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Host profile: Method and process ISO standard for business

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With the rise of information from traditional paper records to electronic documents, businesses are faced with a huge amount of data. Besides, legal regulations about storing documents increasingly strict requirements businesses need to have a system process storage profile according to ISO standard tuning, more professional. 

Vậy làm thế nào để quản lý, bảo quản hiệu quả lượng tài liệu khổng lồ và đa dạng chủng loại này?  Cùng Lac Viet Computing find out now in the article below.

1. Tổng quan về lưu trữ hồ sơ trong doanh nghiệp

1.1 Lưu trữ hồ sơ là gì?

Records storage là quá trình thu thập, sắp xếp, bảo quản và quản lý các tài liệu liên quan đến hoạt động kinh doanh, nhằm đảm bảo thông tin quan trọng luôn có sẵn để truy cập khi cần thiết, đồng thời đáp ứng các yêu cầu pháp lý, quy định nội bộ.

lưu trữ hồ sơ là gì
Storage is the process of collecting, sorting, preservation, and records management

Trong môi trường hiện đại, hồ sơ lưu trữ không chỉ bao gồm các tài liệu giấy truyền thống như hợp đồng, báo cáo tài chính hay hồ sơ nhân sự mà còn có các tệp kỹ thuật số (bản mềm) dưới nhiều định dạng khác nhau như PDF, DOC, XLS và cả các tệp hình ảnh hoặc âm thanh. Sự gia tăng nhanh chóng về số lượng và khối lượng thông tin đòi hỏi doanh nghiệp phải có phương pháp lưu trữ tối ưu hơn để tránh các thách thức như tốn diện tích lưu trữ vật lý, khó khăn trong việc tìm kiếm, bảo quản hồ sơ hay nguy cơ mất mát thông tin.

1.2 Các phương pháp lưu trữ tài liệu phổ biến

The choice of method of document storage suitable not only enhances management efficiency, but also ensure the integrity and safety for the information. Here are a number of methods of document storage popular that businesses can apply, depending on the needs and peculiarities of the organization:

  • Host by number, characters: This method is simple but effective, using the code number or character independently to classify documents. Each document will be assigned a specific code, which helps users easily retrieve, search quickly without the need to remember the name specific document. This method is suitable for businesses that have large archives need regular handling and request time quick access.
  • Archive by topic: Documents are divided into groups based on the content or the main theme, which helps finding and using becomes more convenient. For business regularly handles the information related to the customer, project or process, this storage method allows them to quickly retrieve data when you need relevant information.
  • Stored in chronological order: For businesses that need to keep a history of transactions, contracts or projects over time, the arrange documents in the order from old to new (or vice versa) is an effective option. This method is particularly useful for tracking project progress, processing invoices and other financial documents according to each term.
  • Distributed by department: Some businesses choose how distributed storage, i.e. each department record keeping separate document according to the functions and their tasks. This helps departments flexibility in the management and use of documents according to the needs specific job. However, if there is no management system in general, this method can lead to the status of scattered and difficult to control when collaborating with the other departments.
  • Centralized storage: In many cases, business storage options gathered in one unit or single department, usually administrative office or storage room. This creates a management process consistent, easy-to-follow and minimize the risk of loss or errors in the process of retention. Moreover, centralized storage also help ensure higher security when the document is decentralized management and closely.
lưu trữ hồ sơ
5 methods of document storage popular

1.3 Quy định về lưu trữ hồ sơ mới nhất

When storing documents in the business, compliance with the provisions of current legislation is mandatory in order to ensure the legality and safety. According to the latest regulations of Law archive 2024businesses need storage with a minimum of time, depending on the type of material:

  • Financial documents and accounting: Must be stored in the period from 5 to 10 years. Các tài liệu này bao gồm sổ sách kế toán, hóa đơn, chứng từ giao dịch tài chính và báo cáo tài chính. Đây là yêu cầu nhằm đảm bảo minh bạch trong quá trình thanh tra, kiểm toán.
  • Legal records: The documents related to the contract, agreement, license, and other legal documents may need to store long overeven permanently in some cases, to meet the test requirements, legal disputes, or when needed for screening information.
  • Personnel records: Personal records of employees, including contract labor, the decision to appoint, and the documents related to compensation also need to store in at least 10 years after the employee leaves the business.

>>> See more detail about 14 specified storage time record no. 09/2011/TT-BNV

Việc quản lý và lưu trữ hồ sơ không chỉ dừng lại ở tuân thủ quy định pháp lý, mà còn giúp doanh nghiệp tối ưu quy trình vận hành, nâng cao hiệu quả quản lý tài liệu, bảo vệ lợi ích kinh doanh. Với phần mềm quản lý hồ sơ, như LV SureDMS, doanh nghiệp có thể số hóa, tự động hóa quy trình lưu trữ, giảm thiểu sai sót và đảm bảo tuân thủ mọi quy định pháp luật về lưu trữ tài liệu.

