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How to check digital signatures, valid 100% correct on electronic documents

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In every transaction power, the verification of digital signatures guarantee contracts, agreements, invoices or any other documents are valid, not disabled. Check digital signature also helps businesses verify the identity of the person signing the document, to avoid fake identity or phishing.

See the right way to check and what information should be when verify the digital signature through the following article of Lac Viet Computing okay!

1. How to check the digital signature is valid, the most accurate

Be aware of the condition on the center Testimonials national electronic (NEAC) of the Ministry of information and Communication recently have specific guidance on this issue.

Accordingly, the received text can use the software that people sign to sign out or use some software to read text editor downloads built and developed by the agency, organization, reliability, such as Adobe Acrobat (Adobe), Word, Excel, Power Point (Microsoft), vSignPDF (of the people's army of vietnam) to check the digital signatures on electronic documents that we receive.

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The sign/electronic sign of LV-DX eSign is a tool safe, prestigious business support check and verify the validity of the signature of the most accurate. Each request approval are attached to the voucher details, are stored as PDF to check and track the responsibility of leadership – staff.

All information requested review – review of the public – to refuse approval are sent through message system or Email / SMS to the individual concerned.

2. Check digital signatures, valid need to ensure information?

The manner, process check digital signatures need to comply with the provisions in paragraphs 1 and 2, Article 79 Decree no. 130/2018/ND-CP date 27/9/2018 of The government detailing the implementation of the Law in electronic Trading on the digital signature and authentication service digital signature. Specifically, before accepting the digital signature of the recipient to check the information and status of the signature as follows:

  • State certificate number
  • Scope of use, limitation of liability and the information on the digital certificate of the signer
  • The digital signature must be created by the secret key corresponding to the public key on the digital certificate of the signer
  • For digital signatures are created by certified mail of foreign licensed for use in Vietnam, the recipient must check the validity certificate number on both the system of organization that provides services for digital signature certificate and national system of organization that provides services for digital signature certificate foreign certificate number.

In addition, the recipient must perform the procedure verify the digital signature as follows:

  • Check the status of the digital certificate at the time of making up the number, scope of use, limitation of liability and information on digital certificates that in accordance with Article 5 of Decree 130 on the technical systems of organization that provides services for digital signature certificate has been issued a certificate for that number.
  • In case of using the digital certificate held by the service provider of digital signature authentication, public level: Check the status of the digital certificate of the organization provides services for digital signature certificate has been issued a certificate of which at the time made up the number on the technical systems of Organization that provides services for digital signature certificate nations; Digital signature on the message data is valid only when the test results in paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, at the same time effective.

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To serve the needs of use of electronic documents of the people, currently the centre authenticated electronic states are studied construction and development app allows users to register number, verify the digital signature on a personal computer or web platform that meets the specified technical standards on digital signature, ensure safety and security information. Now when the application is complete, the center will provide free of charge to organizations and individuals wishing to register number, check digital signature choose to use. This is a good news for Vietnamese businesses are not adapting timely with the switch number is said to be the trend leader of the world economy in the present moment.

Source: Journal of information security


  • Lac Viet Computing Corporation
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  • Headquarters: 23 Nguyen Thi Huynh, P. 8, Q. Phu Nhuan, ho chi minh CITY. Ho Chi Minh
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