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Software what is ERP? 5 ERP Solution best in Vietnam

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The organization and effective management of business operations is an important factors help businesses maintain sustainable development. ERP software (Enterprise Resource Planning) has become a tool of utmost importance to comprehensive solution to organize and integrate the business processes from financial management, human resources to supply chain management, manufacturing. So ERP software what is and application in the service industry? To find the answer through the following article of Lac Viet Computing.

1. Thinking manager, fragmentation makes business stagnation

Many Vietnamese enterprises are “struggling” with the system software, discrete, each department uses a separate software, such as:

  • Accounting: Use accounting software to record invoices, payroll...
  • Sales: User management software sales to track orders, customers...
  • Inventory: Use warehouse management software to keep track of the amount of goods...

Or use the system, not the link, the departments do not have the ability to exchange data smoothly. 

  • The sales department has no information about the inventory from warehouse transport, leads to the sale of products that are not available in stock.
  • The accounting department does not have adequate data from the trading room, which leads to the calculation of financial discrepancies and difficulties in managing cash flow.

With system software “wind up with stitches” has caused many serious problems and negatively affect the sustainable development of the enterprise. Specific:

Difficulties in access to information

Businesses often use many different systems such as CRM, HRM, WMS to manage the different aspects of business operations. This led to the status information is dispersed employees to access multiple systems to find the data needed. This is not only time consuming but also prone to cause loss of information.

The ability to share limited information

When information is stored on the system individually, the sharing of data between departments become more complex. Information to be forwarded via email, spreadsheets, or even documents, leading to the risk of losing information and data heterogeneity. The lack of consistency this reduces performance and increases the risk of errors in the process of transmission of information.

phần mềm erp
The sharing of data between departments complicated because there is no general system

Analysis and synthesis of complex data

Information is scattered across multiple systems, the synthesis and analysis of data becomes a complex task. Employees have to spend a lot of effort to collect, compare and paired data from different sources, reducing the ability to make decisions timely and accurate.

Increased operating costs and management 

Each of the departments use a tool or software to separate, resulting in operating costs due to rising to shopping, maintenance and upgrade many different systems. Instead of optimizing the resources, businesses must spend no need for multiple software and process management, this directly affects the profit.

phần mềm erp
Operating costs due to rising to shopping, maintenance and upgrade many different systems

To get rid of thinking to manage fragmentation, businesses need to switch to a management system as comprehensive as ERP software(Enterprise Resource Planning). ERP system helps to merge all the parts and processes of the business into a single platform, thereby optimizing information management, improved performance, reduced operating costs.

2. Software to learn what is ERP?

ERP software is an integrated system to manage and organize business activities in a business. Including the management functions from contract, human resources, finance, accounting, production management, inventory management, marketing, customer service,....

phần mềm erp là gì
ERP is an integrated system of many subsystem corporate governance

ERP system helps to create an information system comprehensive and integrated help businesses increase efficiency, optimize business processes, enhance work productivity.

3. Main features of the software business management ERP

Here are 5 the main important of the ERP system:

  1. Financial accounting
  2. Personnel management
  3. Manage customer relationship
  4. Project management
  5. Dynamic process management
phần mềm erp
The features, the main of ERP system

3.1 financial accounting

Financial accounting is one of the core feature of all ERP software, providing tools business easily monitor, control and financial decisions based on financial data is updated in real-time.

 The main features include:

  • Cash flow management: Tracking cash flow in and out, manage payments, invoices, financial statements.
  • Financial statements: Generate reports such as balance sheet, profit and loss statement, income statement helps managers get an overview about the financial situation.
  • Automate the process of accounting: Automating accounting tasks such as collating data reporting, tax, management, accounts payable and receivable.

3.2 Manage personnel

The ERP system also helps businesses manage hr in a comprehensive way from the recruitment process to employee development. From that optimize the process of personnel management, to ensure transparency and fairness in the welfare policies.

phần mềm quản lý doanh nghiệp erp
ERP systems help businesses manage hr in a comprehensive way

 The main features include:

  • Manager salaries bonuses and benefits: Calculation of salaries, bonuses, social insurance and other benefits for employees in an automatic way.
  • Attendance management: Track work hours, timesheet, electronic, vacation days, sick leave of employees.
  • Staff development: Track the process of training, competency management, performance reviews work of staff.
  • Recruitment and management profile: Support, personnel recruitment, store and manage personal records, labor contracts.

