Kỹ năng quản lý văn bản

5 management Skills, the text, documents, important

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The management texts, and holds an important role in business aims to help for the operation lookup, search for the information is out in a timely, efficient and performance enhancing, the quality of work. In this article Lac Viet Computing will share 5 skills management text, important records in the offices and business units.

1. Skills classification of text documents, papers and documents

Mỗi loại văn bản lại có một tính chất, chức năng và nội dung khác nhau. Chính vì vậy, nhân viên văn thư cần biết cách phân loại hồ sơ, văn bản để tiện cho việc quản lý tệp tin và lưu trữ. Chẳng hạn như văn bản, hồ sơ nguyên tắc là cơ sở cho việc giải quyết các công việc, nên cần đưa lưu trữ ở nơi thuận tiện cho việc sử dụng và tìm kiếm

Kỹ năng quản lý văn bản

2. Skills to assess the value of text documents

The assessment of the value of text documents is also an important step to determine the term of preservation measures, as well as location-preservation. Besides, can destroy the document is no longer valid, not needed anymore.

3. Skills statistics text

This is also a kỹ năng quản lý hồ sơ tài liệu quan trọng nhằm giúp văn thư nắm được nội dung, số và chất lượng tài liệu cũng như management software text.

4. Skills management, preservation of text documents

The preservation aimed to help increase the longevity of the text, to avoid cases of lost or termite damage. To the preservation is effective in need of building regulations on archives, rules about the use of text, hygiene, avoid fire, moisture and heat,...

Kỹ năng quản lý tài liệu

Did you know that more than 90% of office documents still being storage craft paper form. This is why businesses are wasting space, time, and cost per day?

  • 30-40% work time of office workers is wasted in finding materials. On average, an employee spends 18 minutes to find a document, but there are 1/20 lost completely.
  • Cost of storing and managing paper documents there can be up to 5-10% annual revenue of business, including the cost of renting warehouse, human resources management, and maintenance documents.
  • 25% service data leakage business arising from the storage and handling of materials not safe, especially the paper documents are not protected by encryption systems or management access.

LV SureDMS – Streamlined database: Manage, store, retrieve unlimited

  • Search and retrieve records become more easily, anytime and anywhere with just a few clicks, a few key words.
  • Support organization storage warehouses in many different positions and decentralized management independently on each repository.
  • Minimize the manual work for storage park; minimize storage space physics for the record not important; reduce the cost of printing, preservation, and no need to expand the storage space cabinet/shelf profile.
  • Remove status dispersed data, the members of the groups/departments to collaborate more effectively in stock common resources, but still be close authorization by role to ensure safety for confidential documents.
  • Statistical reports according to many criteria (room, board, source/unit status, handling,...), quick view reports in various forms visually.




5. Skills mining and use text text

The operators use information in the text, documents, aimed at addressing the work in a more efficient manner.

Text, documents, dispatch important to be classified and organized in a scientific way, tidy, in order, to easily store, search, at the same time avoid the risk of loss. On this is the sum of the skills management text professional imperative to cultivate for a good fantasy manager.


  • Lac Viet Computing Corporation
  • Hotline: (+84.28) 3842 3333
  • Email: info@lacviet.vn – Website: www.lacviet.vn
  • Headquarters: 23 Nguyen Thi Huynh, P. 8, Q. Phu Nhuan, ho chi minh CITY. Ho Chi Minh
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