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Digitized documents what is a resume? Instructions on how digitization FAST optimal cost

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Imagine a large-scale enterprise must receive thousands of contracts, invoices, customer records each year. So how to handle an amount of material, this giant quickly, save costs and still ensure security? Digitized material is the only solution, as quickly as possible undertake this task.

Let's Lac Viet Computing discover digitized records and documents is what, where is the most optimal solution for the business through the article below.

1. The status of the last document digitization, records in the business today

Actual data shows that businesses today are investing heavily in the digitization and conversion of.

  • According to the report of IDC, global budget for the technology and service switch number is expected to reach 3.4 trillion USD in the year 2026, showed significant growth as more businesses realize the value from the digitized record in data management, improves operational efficiency.
  • Follow The ministry of planning and investmentup to the year 2023, the level of conversion of in business Vietnam is still quite low, especially in the field of storage, document management. Accordingly, only about 20-30% businesses achieve the level of use of digital technology often for the last administrative duties such as document management – records, while about 50% business still maintains a system of storing documents on paper.
  • McKinsey reflected in the data that 90% business investment on switch number of reported growth of competitiveness, but only 31% achieve revenue goals and 25% achieve cost savings as expected.

This indicates that although the number of turns are common, but effective fall on depends on how digitization strategy implementation, the synchronization of the management operation.

2. Understand, document digitization, digitizing records is what?

2.1 document digitization is what?

Digitized material is the process of converting documents such as business documents, marketing materials, invoices, accounting documents from paper format to digital format such as PDF, text, images, digital video,... 

Specifically, the type of materials required number of goods in the business, including:

  • Document management, business strategyDevelopment plan, meeting minutes, policies and internal regulations.
  • Financial documents and accounting: Bills, vouchers, financial statements, the draft budget.
  • Materials marketing – sales: Planning, marketing, customer contracts, cooperation agreements.
  • Legal documentContracts, permits, reports, compliance, legal and audit.
  • Technical documentation and production: Technical drawings, manufacturing processes, documents instructions for use – maintenance.
  • Guided workflow: The documentation and standard working procedure (SOP).
số hóa tài liệu là gì
Convert documents from paper format to digital format

2.2 digitizing records is what?

Digitizing records is the process of converting the type of vital records in the business such as personnel records, legal records,... to digital format for easy management, storage and lookup.

Specifically, the types of records required number of turns in the business including:

  • Personnel records: Employee information, employment contracts, performance reviews, work history.
  • Project profile: Project plans, progress reports, documentation, assessment and review of the following projects.
  • Legal records: Legal contracts, business license, the partnership agreement legal.
  • Record of the safety inspection: Profile, inspection, occupational safety, product quality,safety standards.
  • Medical records: Personal information patient \examination results, clinical outcomes,...

2.3 document digitization and digitized records are the same?

On the form, both the process of digitizing documents and digitizing records the same, are focused on the transition from the traditional form (paper, printing) to digital form. The result is that data is stored on electronic media easy to manage, access, c, used in the system of culture.

However, they differ in the scope document and regulations, standards of goods. Specific as follows:

Range and document type:

  • Digitized material: Apply to the types of specific material, for example, reports, contracts, internal documents, books, or study materials. Each type of material can adhere to the standard separate download format and quality.
  • Digitizing records: Related to the record file consists of multiple smaller documents. Profile is usually held high, serving for the purposes of administrative, legal, or business, for example, personnel records, financial records, project records.

Regulations and standards:

  • Digitized material: Usually focus on engineering standards, such as file format (.pdf), resolution, and requires about digital signatures to ensure the legality for each document individually.
  • Digitizing records: In addition to the technical standards similar, must also comply with the regulations on the structure, profile, code, record, sequence, classification of documents in the record at the request of The government to ensure consistency, security when storing.

3. The role and purpose of document digitization profile in business

The digitized record in business is not merely the transition from paper to digital format, but also create big changes in how to manage and use information. 

3.1 Number of optimal process data management

In the work environment the tradition, the administrative department usually takes more time to search or collating paper documents. When document digitization, businesses can:

  • Quick search: Management system, electronic document allows to search documents via keywords, the name of the file, or related content.
  • Sort easy storage: When the document is digitized, the classification and organization becomes easy to focus on 1 single system.
  • Instant access: Employees can access documents from anywhere, on multiple devices, strengthening the ability to work remotely or collaborating team.

