function automation workflow, assignment, auto approval – number series and finally the measure – proposed the “blind spots” that need improvement.

Quy trình cải tiến liên tục
Finishing workflow, contact information, multi-departments with LV-DX Dynamic Workflow

Process continuous improvement requires the administrator may have good thinking, time investment, long-term and use the right method. In it, applying system management software, a comprehensive integrated many modules are an optimal solution and cost savings.


Picture of Hồ Hiếu
Ho Hieu
Over 12 years of experience on business and management business and is a consultant on business management exposure over 300 CEO, CIO, CFO,...Read more >>>
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