quy định thời gian lưu trữ hồ sơ

14 specified time records storage, document no. 09/2011/TT-BNV

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In the operational process in business always arise many documents, papers and records to support the implementation work. The text should be classified stored in the document repository under the provisions of the law. Article below Lac Viet Computing will help you know the classification group document specified storage time record maximum prescribed and most complete.

1. Classification of records and documents in accordance storage

1.1. The types of records and documents in business

Usually these types of records at the enterprise will be classified into 3 main groups:

– Group 1: the papers internal as: regulations, policies, manuals, work instructions, will form....

– Group 2: the documents arising from the outside, are used in operations of the company, such as technical documents, plans, standard....

– Group 3: The other reference only guide and not compulsory.

1.2. The types of records and documents under the provisions of the law

Theo quy định về records storage tại điều 3, thông tư 09/2011/TT-BNV thì các đơn vị là doanh nghiệp, cơ quan nhà nước, tổ chức chính trị hoặc cơ sở sản xuất – kinh doanh cần phân chia các tài liệu, hồ sơ thành các nhóm như sau để lưu trữ:

– Group 1: materials synthesis, general

– Group 2: documentation of reports, statistics, operational planning

– Group 3: documentation of the organizational structure

– Group 4: document management, hr administration

– Group 5: materials on accounting, auditing, finance

– Group 6: record of items of basic construction

– Group 7: record, invention, science, technology

– Group 8: Lake fear of tender, bid, memorandum of cooperation

– Group 9: record inspector, dispute resolution and complaints

– Groups of 10: a record of emulation and reward

– Group 11: documents on legal

– 12: document management, work

– Group 13: documents and records relating to the professional

– 14 group: documentation of Party or group in the agency business

quy định thời gian lưu trữ hồ sơ


2. Regulations on the storage time records and documents

Also according to circular no. 09/2011/TT-BNV accompanied by 14 main document will have the time to preserve certain. This circular is applicable to state agencies, political organizations, political organizations, social organizations, social organizations, socio – professional organizations, economic organizations and units of the people's armed (hereinafter referred to as agencies, organizations).

2.1. Specified storage time record for group 1: materials synthesis

STTName group records archivesStorage time, storage records, documents
1Text files sent to the agency

– Policies of the Party and laws of The state (profile principles)

– Send to know (renamed agency, change headquarters, to change the sign, notification, signature ...)

Until the text off effect

05 years

2Construction records, issued modes/rules/guidelines the general problem of the industry, the agencyPermanent
3Record celebrating the major holidays, important events of agency organizationPermanent
4Record the conference summed up the preliminary work of the sector, the agency – of the year – Yet the monthly, quarterly, 6 monthsPermanent

5 years

5Plans, reports, annual work

– The agency's grant on

– Of the agencies and subdivisions

– The unit's function

10 years


10 years

6Plans, trip reports, quarterly, 6 months, 9 months

– The agency's grant on

– Of the agencies and subdivisions

– The unit's function

5 years

20 years

5 years

7Scheduling, reporting, month, week

– The agency's grant on

– Of the agencies and subdivisions

– The unit's function

5 years

10 years

5 years

8Plan, report on the work of unscheduled10 years
9Profile organizations to implement policies of the Party and laws of The statePermanent
10Organization profile execute mode/regulations/instructions for the general problem of the industry, the agencyPermanent
11Specified storage time profile for the application profile ISO of industry, agencyPermanent
12Documentary about the work of information and propaganda of the agency

– Text direction, program, plan, report year

– Plan, report monthly, quarterly, dispatch exchange


10 years

13Documents on the activities of Leadership (reports, presentations/explanations, answer to question at the National assembly, speech at the big event...)Permanent
14Set notifications of comments, the conclusion of the meeting10 years
15Record minutes of meetings, briefings, handbook work of leadership, agency, office, leadership

– Ministries, ministerial-level agencies and equivalent

– PPC and equivalent

– Agencies and other institutions



10 years

16The text exchange about the general problem10 years

2.2. Specified storage time record for group 2: planning documents

STTName group records archivesStorage time, storage records, documents
1Scheduling, reporting, planning, plan, statistics

– Long-term, annual,

– 6 months, 9 months

Quarter – month


20 years

5 years

Planning documents
2Text set about planning to send general to the agency (record principle)Until the text off effect
3Profile construction industry development planning agencyPermanent


