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Model ADKAR what is? Analysis of the 5 elements with practical examples

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So many businesses encounter strong opposition from staff when starting the changes in the operating activities. Largely the cause comes from the subjective feelings felt new tool only creates more pressure, complex chemical process and are not yet familiar with the change.

So how do employees accept adaptive software use new technology? Refer and apply model ADKAR in the article below from Lac Viet Computing.

1. Overview of model ADKAR what is?

In the era of digitization, governance, personnel had major changes create challenges for the business. To remain competitive, ready to respond quickly, before the changing of the labor market, the application of methods of personnel administration intelligence is extremely important.

Model ADKAR stands of five key elements: Awareness (awareness), Desire (Desire), Knowledge (Knowledge), Ability (Ability) and Reinforcement (strengthens), developed by Prosci, have demonstrated this is a powerful tool that help the organization navigate through the process of change in a systematic way in order to achieve high results. ADKAR

mô hình ADKAR là gì
5 elements in the model ADKAR

This model not only focuses on process improvement of business that also focuses on the change management of each individual, help every employee in the organization are aware, adapt and maintain positive change over time.

2. Details of the 5 elements in the model ADKAR

2.1. Awareness (awareness)

Awareness is the first important step in the process of change. Businesses need to ensure that all members understand why the change is necessary. This includes communicating clearly the current challenges, future opportunities, and consequences if not modified.

Businesses can prepare a plan for internal communication in conjunction with the meetings and seminars with the supporting documentation, to build awareness, reduce the opposition personally.

2.2. Desire (Desire)

After there was awareness of the need for change, the next step is to create the desire to make that change. So, not only do employees need to know the reasons vary, but also have the motivation to participate in that process.

If you want to make this, the enterprise can organize the program, there are prizes and encourage our staff to engage in discussions about the positive benefits around the change. Leaders need to show role as a mirror, backing, creating favorable conditions to promote the desired change from all levels in the organization.

2.3. Knowledge (Knowledge)

Knowledge is the key to make the change successful. Business should provide adequate information, training routine, additional knowledge about the tool supports the work necessary for employees to grasp how it works when to change. Ensure that all employees clearly understand what to do, have enough knowledge to proceed with implementation and avoid the mistakes that the discontent in the process of change.

2.4. Ability (Ability)

Don't just have the knowledge, ways of putting what was learned in the implementation process is also an important factor. Business need fully equipped with the equipment, technology, facilities and resources for staff, easy to manipulate as what has been training. In addition, this is also the time that the technical team need to follow up, support each employee when starting the application changes directly.

2.5. Reinforcement (Reinforcing)

Consolidation is the last step in the model ADKAR to ensure that the change can be sustained. Business to monitor performance, provide constant feedback and reward those individuals and teams effort in response to the change. Consolidation not only helps to maintain the changing current, but also create the foundation for the future changes.

3. Example of model change management, ADKAR, in fact business

To illustrate more clearly about the effectiveness of the model ADKAR, Lac Viet please give a case study specific've applied this model successfully:

STMicroelectronics (often referred to as ST) was founded in 1987, is famous for providing solutions advanced technologies, contributing to the development of the electronic products, smart and energy saving, with many research facilities around the globe.

Ví dụ về mô hình quản trị sự thay đổi ADKAR trên thực tế doanh nghiệp

In the year 2000, the business has made the big shift so have to find a Prosci – company dedicated to providing solutions for change management. After presenting the model, ADKAR, are the senior leaders agree, Prosci has quickly apply deployed for the entire organization STMicroelectronics.

Results model ADKAR received 3 the main result:

  • Firstly, the model has created the level of positive interactions, higher with the department staff has not been implemented.
  • Monday, staff understand the personal benefits (“WIIFM”) from the change, help them not only aware but also clearly see the benefits for themselves and the organization.
  • Tuesday, the business goal was achieved when employees apply the method of knowledge reuse, reduce risk, improve quality of work.

4. Solutions for sustainable development for business in the digital era?

Standing mid-race transformation of the current business, Lac Viet understand the initial difficulty of innovation. Therefore, Vietnam will support the organization quickly began to step conversion of the first to follow a route standard tuning. With over 30 years of experience in implementing, Lac Viet understand the specific difficulties, willing to go along with the organization on the transition number.

Drawn from the practical experience when deploying for the business in and out water, solution, LV-DX Dynamic Workflow is the system management process, comprehensive for the enterprise, designed aims to meet the needs to convert numbers streamlined.

LV-DX Dynamic Workflow will support task automation work and process optimization, coordinate relevant departments. From that enhances operational efficiency, enhance the ability to adapt between employees with technology.

The platform allows enterprises to simplify the integration of the depth of many parts into the implementation process to ensure all work all works in progress standard has been set. Help minimize the overlap, save time, and improve coordination between the parts to the work goes smoothly achieve more efficient.

Giải pháp phát triển bền vững

Besides, LV-DX Dynamic Workflow also supports the business in managing and regulating processes in a flexible way. All thanks to the ability to track, analyze data, leaders can easily get to know the congestion problems in the implementation process to change and readjust accordingly.

To the present moment, we can say LV-DX Dynamic Workflow is the administration tool the most comprehensive bring a lot of value as:

  • Features outstanding flexibility: Easy to customize, integrate with other tools that support the work of many other professional into a single system, to help optimize processes that do not need to change much about infrastructure current.
  • High scalability: LV-DX Dynamic Workflow, scalable, flexible and non-disruptive. Companion throughout from the initial stage to the development stage, ensuring solutions always meet the work efficiency even when scaling.
  • Decision support instant: With the analytical tools and reports real time, LV-DX Dynamic Workflow provides detailed information, enabling leaders to make decisions right strategy based on real data.

When faced with challenges in the digital era, the application of a solution converter numbers as comprehensive as LV-DX Dynamic Workflow will create a solid foundation for the big change in the trend of streamlined business. The article above has fully decode any specific evidence about model ADKARhope you get more useful information after this article.


Picture of Hồ Hiếu
Ho Hieu
Over 12 years of experience on business and management business and is a consultant on business management exposure over 300 CEO, CIO, CFO,...Read more >>>
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