3.3 relationship Management customer

The CRM support maintain the relationship, enhance the experience and create new sales opportunities. Besides, ERP software also provides the platform for data management of customer information, report and evaluate the effectiveness of active sales.

 The main features include:

  • Manage customer information: Store and manage all customer information such as contact information, transaction history, contract.
  • Management, sales and marketing: Track business opportunities, manage the sales process and marketing campaigns.
  • Customer care: Management support after-sales service, track, and resolve requests or complaints from customers.

3.4 project Management

ERP provides powerful tools for businesses to manage project efficiently and ensure the progress of the work. Features project management of ERP systems help managers easily adjust plans, resources, and ensure projects are completed on schedule, within budget.

phần mềm erp
Adjustments to the plans, resources, and ensure projects are completed on schedule

The main features include:

  • Project planning: Construction of the project roadmap, assign tasks to members and set budgets.
  • Track project progress: Update schedule work, track completion time and resources used in the project.
  • Manage project cost: Control costs, comparing actual costs with the budget to ensure the project does not exceed the limit financially.

3.5 process Management activities

No longer a shortage of links, ERP software has the ability to automate business processes, reduce dependence on the transmission of information manually. The data can be transmitted automatically and the synchronization between the parts, enhances interaction, collaboration internally.

The main features include:

  • Process automation: The workflows such as approvals, data entry and rotated documents can be automated to save time, minimize errors.
  • Adjustable flexible processes: Businesses can customize and change the business process to fit with the change of market or internal needs without developing the entire system.
  • Integrated parts: Alignment process between the various departments such as sales, production, financial and human resources to make the related information throughout the operation of the business.

4. Why businesses need ERP software

Using ERP software brings many positive and practical benefits to businesses in the service industry. Some key benefits include:

  • Integration and information management: ERP integrates all the departments and processes in the business, from accounting, customer management, to project management and hr. This helps to ensure that information is shared and updated continuously, to create conditions for the correct decision, quickly.
  • Process optimization: Help optimize business processes in the service industry. From the management of resources, planning and monitoring the project, to the performance monitoring service provider. This enhances efficiency and reduce waste in business operations.
  • Customer management and interaction: The CRM (Customer Relationship Management) helps service businesses manage customer information, interact and build better relationships. From the recorded personal information, purchase history, to the management interact and after-sales service. This helps strengthen the satisfaction of customers and shape the positive image of the business.

5. Synthesis of the ERP software in Vietnam, best

5.1 management software, ERP business LV-DX

ERP software – business Management LV-DX developed based on cloud technology, mobile. Ability to integrate multiple application data processing, and runs on many types of database different: DB2, Oracle, mySQL....

Easy business control over resources that enhance the ability to manage operating. With the ability to link data and the right details to each user. Just save time and take control of the security problems performance data.

các phần mềm erp hiện nay
LV-DX linked data and the right details to each user

The classification system of government:

  • Digital collaboration space: Job management, process Management, Signed the document number, business social Networking, Management, meeting room...
  • Human resources management: Attendance, Recruitment, salary, goals, personnel information, SOCIAL insurance,...
  • Financial – accounting management: Accounting (Cost, revenue, Public debt, Purchasing, Sales, Warehouse,...), Bill electronic digital Signature, e-Tax, bank connections,...
  • Customer relationship management: Management activities, marketing Management, potential customers, automate business processes, customer service, realtime,...
  • Digital storage management: Digitize a 100% record, preservation, safety record, adjust, easy to exploit convenient use anytime, anywhere,...
  • Online training: Multi-system integration, create courses, learning multi-modal data analysis,...

