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17 goals for sustainable development is the united Nations through

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17 goals for sustainable development the General assembly of the united Nations adopted on July 9/2015 in the 2030 agenda with the aim to reduce poverty, protect the planet and direction to the development prosperity for the Nations of the earth.

The same Lac Viet Computing learn about the goals of sustainable development is in Vietnam and what is Vietnam, we are on the process of implementation of this goal.

The sustainable development goals successor to the millennium development goals

Time line formation and development goals sustainable development

  • 5-16/6/1972: Stockholm conference marked the first event of the united Nations focused on the issue of global environment, laying the foundation for awareness about the need to protect the planet.
  • 12/1983: the Brundtland Commission was established, officially bringing the concept of “sustainable development” on the agenda international.
  • 1992: The Earth summit in Rio de Janeiro adopted agenda 21, a plan of comprehensive action for sustainable development in the 21st century.
  • 9/2000: The development goals millennium (MDGs) to be through, focusing on the social objectives such as poverty reduction, improving health, education...
  • 2002: conference Johannesburg further discussion and additional finishing the target society and the environment has set out earlier.
  • 6/2012: The Rio+20 conference focuses on improving the institutional framework for sustainable development and the green economy.
  • 25/9/2015: agenda 2030, with The 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) to be through, to inherit and expand the target before that, at the same time has coverage wider and more comprehensive.

The common point between the MDGs and SDGs

  • Continuation and development: SDGs are built based on the successes and lessons learned from the MDGs. Many targets in the MDGs is to expand and improve in the SDGs, addressing the more complex challenge of the 21st century.
  • Focus on people: Both the MDGs and SDGs are to put people at the center, towards the eradication of poverty, improving health, education and improving the quality of life for everyone.
  • Global: Both sets of goals are a global call for the cooperation of all countries, international organizations and other partners to achieve the goals.
  • Sustainability: although the MDGs focus more on the objective social and economic SDGs has brought environmental factors in a comprehensive manner, emphasizing the need of sustainable development to ensure a better future for the generations to come.

The main difference

  • Range: SDGs are broader range MDGs, including the more complex problems such as climate change, inequality, construction of urban sustainability, and issues related to peace, justice and strong institutions.
  • Inclusiveness: SDGs emphasize the more inclusive, ensuring that no one is left behind, especially the vulnerable groups such as women, children, people with disabilities and other minority communities.
  • Duration: MDGs have time limit to 2015, while the SDGs have a term to 2030.
  • Approach: the SDGs to use an approach more comprehensive, linking the target together and realize that achieving a goal will affect other targets.

Details The 17 sustainable development goals

Target Content
Goal 1. Poverty (No Poverty) End all forms of poverty in all regions of the world.
Goal 2. Zero hunger (Zero Hunger) End hunger, ensure food security and improved nutrition and promoting sustainable agriculture.
Goal 3. Health and the good life (Good Health and Well-being) Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for people of all ages.
Goal 4. Education quality (Quality Education) Ensure quality education, fair, and promote opportunities for lifelong learning for everyone.
Goal 5. Gender equality (Gender Equality) Achieve gender equality around the world and empower all women, girls.
Goal 6. Clean water and sanitation (Clean Water and Sanitation) Make sure people have access to clean water and sanitary conditions of the environment.
Goal 7. Clean energy with reasonable price (Affordable and Clean Energy) Ensure people have access to energy is affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern.
Target 8. Good work and economic growth (Decent Work and Economic Growth) Encourage economic growth sustainable, comprehensive and continuous; create full job have good working conditions, suitable with everyone.
Goal 9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure development (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure) Developed infrastructure, sustainable, promote industrialization, inclusive and sustainable, as well as encouraging innovation.
Goal 10. Reduce inequality (Reduced Inequalities) Reduce inequality within countries and between countries.
Goal 11. The city and community sustainability (Sustainable Cities and Communities) Construction of the city and residential safety, comfort, environmentally friendly and meet the needs of people.
Goal 12. Consumption and production, responsible (Responsible Consumption and Production) Ensure the consumption patterns and sustainable production.
Goal 13. Action on climate (Climate Action) Prevent climate change emergency measures
Goal 15. Natural resources and environment on land (Life on Land) Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of ecosystems on land, sustainable management of forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, protection of biodiversity.
Goal 16. Peace, justice and strong institutional (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions) Promote social peace and embraces to sustainable development, ensuring access to justice for the people; build up the institutional effective, accountable and inclusive at all levels.
Goal 17. Partnership for the goals (Partnerships for the Goals) Strengthen international cooperation to implement the objectives of sustainable development.

Download detailed documentation about the 17 goals and 169 targets for sustainable development

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