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Business number what is? Characteristics, role and 5 popular models

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In the digital era, when technology reshaping every industry and field, the transition from traditional patterns to business number no longer is the option that has become necessities. Because, the business “slow number of” at risk of lagging behind, losing competitive advantage on market fluctuations every day. 

So, business technology what is digital? Where is the most optimal solution for your business? The same Lac Viet Computing find details through the article below.

1. Business number what is?

Business number (Digital Enterprise) is term used to refer to the organization to apply digital technologies to improve operations, operational processes to enhance work performance.

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The organization applying digital technologies to improve operations, operating procedures

Thanks to that, the business can increase operational efficiency, create customer experience better and open opportunities for new business. This is the process of holistic transformation through the application of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence(AI), Internet of Things(IoT), big data, blockchain,...

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2. Business standard number should have the characteristics of what?

A business technology of the “main signal” not merely to apply the new technology into operation, which is also the holistic transformation in the way we operate and manage. 

Here are 4 important characteristics needed to become a business standard number:

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4 important Characteristics needed to become a digital enterprise standard

2.1 application technology of comprehensive

Characteristics of modern business is the most obvious which is the application of technology in all operations such as operation management, workflow management, personnel management, production, business,...In which the solution technology is most applicable is artificial intelligence (AI), big data analytics (Big Data), Internet of thing (IoT), cloud and infrastructure devices number. 

The application of technology into every “nook and cranny” to help businesses help optimize workflow, improve productivity, cfrontier advance the quality of products/services and minimize cost.

2.2 Use electronic document, quick access

A business number modern will certainly not use paper documents and forms storage craft, but instead is library electronic document. 

The use of electronic document not only helps save storage space but also enhance the security and ability to access information. 

Thanks to the platform, cloud storage and tools management material online, employees can quickly find, access the necessary documents, from anywhere – at any time. 

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Use electronic documents instead of paper documents

2.3 operating procedures streamlined, automatic

Business digital technology in the era 4.0, usually focusing optimal process operation streamlined and automated. 

The removal of these unnecessary steps, apply automation in the operating procedures to help businesses minimize wasted time and resources. 

Often, in order to optimize the cost and duration of culture, business will thanks to the help of the management system, enterprise resource planning (ERP), software management workflows (Dynamic Workflow LV-DX), automation technologies such as RPA (Robotic Process Automation). 

2.4 space plus the internal focus mount

A business number true always build space plus the internal online, where all members in the organization can easily swap, share information and work together. 

The collaboration platform as LV-DX Collaboration, Microsoft Teams, Slack, modern not only help employees connect, but also to focus all information, processes on 1 platform. The construction of a working environment, collaboration, mount will boost productivity and enhance the quality of work.

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Space to collaborate, internal, online focus

3. Why need to transition to a digital enterprise?

Transition to a digital enterprise is a task essential because bring many benefits important strategies to help businesses survive and thrive in a business environment increasingly competitive, changes quickly.

Here are 5 main reasons answer to the question why hold switch model number:

  1. Process optimization, commissioning, business
  2. Digitize the collection and analysis of data
  3. Reach your target customers quickly
  4. Innovation and creativity flexibility
  5. Extended product, service diversity

3.1 process optimization, commissioning, business

Converting to digital technology to help businesses optimize operational processes and business through the application of modern technology. The automation tool and the application converts number of enterprises allows optimization of time and resources, reduce errors, increase the performance significantly. 

For example, using an ERP system (Enterprise Resource Planning) helps businesses manage resources more efficiently, thereby improving productivity and profitability.

3.2 digitized the collection and analysis of data

With the support of technology, Big data with analytics tools to collect and analyze data becomes easy, fast, so much better than with the task manually. 

Analysis tools powerful data to help businesses better understand customer behavior, market trends and business performance, thereby making the strategic decisions based on specific data.

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Analysis, collecting and analyzing data becomes easy with technology Big data

3.3 approach target customers quickly

The application of digital business will help company, organization behavior analysis, psychology clients to come up with strategies to improve the high quality products, best service.

Which, by leveraging the marketing tools number such as online advertising, email marketing and social networking...easy business interactions, bring products closer to consumers. Follow Report of CMSWIREthe app uses artificial intelligence (AI) in the conversion strategy number is expected to increase the level of customer satisfaction by 25%.

3.4 innovation and creative flexibility

Tools, digital platforms allows businesses to test new ideas and deploy products/services quickly and easily adjust the strategy when needed. 

The ability to react quickly to changes of the market is the strong help the enterprise maintain competitiveness and meet the diverse needs of customers.

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Digital platforms allows businesses to test new ideas, implementing fast service

3.5 extension products, services, diverse

Convert number not only helps to optimize current processes but also open up opportunities to grow and expand products and services. 

With the ability to collect and analyze data smart digital tools, businesses can better understand the needs as well as the wishes of the customer, from which developed the product/service more diverse to meet.

4. The business model of the typical present

Depending on the type of business, product/services provided and the characteristics of the business that will have the model holding the corresponding number.

Below is the pattern business technology number of the most popular in the world.