4Record of the construction scheme, project, program the goal of the industry, the agency approved
5Records management, organization, implementation of the scheme, project, program the goal of the industry, the agency
6Profile evaluation and approval, project strategy, project development plan, scheme, project, program the goal of the puzzle
7Assessment report for implementation of the scheme, strategy, project planning, development, projects, programs, and goals of the objects within the scope of state management

– Summarizing

– Preliminary


10 years

8The text exchange about planning10 years
Specified storage time records for material planning
9Text learning about the plan to send the general to the agency (record principle)Until the text off effect
10Norm development plan economic – social annually

– Issuing agency

– Implementing agency

– Agency to know



5 years

11Profile building plan and report on the implementation plan of the sector, the agency

– Long-term, annual,

– 6 months, 9 months

Quarter – month


20 years

5 years

12Plan and report on the implementation plan of the affiliated units

– Long-term, annual,

– 6 months, 9 months

Quarter – month


20 years

5 years

13The profile direction, check the implementation of the plan20 years
14Plan report on implementation plan of the objects belonging to the scope management plan

– Annual

– Quarterly, 6 months, 9 months


5 years

15Dispatch exchange on the work plan10 years
Specified storage time profile for the document statistics
16The collection of statistics sent to the agency (record principle)Until the text off effect
17Construction records, issued the text mode/regulations, guidelines on statistics of the industryPermanent
18Statistical report aggregate, statistical, thematic – Long-term, annual, Quarterly, 6 months, 9 monthsPermanent

20 years

19Investigation report basic – synthesis report – report basis, surveys,Permanent

10 years

20Report analysis and forecastPermanent
21The text exchange about the statistical investigation10 years

2.3. Group 3: document organization and personnel

STTName group records archivesStorage time, storage records, documents
1Text files of the organization, officers sent in to the authorities (record principle)Until the text off effect
2Construction records, issued the charter of The organization, Regulation of working mode/regulations and guidance on the organization and officersPermanent
3Plan, report on the work of the organization, staff

– Long-term, annual,

– 6 months, 9 months

Quarter – month


20 years

5 years

4Profile scheme construction industry organizations and agenciesPermanent


5Record of the establishment, change the name, function, duties and powers of the organs and units directly under the
6Record of the consolidation, merger, division, separation, dissolution organs and units directly under the
7Construction records, issued the standard functions of the position, functions, rather
8Record of construction and implementation of norms payroll
9Statistics report list, quantity, quality officers
10Specified storage time record for record of the planning officers20 years
11Record of the appointment, promotion, transfer, staff rotation70 years
12A record of the enrolment, grade promotion test, check out transfer quota every year

– Report results, list matriculation

– Profile contest, test, document organization

20 years

5 years

13Records discipline officers70 years
14Record resolution mode (retirement, death, labor accidents and occupational diseases, social insurance, etc.
15The original records officers and servantsPermanent
16Sổ, phiếu document management cán bộ70 years
17Scheduling, reporting, training and retraining of personnel of the sector, the agencyPermanent
18Material management training facilities, vocational training directly under

– Text direction, program, plan, report year

– Plan, report monthly, quarterly, public, office, exchange, document, refer to


10 years

19Organization profile the training officers10 years
20Records of the protection of internal politics20 years
21Activity profile of the Board For the advancement of women10 years
22The text exchange about the organization, staff

quy định thời gian lưu trữ hồ sơ


2.4. Specified storage time record for group 4: materials labor and wages

STTName group records archivesStorage time, storage records, documents
1Text files on wages sent to the agency (record principle)Until the text off effect
2Construction records, issued the salary scale of the sector and report on the implementationPermanent
3Construction records, issued the allowances of the sector and report on the implementation
4Profile raising salaries of officers and servants20 years
5The text exchange on wages10 years

2.5. Specified storage time record for group 5: Financial documents, accounting

STTName group records archivesStorage time, storage records, documents
1Text learning about finance, accounting send general to the agency (record principle)Until the text off effect
2Construction records, issued modes/rules about finance, accountingPermanent


3Plan, report on the work of financial accounting – Long term, annual – 6 months, 9 months – Quarter, monthPermanent