3.2 digitized help secure data

Paper documents are often prone to malfunction, lost or even stolen. With document digitization, businesses can apply multiple security measures more powerful:

  • Control access: The management system, document number allows the access details for each staff member or department, only the authorized person can view or edit important documents.
  • Restore backup data: Digitized documents can easily backup, storage on the storage system or cloud server internal recover quickly when there is a problem on the system.
  • Data encryption: Document encryption, and transmission of digital information that help prevent the material is unauthorized access, protecting the important information, such as contract, customer information, financial data.
số hóa tài liệu
Apply various security measures when backup and document management

3.3 digitized helps save storage costs, profile material

Paper documents occupy office space and requires the preservation method specifically to avoid damage over time. The digitized document to help businesses reduce costs related to printing, maintenance, and storage of paper documents:

  • Reduce printing costs and paper: When the document is digitized, the demand printing reduces significantly, while reducing the costs related to printing materials, printer maintenance, storage of paper documents.
  • Save space: Instead of needing physical space to store documents, digitized documents can be stored on the server or cloud, freeing up office area, to help businesses take advantage of space.
  • Resource management easy: Digitized documents can be copied and shared without costly in terms of resources, unlike paper documents need to print out each use.

3.4 digitized help improve work performance

Digitized records not only make document management easier but also create favorable conditions for the collaboration, communication between the parts in the business. Employees can share and work together on documents in real time, thereby improving work efficiency group:

  • Easier collaboration: When the document is digitized, the departments can access documents at the same time, exchange and update information quickly without having to wait for the rotation of paper documents.
  • Remote work efficient: With the popularity of remote work, the digitized text helps employees can access information from anywhere, anytime without interrupting work.
  • Reduce errors and increase accuracy: When digitized, the automated system will help to check and detect flaws in the processes related to documentation, help businesses minimize the risks of errors crafts
số hóa tài liệu
Visit document at the same time, updates and exchange information quickly

4. Regulations on the chemical profile according to The government

4.1 the standard output of documents digitized archive

As a rule, business or organization can summarize electronic document in the form of logs are created, delivered, sent, or archive that uses electronic means. Electronic documents at this time is derived from two main sources:

  • Source 1: record the data created from scratch.
  • Source 2: record the data from traditional materials.

Below are the specific characteristics of the materials of electronic storage, when was digitized from document storage on a paper basis:

  • Format Protable Document Format (.pdf) version 1.4 and above.
  • Color photo.
  • The minimum resolution is 200dpi.
  • The proportion of goods: 100
  • Form the digital signature of agency organization, management, document storage, digitization:
    • Location: upper right, the first page of documents.
    • Image: Seal of the agency, organization, red, size the actual size of the sign, format Portable Network Graphics (.png).
    • Information: Name of agency, institution, time of registration (day, month, year, hours, minutes, seconds, time zone, Vietnam according to ISO 8601).
  • File name: include profile code and the order number in text record, separated by dots.

>>> See detail in the article “Regulation of the number of documents stored in the office, the latest

4.2 Regulation of chemical profile administrative procedures

Paragraph 1 of Article 4 of circular 01/2023/TT-TTthe record belongs to the range of goods is papers of composition record that held individuals to perform administrative procedures, including the following categories:

  • Composition profile is the result settlement of administrative proceedings before that.
  • Ingredients profile to the number of goods according to the provisions of law majors.
  • Digitizing records request management is determined at the Decision of ministers, heads of ministerial-level agencies, agencies attached to the government, chairman of the people's Committees of provinces.
  • Profile components made of goods according to the needs of organizations and individuals in the process of implementation of administrative procedures.
  • In addition, the above documents must be submitted in one of the following forms:
    • Original;
    • Electronic copy be provided from the original book;
    • Electronic copies are authenticated from the main;
    • Snapshot electronics have the original for comparison in the process of resolving administrative procedures.

5. Instructions on how digitization profile with 6 QUICK steps to optimize costs

To ensure work number of goods are carried efficiency synchronous, businesses need to carry out the process of digitization standards, from preparation of materials to complete the storage system.

