Phần mềm SurePortal cho Tổng Công Ty Bến Thành

Lac Viet provides the SurePortal software to Ben Thanh Corporation.

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Date 13/3/2018, Company shares Information Vietnam has signed a contract on the supply of software, Lac Viet SurePortal for the Total Company, Ben Thanh. Lac Viet Computing please sincerely thank the Board of directors and all Officers and employees of the Total Company, Ben Thanh trust and create conditions for, we are involved presentation, survey and consulting solutions Portal internal operating Lac Viet SurePortal.

In the current era of information technology explosion, electronic office models, online offices, paperless offices, online work assignments, meetings, and information exchange transcend geographical thresholds. … becomes the modern way that businesses have been implementing and want to aim for. The application of modern technology and office computerization in the work process will improve work efficiency, helping to save time and costs for businesses.

Phần mềm SurePortal cho Tổng Công Ty Bến Thành
Application of modern technology saves time and costs for business

Grasping the above situation promptly, Lac Viet has built an e-Office solution - SurePortal internal operating electronic information portal to help companies build a dynamic and effective working environment, accelerating the current world economic integration process.

Lac Viet's SurePortal electronic information portal is developed based on Microsoft's Sharepoint technology platform, has the ability to highly integrate with other popular Microsoft applications and apply virtualization technologies to optimize performance. system performance, along with the ability to expand the system in the future. Besides, SurePortal is deployed according to the Farm Server model, in which each Server in the model will play a different role in the system. The system is designed according to the HA (High Availability) model to ensure the highest performance and availability for the Electronic Portal.

Phần mềm SurePortal cho Tổng Công Ty Bến Thành
System software SurePortal of Vietnam

Through cooperation with Ben Thanh Corporation, Lac Viet hopes to bring a quality IT product developed by Vietnamese people to serve Vietnamese businesses. We believe that the superior features of SurePortal software will help Ben Thanh Corporation achieve its goal of office computerization, improving work efficiency with a reasonable investment.​


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