20 years

5 years

4Record of the state budget every year of organs and units directly under thePermanent
5Planning, financial reporting and settlement

– Annual

– Monthly, quarterly, 6 months, 9 months


20 years

6Profile build mode/regulation of pricesPermanent
7Report inventory and revaluation of fixed assets, payment of liabilities20 years


8Records and documents about the transfer, delivery, disposal of fixed assets

– Housing

– Other assets


20 years

9Specified storage time record for inspection records, financial inspection at the agency and subordinate units

– The incident serious

– Services work other


10 years

10Record audit in the agency and subordinate units

– The incident serious

– Services work other


10 years


– Window aggregate

– Details window

20 years

10 years

12Accounting vouchers use directly to bookkeeping and financial reporting10 years
13Accounting vouchers not used directly to bookkeeping and financial reporting5 years
14The text exchange about work, finance, accounting10 years

2.6. Group 6: construction documents basic

STTName group records archivesStorage time, storage records, documents
1Text set about building basic submit to the agency (record principle)Until the text off effect
2Profile building text mode/regulations, instructions about the basic construction of the industry, the agencyPermanent
3Plan, report on the work of investment in basic construction

– Long-term, annual,

– 6 months, 9 months

Quarter – month


20 years

5 years

4Specified storage time profile for profile construction, basic

– Công trình nhóm A, công trình áp dụng các giải pháp mới về kiến trúc, kết cấu, công nghệ, thiết bị, vật liệu, hệ thống quản lý tài liệu cho doanh nghiệp​ mới; công trình xây dựng trong điều kiện địa chất, địa hình đặc biệt công trình được xếp hạng di tích lịch sử văn hóa;

– Works group B, C and major repairs


According to longevity works


5Profile small repair works15 years
6The text exchange about the basic building10 years

Tài liệu xây dựng cơ bản


2.7. Group 7: materials science and technology

STTName group records archivesStorage time, storage records, documents
1Text files about the activities of science and technology sent the general to the agency (record principle)Until the text off effect
2Record of the building regulation of the activities of science and technology of the industry, the agencyPermanent
3Profile conferences, scientific seminars of agency organizationPermanent


4Specified storage time record for record programs, research studies science – Level, state – Level ministries – Level basePermanent

20 years

5 years

5Records activities of The council of scientific disciplines, agenciesPermanent
6Profile programs, research topics science

– State-level

– Level ministries

– Level base



10 years

7Profile initiatives, technical innovation, process technology or helpful solution is recognized

– State-level

– Level ministries

– Level base



10 years

8Profile construction industry standardsPermanent
9Profile construction, deployment, application of science and technology of the industry, the agencyPermanent
10Scientific reports professional problem by implementing agencies to participate in the scientific conference20 years
11Record building and managing the database of the industry, the agencyPermanent
12The text exchange about work in science, technology10 years

2.8. Specified storage time record for group 8: material of international cooperation

STTName group records archivesStorage time, storage records, documents
1Text files about international cooperation, send the general to the agency (record principle)Until the text off effect
2Profile conferences, seminars, international agencyPermanent
3Plan, report on the work of international cooperation

– Long-term, annual,

– 6 months, 9 months

Quarter – month


20 years

5 years


4Profile construction programs and projects of international cooperation of industry, agencyPermanent
5Record of establishing partnerships with other agencies, organizations and foreign
6Profile join member associations, international organizations
7Record of participation in the activities of associations, international organizations (conferences, seminars, surveys, survey, statistics ...)
8Record the payment of the annual subscription, contribute to the associations, international organizations
9Specified storage time record record union out

– Sign the cooperation contract

– Seminars, exhibitions, learning, survey ...


20 years

10Record union into

– Sign the cooperation contract

– Seminars, exhibitions, learning, survey ...