6 Steps in the process of digitizing records and documents that businesses should refer to:

cách số hóa tài liệu
Instructions on how digitization professional document with just 6 steps

Step 1: Identify needs, goals digitized documents record what is

First, businesses need to clearly define the goals of his cargo. This goal can be:

  • Minimize storage space physics, cost savings office.
  • Enhance management efficiency, access documents quickly.
  • To ensure the safety and confidentiality of sensitive information.
  • Support the process of transformation of office building no paper.

The clearly defined goal to help businesses choose the right technology, methods of culture, ensure the process optimum and fit with the budget.

Step 2: Prepare documents, records need to digitize

To make the process of digitizing documents successfully, businesses need special attention to the clear identification documents – record need the goods, including the following factors:

  • Documents and records required number of turns: Clearly define the types of documents you need some goods, including the relevant records. The important documents such as contracts, financial reports, personnel records is often a top priority.
  • Size the desired document on the platform of: Determine the following documents when the goods will have size how to match the platform of your current business.
  • The amount of material: Determine the volume of material needed to plan and appropriate resources. Large volume often requires business investment in equipment, software, more advanced or consider hiring professional services.
  • The quality of digitized documents: Ensure resolution quality material after digitization. For example, for the document to be high, the business should be scanned with high resolution and perform duplex scanning if necessary.
  • Document format desired number: Select the file format like PDF, JPEG, TIFF... in accordance with the needs storage, use of the business.
  • Estimated budget: Enterprises need to determine the budget for the process of digestion, from the scanning device to software management documents, as well as personnel costs if the business is self-realization process of digestion.

Step 3: Proceed with Scan/Scan document paper

When prepared documents and system settings technology, the next step is to use the equipment dedicated scanner to convert documents from physical form to digital form. Businesses should use high speed scanner, scanning support two-sided (duplex scanning), capable of handling various types of documents with different sizes.

Specific as follows:

  • Material paper multi-part text will be A4-A0 should be scanned on the scanner automatically.
  • The document that material paper-thin, tattered should scan on a flat surface to limit the damage, loss of information.
  • The document as a book, or do not remove the nape should be scanned on the scanner list, A4-A0.
  • Own the documentary film, photo, passport, then scanned on a dedicated machine would be the most optimal.
số hóa hồ sơ
Scan documents with the device hardware

Step 4: digitized documents into digital data with OCR technology

After scan documents, business can apply OCR technology (Optical Character Recognition) to convert images, PDF documents into digital text that can search for, edit is. However, the results from digitization OCR software is usually plain text, no formatting, structure,.

To be able to edit, delete, copy, retrieve, search,...businesses need to turn raw data become secondary data. Typically, data complete to be saved and exported as JSON, ready for storage or integration into other systems.

số hóa hồ sơ
Software OCR text recognition and conversion of documents can edit

Step 5: Adjust the document has been digitized

To ensure the integrity of data, businesses need to have a process to check back information after data entry. This includes the comparison of the data digitized with the original document to detect errors, perform the steps necessary adjustments and record the inspection process to be able to access when needed.

  • Ensure the quality of the file digitization requirements of clarity, format, and traceability.
  • Classification, labeling of documents according to the criteria such as the profile, departments, time to facilitate the search for the latter.
số hóa hồ sơ
Check and edit the document after digitization

Step 6: Proceed storage and management

After the step of digitizing the document was completed, the data will be stored on the storage system official data of the business, such as server, cloud, storage devices, software, document management,... storage System is needed to ensure the requirements of security, easily accessible and has the ability to expand in the future.

Apply system LV-SureDMSbusinesses not only finishing system storage data after digitization but also enhance effective document management, ensuring critical information is always protected, easy access when needed.

Did you know that more than 90% of office documents still being storage craft paper form. This is why businesses are wasting space, time, and cost per day?

  • 30-40% work time of office workers is wasted in finding materials. On average, an employee spends 18 minutes to find a document, but there are 1/20 lost completely.
  • Cost of storing and managing paper documents there can be up to 5-10% annual revenue of business, including the cost of renting warehouse, human resources management, and maintenance documents.
  • 25% service data leakage business arising from the storage and handling of materials not safe, especially the paper documents are not protected by encryption systems or management access.

