Lạc Việt triển khai thành công giải pháp Sureportal cho đạm Cà Mau

Lac Viet successfully implements Sureportal solution for Ca Mau Fertilizer

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The rhythm of transformation of The industrial revolution 4.0, the Solution SurePortal (Office electronics) of Lac Viet Computing the past has been implemented and successfully applied in fertilizers JSC Oil and gas Ca Mau (PVCFC).

SurePortal solution - Electronic office was successfully applied at Ca Mau Fertilizer with full subsystems for managing work progress, projects, document management, meeting schedules, documents, images and communications. In particular, applications on smartphones (smartphones) help employees receive information in real time and only need to grasp  information as quickly as possible so that work can be handled effectively in a short time.

At the same time, the scientific work and project management and periodic reporting features help the Board of Directors as well as departments/departments that often travel on business to still be able to view reports in real time and search for reports. old quickly through smartphone applications, according to Mr. Van Tien Thanh, General Director of Ca Mau Fertilizer.

Lạc Việt triển khai thành công giải pháp Sureportal cho đạm Cà Mau
Application SurePortal in Ca Mau

The electronic office at Ca Mau Fertilizer is built based on the specific work processes of the fertilizer production industry. In addition to serving the need for quick and secure information exchange, electronic offices also help manage incoming and outgoing document systems; handle documents on software; Managing resources, data, managing the work process, submitting electronic signatures and storing records through the Internet environment helps save maximum costs...

As soon as the SurePortal electronic office system was applied, it brought clear results in solving problems, creating a fast, accurate and flexible electronic working environment, creating a basis for Building a database of administrative processes and procedures scientifically and synchronously to be able to operate anytime, anywhere.

Affirming itself as a business of the 4.0 era, Ca Mau Fertilizer has confidently gradually changed working habits and ways from manual paperwork to automation and technology, which is the basis and model of the business. Modernity promotes the application of information technology in businesses of the new era.

Besides the SurePortal e-Office solution, Lac Viet Informatics Joint Stock Company is proud to become a factor contributing to the professionalism and modernity of businesses through useful products and solutions such as: Management SureHCS Human Resources and Talent Management, Enterprise Budget/Financial Management (SureERP), Data Analytics with Qlik Sense (BI), Electronic Library (Vebrary), Smart Education System (SureLRN) , online meeting system, information security on LVIP UHD 4K Interactive Screen...

Please contact us today for advice and support with  SurePortal e-Office solution for your business:


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Ho Hieu
Over 12 years of experience on business and management business and is a consultant on business management exposure over 300 CEO, CIO, CFO,...Read more >>>


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