11Mail, phone, greeting cards of the agencies, organizations and foreign

– Important

– Conventional

12The text exchange about the international cooperation in the10 years

2.9. Specified storage time record for group 9: document inspections and settlement of complaints and denunciations

STTName group records archivesStorage time, storage records, documents
1Text files on inspection and settlement of complaints and denunciations sent to the agency (record principle)Until the text off effect
2Profile construction, issued regulations/regulations and guidance on inspection and settlement of complaints and denunciationsPermanent
3Scheduling, reporting, inspection work and settle complaints and denunciations

– Long-term, annual,

– 6 months, 9 months

Quarter – month


20 years

5 years


4Report on the prevention of corruption

– Annual

– Monthly, quarterly, six months

20 years

5 years


5Record inspections of the incident

– The incident serious

– Services work other


15 years


6Specified storage time record for record settlement of the complaints and denunciations

– The incident serious

– Services work other


15 years


7Documents on the activities of the organization people's inspection

– Report year

– Other material


5 years

8The text exchange about the inspection, settlement of complaints and denunciations10 years

2.10. Group 10: material emulation, rewarded

STTName group records archivesStorage time, storage records, documents
1Text learning about emulation and commendation sent to the agency (record principle)Until the text off effect
2Construction records, issued statutes/regulations, instructions about emulation and rewardPermanent
3Conference profile emulation of agency organizationPermanent
4The plan, reported the reward

– Long-term, annual,

– 6 months, 9 months

Quarter – month


20 years

5 years


5Specified storage time record for record rewarded for individual and

– The prizes of the president and The Prime minister

– The form of reward of ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, agencies attached to the government, chairman of the provincial people's COMMITTEE and the equivalent

– The prizes of the head of the agency, the organization


20 years

10 years


6Profile rewarded for foreignersPermanent
7The text exchange about the rewards10 years

Tài liệu thi đua, khen thưởng


2.11. Specified storage time record for the group 11: document legal

STTName group records archivesStorage time, storage records, documents
1Set the text of the legislation sent to the agency (record principle)Until the text off effect
2Construction records, issued regulations and guidance about the legal work of the agency in chargePermanent
3Conference profile legal works, common normative law10 years


4Plan, report preparations.

– Long-term, annual,

– Monthly, quarterly, 6 months


20 years

5 years


5Record appraisal of normative lawPermanent
6Record of the suggestions building normative law of agency other home maintenance05 years
7Records of the review of normative law10 years
8The text exchange about the legal work10 years

2.12. Group 12: document administration, public administration department

STTName group records archivesStorage time, storage records, documents
Specified time record storage for documents, administrative office storage
1Text files of the administrative office storage, send the general to the agency (record principle)Until the text off effect
2Construction records, issued regulations and guidance administrative work, clerical, storagePermanent
3Conference profile administrative work, office, clerical, stored by the organization10 years


4Scheduling, reporting, administrative work, clerical, storage

– Five years

Quarter – month


10 years

5Record made administrative reforms20 years
6Record of establishment, issued The category of state secrets of the sector, the agencyPermanent
7Record check, professional guidance, administrative, clerical, storage20 years
8Statistical reports, archive and document storage20 years
9Profile organizations perform the professional activities archives (collecting, preserving, processing, extraction, use ...)20 years
10Records about the management and use of seals20 years
11Saved registers walking text of agency – normative laws – directives, decisions, regulations, statutes, instructions – other TextPermanent

20 years

50 years

12Register text to20 years
13The text exchange on administrative, clerical, storage10 years
Material admin work
14The text set on the admin work, send the general to the agency (record principle)Until the text off effect
15Construction records, issued the regulation, the regulation on governance workPermanent
16Conference profile servants20 years
17Profile organizations to implement cultural life work10 years
18Records of the national defense militia, of the agency10 years
19Specified storage time record for record on the prevention of fire, explosion, disaster... of the agency10 years
20Records of the protection headquarters10 years
21Records on the use and operation of automotive, machinery and equipment of the agencyAccording to the life expectancy of equipment
22Books pending utensils, stationery05 years
23Record of the medical task of the agency10 years
24The text exchange about governance work10 years

2.13. Group 13: document professional

STTName group records archivesStorage time, storage records, documents
1Text files, professional service, send the general to the agency (record principle)Until the text off effect
2Construction records, issued text management professionalPermanent
3Conference profile on professional due to the organization10 years


4Plan, report on the professional expertise of the agencies and subdivisions

– Annual

– Monthly, quarterly, six months


20 years

5Plan, report on the professional expertise of the objects belonging to the scope management

– Annual

– Monthly, quarterly, six months


10 years

6Specified time record storage for records management, organization and implementation activities professional service

– Text direction, program, plan, report year

– Plan, report monthly, quarterly, dispatch exchange


10 years

7Profile build, manage, and organize the implementation of the target program, project expertisePermanent