2. Quy trình lưu trữ hồ sơ “rối như tơ vò” tiêu tốn thời gian doanh nghiệp

Today, many businesses are still encountered the situation of “wind up with stitches” in the storage and management of documents. Especially for organizations that have large scale, the volume of documents and records is increasing, making the storage becomes difficult to control. 

Real state archive traditional material in business:

  • Storage material in many different ways such as hard copy (printouts) are stored in the repository, physical, or the soft file dispersed on the personal computer of each employee.
  • Physical storage requires large space, the cost for storage, preservation, documentation, and personnel management. For those businesses that have high-profile, big-maintaining the storage system, this tradition became the financial burden is not small.
  • When businesses need to use material from or in case of an emergency, methods of traditional storage becomes inconvenient, reduce the working efficiency of the organization. 
  • The staff set the file name according to the hobby, want to where it to, it does not have specific rules about collecting, sorting, storage and disposal of records that management process becomes confusing.
  • Profile paper pile, no classification system clearly has made finding eats hour clock mainland.
lưu trữ hồ sơ
Physical storage is gradually revealed many limitations and cause difficulties in the management process

As practice shows, many businesses recognize that the maintenance method of storing craft no longer fit your needs, modern management. To optimize workflow, minimize the risks and ensure the integrity of records and documents, businesses need to switch to the archiving process standardization, use of advanced technology such as management software records digitized.

Storage solutions record management software document modern as LV SureDMS of Vietnam not only help automate the process of collecting, archiving and records management but also ensure full compliance with the regulations on the storage material according to the national standard. This software supports businesses in the:

  • Sorting, sorting material science.
  • Looking for quick and easy access.
  • Confidential information with identification technology, decentralized use clear.
  • Save costs and storage space, optimize resources.

Management solution record – document LV SureDMS professional

Support the organization of goods 100% record storage

  • Allows to create a new storage profile with full information according to standard Dublin core.
  • Allows the storage of many types of format (text, image, video, audio file,...) according to work needs.
  • Supports manage both paper records and records digitization, information management, storage location, condition of your existing profile.
  • Integrated with devices of chemical profile that helps to digitize records in 1 mouse click.

Preserving the safety profile, adjustable, easy to

  • Organization data, multi-level: Stock the shelves and boxes of records according to the structure by individual organizational model.
  • Support organization storage warehouses in many different positions and decentralized management independently on each repository.
  • Technology integrated Barcode/ Qr code/ RFID to manage profiles and profile components.
  • Assist in the category profile filed hosted, pattern sheet contents of the profile in accordance with the standards of the Department of archives.

Exploit convenient use anytime, anywhere

  • Quickly view documents online without download.
  •  There are support tools: edit, delete, move, copy, download documents, mark favorites,...
  • Allows search by keywords, document type, profile and search by content in the document.
  • Lets borrow/pay online profile through software or mobile application.
  • Integrated approval process a request to borrow online and automatically revoke access to records upon expiration borrow.

Management flexibility using intuitive tools

  • Status management, warehouse operators, document management loan – pay and policy loan payment.
  • Allows decentralized multiple levels and limit the rights of users to be granted access in order to control the approaches to the material according to density different.
  • Allows transfer data from excel file cataloging record storage into the system.
  • Integration with other systems to unified storage profile focus 1 place.

3. Quy trình lưu trữ hồ sơ theo ISO trong doanh nghiệp

Procedure reference document storage according to ISO standard, the most professional

Bước 1: Thu thập hồ sơ, dữ liệu

First, clear division of materials according to each department, such as finance, hr, legal, marketing, manufacturing and customer. This helps to ensure that all parts have full documentation needed and not to be missed.

For a process record storage professional ISO, should collect documents based on the time arises, from the latest materials to the older literature. Because then, the business easily manage and access important documents in the time different business. 

Bước 2: Phân loại, sắp xếp và lập chỉ mục hồ sơ

After you've collected enough data, the next step is classify and arrange them in a systematic way. Business can classify documents based on subject, document type, or duration. For example, financial documents can be sorted by each year, while the legal documents can be classified according to partner name or the content of the contract.

More importantly, the indexing will help documentation easy access in the future. Use software like SureDMS, the document will be indexed with many criteria such as keywords, document type, or person responsible. Allows businesses can search and access documents in the shortest time, help to improve work efficiency.

quy trình lưu trữ hồ sơ
Document classification based on topic, document type, or duration

Bước 3: Xác định thời hạn lưu trữ hồ sơ theo quy định Chính phủ

According to current regulations in Vietnam, each document type has a time limit storage different. Determining the term document storage must comply with the provisions of The government to ensure operational business law and not risk legal. For example:

  • Financial records, accounting often have deadlines stored for at least 5 years (under the accounting Law 2015).
  • Legal documents, the contract may need to store for longer periods, depending on the content and conditions of the contract.