  1. Model e-commerce (E-commerce)
  2. Model financial technology (Fintech)
  3. Pattern start technology software (Tech start-ups)
  4. Model education technology (Ed-tech)
  5. Model health technology (Healthtech)

4.1 Model e-commerce (E-commerce)

Electronic commerce (E-commerce) is a business model online that allows the transaction of purchase and sale of goods and services was made through the website, mobile application or floor ecommerce. Example of business of leading shopping platform popular online full structure is Amazon, eBay, Alibaba. 

This model allows businesses to reach global markets, minimize operating costs, physical store spot and provide shopping experience convenient for customers.

4.2 Model financial technology (Fintech)

Model financial technology (Fintech) focuses on the application of technology to improve and automate the financial services such as online payments, loans, management, personal finance, money, electronic... companies such as PayPal, Momo, Apple Pay is the pattern most clearly for the change in the way of payment, cash loans and financial management personal success.

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Business Fintech application of technology to improve and automate the financial services

4.3 Model start technology software (Tech start-ups)

The business of Tech start-ups often focus on the development of software solutions using artificial intelligence, blockchain and IoT.

They usually start with unique ideas, develop products such as mobile apps, enterprise software, and online services. Companies like Slack, Asana, Zoom is a case study success when has revolutionized the methods of work and daily communication of users.

4.4 Model education technology (Ed-tech)

Ed-tech is providing solutions online learning management software learning, interactive tools to support teachers and students. Platforms such as Coursera, Khan Academy and Duolingo is the outstanding example in expanding accessibility to high quality education for all people worldwide.

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Ed-tech is providing solutions online learning management software learning

4.5 modeling health technology (Healthtech)

Simply said, Healthtech is the business model technology application in the field of health and health care. 

Các doanh nghiệp Healthtech tập trung phát triển các giải pháp như phần mềm quản lý bệnh viện, thiết bị y tế thông minh và ứng dụng theo dõi sức khỏe cá nhân. Khi nhắc đến Healthtech thì không thể bỏ qua Teladoc, Fitbit, Medtronic – những công ty cung thông tin y tế và tư vấn sức khỏe hàng đầu hiện nay trong lĩnh vực.

5. Challenges when converting model number & comprehensive solution for business

According to the report of Windstream Enterprise about conversion trends of year 2024, 61% of the leaders of that their organization has not achieved the desired tempo and 58% predicted will take two years or more to see the significant results. In it, the biggest hurdle that is:

  • Resistance to change from internal: Work habits, traditions ingrained in the thinking of many people, resulting in anxiety, lack of trust, and sometimes the protest when businesses adopt the new technology. 
  • The cost of the initial investment is high: Number conversion requires a significant investment for technology, infrastructure and staff training. This can cause financial pressure, especially for the small and medium enterprises. 
  • System infrastructure outdated: The operating system the old, sluggish cause difficulties for the modernization and lack of flexibility as well as scalability needed for the initiative, the digital.
  • Lack of knowledge, digital skills: Operation of digital business requires a team of skilled personnel with expertise in data analytics, AI, cybersecurity, and digital marketing. 

Optimal solution, most effective way to overcome the barriers on and progress to a business modern technology it is the application system, number conversion, comprehensive along with the companionship of a unit whose expertise, long experience in the field of number conversion.

Vietnam – supply unit switching platform of comprehensive business contact information on every business. With over 30 years of experience in the field of technology, we are ready to accompany business on the transition number. 

Lac Viet provide conversion services of comprehensive design journey experience throughout most exclusive exclusively for each customer based on the maturity level management capability. 

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Knowledge creating organization out with the comprehensive solution of Lac Viet

Thanks to many outstanding features, Lac Viet is many medium and large enterprises in Vietnam trusted. In it, not to mention the company Nitto Denko, Huong Thuy Corporation, Vina Kraft, Thermtrol Corporation, Framas, UNIVERSITY of Agriculture and Forestry, Phu Hung Life,, ... In addition to each year, Lac Viet honored to companion along with hundreds of business on the conversion path number.

Vietnam provides an eco-system comprehensive to support business-made conversion of the success. These solutions, including management software, infrastructure, platform, technology services and IT equipment.

  • Applications: Space plus the number of (LV-DX Collaboration), human resources Management (V-DX People), financial Management – accounting (LV-DX Accounting), process Management act (LV DX Dynamic Workflow),...
  • Platform infrastructure: Infrastructure virtualization, systems, networks, backup and security,...
  • Technology services: Service software, equipment rental, IT onsite, maintenance,...
  • IT equipment: Physical servers, network devices, storage devices,...

For businesses to switch from traditional patterns to pattern business number success requires a journey of good, specific, and have the foundation also resources strong enough. Understand the problem concerns of every business, Lac provides full service package to meet all your needs according to the route transition of sustainability with the lowest cost. Hope through this article, the business has got to be the most useful information about the model this business from there choose conversion solution matching numbers.


Picture of Hồ Hiếu
Ho Hieu
Over 12 years of experience on business and management business and is a consultant on business management exposure over 300 CEO, CIO, CFO,...Read more >>>
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