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6 Rules of stamped text, sign the latest text 2024

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From date 05/3/2020, the way their names and signatures on official documents will be made according to the Decree 30. Accordingly, in addition to a number of changes when signed, stamped on text paper, this Decree also additional instructions names and signatures on electronic documents. Let's Lac Viet Computing find out about the regulations on the stamped textsign text under the articles later!

1. Rules of the seal official documents

1.1. Regulations on the stamped text for writing paper

Whether is signature stamp, hanging sign or a seal when the seal must also meet the following requirements:
– Close to clear, right short;
– Close the right way;
– Use the right ink marked in red according to the regulations.


When seal up the signature, seal and to cover up about 1/3 of the signature on the left side.

Regulations on stamp text

Hanging sign is on the text attached to the main text or the appendix. Get close up to the first boss part name agency, organization, or title appendix.

Regulations on the stamped text

A seal is closed into the distance between the right edge of the text or appendix text, embracing a portion of the sheet of paper;

Each seal and maximum 05 sheet text.

Rules of the seal correct or signs custom text on administrative

Seal up the line, or word or phrase is calibrated manually override the original data the original on the document to confirm the calibration

In addition, the stamp, seal, seal floating on text paper of head of agencies, organizations and rules.

1.2. Regulations on the stamped text for writing electronic

– Seal of agencies and organizations on the electronic text (signature of agency or organization) is pictures about of agencies, organizations issued the text on the text, red, size the actual size of stamp format (.png) transparent background, hooded up about 1/3 of the image digital signature of the competent person on the left.

– Regulations on the stamped text accompanying the main text are shown as follows:

+ Text attached to the file with text content in electronic only made up of text and not made up of up accompanying text;

+ The text is not the same file with content of electronic documents, to sign a number of agencies and organizations on the accompanying text (but not display) at the upper right, the first page of accompanying text.

In addition, can form and manner of presentation the text is also applied according to the Decree 30/2020/ND-CP from 05/3/2020 with many new features.

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2. Rules on sign in administrative documents

Sign your name on official documents also have a set of rules similar to the rules of stamped text. The rules, principles to be popular specific below:

2.1. Rules of sign text on authority of issue

  • For agencies and organizations working under the regime heads

– The head of the agency or organization authorized to sign all documents issued by agencies, organizations issued.

– Can communicate deputy secretary replace the text in the field is assigned in charge and some of the text within the competence of the head.

  • For agencies and organizations work according to the mode collective

– The head of the agency, organization, on behalf of leaders sign the text of agency or organization.

– Deputy of the head is changed, face up, change the head of the text as authorized by the head and the text area is responsible...

2.2. Rules on how to write powers of the secretary

– Case signed on behalf of the collective must be recorded abbreviation “TM.” before the name collective leadership or the names of agencies and organizations.

– Similar cases are delivered right to the level you must score the abbreviation “Q.” on the front; signed, change the head notes abbreviations “KT.” in front of the

Case deputy assigned or operator shall make up as deputy secretary change heads.

– Case of inherited command must be recorded abbreviation “TL.” on the front; signed excess of authorization must be recorded abbreviation “TUQ.” in front of the position of the head of the agency, the organization.

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2.3. How to record a position, title and name of person signing

– Position notes on the text's position, the official leadership of the sign; do not burn the position that no state regulations;

– Titles recorded on the text of the consulting organization issued is the title leader of the sign text in the organization consultancy;

– Name signer text includes their name, middle name (if any) and name of the person signing the text. Before them the name of the person signing, don't write academic degrees and titles of the other;

– The recording of more military rank, academic degrees before their name who signed for text of units armed the people, organizations, education, health, science due to the head of the agency management industry, sector regulations.

2.4. Rules sign text on the form to sign

  • The signature text on paper: When signing on text paper must use a pen with blue ink, the ink to fade.
  • Signature on electronic documents with electronic documents, who has the authority to make up the number.

Images, position, signature of the authorized person is the image signature of the person authorized on the text paper, blue, format Portable Network Graphics (.png) transparent background; set up between the position of the sign and the name sign.

– Sign flashing: is up at the end of the text line or end of paragraphs, or end of the text, or the end of each text page. The sign at the end of the line/paragraph/page text aims to latch and confirmed the content in line/paragraph/page text. Sign at the end of the text as submitted to the competent authority office is finally shown who are responsible for drafting/check text has implemented and responsible for the implementation of first level on. When that people often sign something off in the last line of text.

– Official: the signature is valuable confirm the content of the entire text, sign in below location recording titles or designations person sign the documents. Circumstance this is done to specify the name or stamped name, title (if any), stamp unit (if applicable or necessary).

Compliance regulations on the stamped text sign official documents will ensure the legality, demonstrating the professional responsibility of the organization. Understand and correctly apply this rule to help protect the rights, avoid the legal risks may arise for the business.


Picture of Cao Thúy
Cao Thuy
Senior Content Marketing more than 4 years of experience. For me, content creation, not merely introduce the product and the brand, but also the transmission of the content really useful for customers. Read more >>>
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