Software as SureDMS support tracking period documents, alert the business when the profile is close to expiry to avoid accidentally violating legal regulations.

Bước 4: Tiến hành lưu trữ hồ sơ

When was classified and defined the term storage, businesses can choose between the methods of different storage, including storage, physical, or digitized documents. With modern trends and demand, process optimization, management, storage of goods through software document management is becoming a top choice.

SureDMS cung cấp giải pháp lưu trữ tài liệu dưới dạng số hóa với khả năng quản lý dữ liệu an toàn, tích hợp nhiều tính năng như bảo mật thông tin, truy cập nhanh chóng và quản lý tài liệu từ xa. Điều này giúp doanh nghiệp dễ dàng theo dõi và truy xuất tài liệu mà không cần phải mất công tìm kiếm thủ công trong các kho lưu trữ vật lý.

quy trình lưu trữ hồ sơ
Document storage professional, with centralized LV SureDMS

Bước 5: Truy cập và sử dụng tài liệu hồ sơ

After the document has been stored, businesses need to build a process access to and use of records in a scientific way. Software as SureDMS allows users can search for documents with just a few simple operations, ensuring records are retrieved at the right time, the right people in authority.

In particular, SureDMS support management feature authorization help ensure high security while only those who have the right to access important documents. This is very necessary for the business with multiple employees in different departments, where the access and use of the material should be tightly controlled.

With software stored profile LV SureDMSbusinesses can:

  • Save 70% storage resources: Minimize storage space physics and cost management profile not important.
  • 20% increase in productivity: Search, access, and use materials easily, anytime, anywhere.
  • Ensure safety and security: Documents are stored with multiple layers of security, support decentralized details based on user roles.

Bước 6: Theo dõi, cập nhật trạng thái

Storage system documents required features track and update the status of each document. Software SureDMS provide monitoring tools, document status, help businesses understand the situation of each document, as the document has been processed, processing, or has expired.

quy trình lưu trữ hồ sơ theo iso
According to state records, intuitive system management, electronic document

The status monitor not only help ensure documents are timely updates, but also supported planning for the maintenance and maintenance data.

Bước 7: Hủy bỏ hồ sơ hết hạn

Finally, businesses need to make remove the document has expired store in accordance with regulations. Not only does this save storage space but also ensure the confidentiality of your information. Made clear in the following ways:

  • Document resume normal: cross out, cut, shredded, or use the machine for professional use.
  • With record important documents: - browser and proceed to cancel by tearing small, the burning ...

4. Mẫu quy trình lưu trữ hồ sơ, tài liệu chuyên nghiệp

4.1 Mẫu danh mục hồ sơ lưu trữ

Template catalogue record storage help businesses easily categorize and sort documents in a systematic way. The establishment of this category also support the search for and retrieve information quickly when needed.

  • Column 1: Write the number and sign of profile (follow the instructions at point d, under section 4, part B of this guide).
  • Column 2: list the number and name of the big problem of small items (according to the instructions in point d, under section 4, part B of this guide).
  • Column 3: list term preservation of records (permanent or time limited by the number of years specified)
  • Column 4: Record the name, unit, or individual responsible for setting records.
  • Column 5: Record special information about term preservation, of the founder records, transfer records from years ago to...
lưu trữ tài liệu
Template catalogue record storage full information

4.2 Mẫu theo dõi sửa đổi tài liệu

This template is used to record and track the changes, editing in the process of document management. This is especially important with respect to the material legal as high as contracts, financial statements, or internal processes.

Content pattern includes:

  • Code documentation
  • Document version
  • Date modified
  • Content description edit
  • Edit
  • Approver
  • Reasons for revision
  • Revision history (integrated information from the previous version)
lưu trữ tài liệu
Tracking template process document revision ISO

With these methods records storage hiện đại và quy trình chuẩn ISO, doanh nghiệp có thể cải thiện đáng kể khả năng truy xuất thông tin, giảm thiểu rủi ro, tiết kiệm thời gian. Hơn nữa, việc áp dụng công nghệ số hóa thông qua các phần mềm quản lý tài liệu như LV SureDMS sẽ giúp doanh nghiệp không chỉ tiết kiệm chi phí lưu trữ mà còn tối ưu hóa nguồn lực, tạo điều kiện thuận lợi cho sự phát triển bền vững trong tương lai. 


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  • Headquarters: 23 Nguyen Thi Huynh, P. 8, Q. Phu Nhuan, ho chi minh CITY. Ho Chi Minh
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Ho Hieu
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