LV SureDMS – Streamlined database: Manage, store, retrieve unlimited

  • Search and retrieve records become more easily, anytime and anywhere with just a few clicks, a few key words.
  • Support organization storage warehouses in many different positions and decentralized management independently on each repository.
  • Minimize the manual work for storage park; minimize storage space physics for the record not important; reduce the cost of printing, preservation, and no need to expand the storage space cabinet/shelf profile.
  • Remove status dispersed data, the members of the groups/departments to collaborate more effectively in stock common resources, but still be close authorization by role to ensure safety for confidential documents.
  • Statistical reports according to many criteria (room, board, source/unit status, handling,...), quick view reports in various forms visually.




6. Businesses need to note something when conducting digitized record?

To the process of digitizing records take place effectively, businesses need not only to the advanced technology, but also to prepare thoroughly, from the stage of identifying needs to information security. 

So, in the process of digitizing documents, businesses need to note what to ensure success, avoid the potential risks? 

  • Assess the needs and goals of goods: Need to understand that not all documents are in need of goods, which must be carefully considering and servicing for current operations and future of the business. Can search demand over the following questions: what material would need digitized? Should the priority documents how? The aim of turned what is? The number of documents to be digitized?
  • Ensure data safety: Data encryption, access rights division, regular backup for security, protect sensitive materials in process, storage, share.
  • Choosing the technology, software, suitable: Element this particularly applies for businesses with limited costs, human resources, technological capabilities, to ensure the work of digitization is done correctly, efficiently.
  • System: Enterprises need to establish the rule, standard, clear process to ensure consistency and efficiency in the process of digitization.
  • Ensure consistency: There should be a process to ensure all documents are digitized according to the standard format the same, help the search, manage latter is easier.
  • To comply with the legal regulations: Pay attention to the legal regulations related to the storage, document management number. This is especially important for areas such as finance, medicine, or law, where there are strict regulations about the storage material in many years.

7. Digitized documents record business with service OCR from Vietnam

Services, document digitization OCR of Vietnam using the character recognition technology advanced, the ability to convert images and scan documents into digital text with high accuracy, supports multi-languages, including English accented. In addition, the service also has the ability to automatically identify, collect the information from the document does not have the structure (such as invoices, contracts, reports). The system automatically classify, convert these documents into a format that data (such as JSON), ready for storage, retrieval or integration into other systems.

Besides OCR services, Lac Viet also provides features translation auto for digitized documents, supports more than 87 languages. Supported by LLM, features ensure the quality of translation retains context and meaning, especially useful for documents or international businesses with multi-national operations.

Is one of the business pioneers conversion of Vietnam has quickly capture business needs and technology trends, numbers by integrated chatbot AI smart on digitization services profile. The user can query, search data from the internal documents quickly. With system question-and-answer intelligently according to the flowchart, chatbot support access accurate information quickly, helping businesses save time, increase work performance.

According to the survey 2023 by IDC, more 95% the business world has started to convert numbers with different steps from learn, study, to start the deployment and implementation. Is step premise of the transition of document digitization – the opportunity to move his business in Vietnam when the state put in place policies to support businesses during the digitized.

Lac Viet – the first successful deployment service digitization OCR built-in AI for business

  • OCR technology character recognition advanced, has the ability to convert images and scan documents into digital text with high accuracy, supports multi-languages, including English accented.
  • Automatically recognizes, collects the information from the document does not have the structure (such as invoices, contracts, reports).
  • Automatic sorting, converting these documents into a format that data (such as JSON), ready for storage, retrieval or integration into other systems.
  • Integrated features translation auto for digitized documents, support more than 87 languages. Supported by LLM, features ensure the quality of translation retains context and meaning, especially useful for documents or international businesses with multi-national operations.
  • Integrated chatbot AI smart allows queries to search data from the internal documents quickly.

dịch vụ số hóa Lạc Việt



By work digitized materialconversion from the method of storage traditional to digital platforms, businesses not only increase efficiency, document management, but also optimize workflow, reduce errors and save significant operating costs. The digitization profile doesn't just stop at the improved current, but also an important prerequisite for the transition of the interface, thereby improving competitive advantage, build more sustainable future for the business. 


  • Lac Viet Informatics Joint Stock Company
  • Hotline: (+84.28) 3842 3333
  • Email: info@lacviet.vn – Website: www.lacviet.vn
  • Headquarters: 23 Nguyen Thi Huynh, P. 8, Q. Phu Nhuan, ho chi minh CITY. Ho Chi Minh
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