8The profile direction points about professional
9Record check, professional guide service
10Record resolution of the incident in operations management professional

– The important things

– Services work other


20 years

11Reports, analysis, statistics, thematicPermanent
12Books management professional20 years
13Dispatch exchange of professional expertise10 years

2.14. Specified storage time record for the group 14: document professional

STTName group records archivesStorage time, storage records, documents
Documents of the Party organization
1Set text direction and guidance of a Party organization level on the send general to the agency (record principle)Until the text off effect
2Record conferencePermanent
3Program plan and report on the work

– Summing up the year, tenure

– Monthly, quarterly, 6 months


10 years


4Record organization and implementation of the large motor, directives, resolutions of the Central committee and the Party committeesPermanent
5Record of establishment/merging, recognized organization PartyPermanent
6Records of receipt, handing the Party10 years
7Record of test operation, monitoring20 years
8Record reviews, rating the Party grassroots organizations, Party members70 years
9Profile party members70 years
10Books (registered Party members, Party free, the record)20 years
11The text exchange about the Party10 years
Material trade unions
12Set text direction and guidance of the organization union level on the send general to the agency (record principle)Until the text off effect
13Record conferencePermanent
14Program plan and report on the work

– Summing up the year, tenure

– Monthly, quarterly, 6 months


10 years


15Record organization and implementation of the large motor, the implementation of the resolution of trade unionsPermanent
16Documents on organization, personnel, and activities of trade unionsPermanent
17Records officers conference organized annually by the agency20 years
18Books20 years
19The text exchange about the union10 years
Document organization youth Union
20Set text direction and guidance of the organization-level Delegation on the send general to the agency (record principle)Until the text off effect
21Specified storage time record for the record congressPermanent
22Program plan and report on the work

– Summing up the year, tenure

– Monthly, quarterly, 6 months


10 years


23Record organization and implementation of the large motor, the implementation of the resolution of The Party and state's union, youth UnionPermanent
24Documents on organization, personnel, and activities of the youth Union agency20 years
25Books20 years
26The text exchange about the Union10 years

Trong hoạt động hằng ngày của các cơ quan thì có rất nhiều văn bản/tài liệu được tạo ra. Phần lớn được lưu trữ ở dưới dạng bản in (bản cứng) được tổ chức lưu trữ ở các kho lưu trữ hoặc bản mềm (file doc, exel, pdf,..) được lưu trữ tại máy tính của nhân viên. Ngay lúc này, tổ chức cần thay thế phương pháp lưu trữ tài liệu truyền thống bằng phần mềm lưu trữ hồ sơ chuyên nghiệp.

Phần mềm quản lý văn bản LV SureDMS giảm thiểu các công việc thủ công cho lưu trữ viên; giảm thiểu không gian lưu trữ vật lý cho những hồ sơ không quan trọng; giảm bớt chi phí in ấn, bảo quản và không cần mở rộng không gian lưu trữ, tủ/kệ hồ sơ.

Did you know that more than 90% of office documents still being storage craft paper form. This is why businesses are wasting space, time, and cost per day?

  • 30-40% work time of office workers is wasted in finding materials. On average, an employee spends 18 minutes to find a document, but there are 1/20 lost completely.
  • Cost of storing and managing paper documents there can be up to 5-10% annual revenue of business, including the cost of renting warehouse, human resources management, and maintenance documents.
  • 25% service data leakage business arising from the storage and handling of materials not safe, especially the paper documents are not protected by encryption systems or management access.

LV SureDMS – Streamlined database: Manage, store, retrieve unlimited

  • Search and retrieve records become more easily, anytime and anywhere with just a few clicks, a few key words.
  • Support organization storage warehouses in many different positions and decentralized management independently on each repository.
  • Minimize the manual work for storage park; minimize storage space physics for the record not important; reduce the cost of printing, preservation, and no need to expand the storage space cabinet/shelf profile.
  • Remove status dispersed data, the members of the groups/departments to collaborate more effectively in stock common resources, but still be close authorization by role to ensure safety for confidential documents.
  • Statistical reports according to many criteria (room, board, source/unit status, handling,...), quick view reports in various forms visually.




Hope the article above will help you to details about specified storage time recorddocuments in the agency or organization and your business. I wish you successfully apply!


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