The benefits that software lacviet sureERP bring:

  • Built in accordance with accounting standards in Vietnam (VAS) & standards international accounting (IAS) next to the system is setup customization according to business characteristics for each different professions of the business.
  • Base building, customer data full, easy to update , easy to use and consistent.
  • Whether it is small or big business still make sure to deliver the proper function.
  • Easy to customize dashboard, menu, form, suited to each particular special requirements of the business.
  • Control access to certain data according to the role, job location, decentralized ensure the safety information.

5.2 solutions ERP software Microsoft Dynamics 365

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is a collection of application of business intelligence to help you run your entire operation of its business, bring better results through the information detailed predictions based on AI. 

Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP brings the ability to analyze deep-to-use Business Intelligence (BI). The analysis of high precision thanks to the display in real-time, enabling users to easily track performance. 

Các phần mềm ERP ở Việt Nam
Microsoft Dynamics 365 in-depth analysis using Business Intelligence (BI)

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is an ERP solution with integrated solutions, CRM, SCM and HCM by Microsoft. This software provides a variety of comprehensive features to meet the needs of the business at any scale.

5.3 application ERP Vietnam Amis Misa

ERP software MISA AMIS is designed in accordance with the needs administration's comprehensive enterprise based on the research compliance system financial – accountant – tax and the circular, decree, law in Vietnam. At the same time, the foundation inherited the management process advanced was the business of domestic and foreign successful application.

phần mềm quản lý doanh nghiệp erp
4 the main ERP system Misa Amis

MISA AMIS is designed in accordance with the needs administration's comprehensive enterprise, including 4 professional core business of the enterprise: 

  • Financial management – accounting: accounting (Cost, revenue, Public debt, Purchasing, Sales, Warehouse,...), Bill electronic digital Signature, e-Tax, bank connections,...
  • Marketing management – Sales: CRM, Marketing automation, Management, promotion,...
  • Human resources management: attendance, Recruitment, salary, goals, personnel information, SOCIAL insurance,...
  • Office number: workflow Management, process Management, Signed the document number, business social Networking, Management, meeting room...

5.4 software ERP foreign Odoo

Odoo app is an open source ERP (open-source), bringing the ability to customize and develop features a infinite way. 

Application Odoo ERP integrates available multiple modules of the same basic modules like POS, CRM, warehouse management, project management, management personnel, etc. and allows businesses the freedom to edit, add or remove features or create the new module according to own needs.

Currently, Odoo has 46 module (subsystem) and more than 17,000 application by the user community grows. The module can operate independently or in conjunction with each other to help business operate smoother. 

phần mềm quản lý doanh nghiệp erp
Management software, Odoo has 46 module (subsystem) and more than 17,000 apps

The following are the app highlights and module comes of Odoo:

  • Financial accounting
  • Customer management CRM
  • Document management
  • Project management
  • Timesheets
  • Planning
  • Marketing in social networks, via email
  • Inventory management

5.5 ERP System Oracle

Oracle is ERP software powerful, integrated cloud platform (cloud-based) allows the user remote access using the internet. Oracle help the process in the business activities of the business are automation, increase productivity and reduce costs not necessary. 

In addition, Oracle Cloud ERP also has the ability to KPI analysis and predictions based on AI. Managers can spend more time for strategy work by automation, 96% of business processes. 

ứng dụng erp
Oracle's ERP applications are integrated on a cloud platform (cloud-based)

The main features of ERP Oracle:

  • Financial management
  • Supply chain management
  • Project management
  • Personnel management
  • Risk management
  • Performance management

6. Obstacles ERP implementation in business Vietnam & solutions

6.1 obstacles when implementing ERP in business

Although ERP software brings many benefits, but the process of implementing always exist many obstacles. First, the deployment of an ERP system requires the commitment and investment of resources, time, finances. This process can be complicated and time-consuming to train employees to adapt to the new system.

Monday, changing business processes and ways of working may encounter difficulty or opposition from the members of the organization. This requires strong leadership and the ability to persuade to change thinking habits work.

6.2 factors to consider before implementing ERP software

Before implementing ERP, business need to consider a number of important factors. First, clarify the goals and expectations of the business from the deployment management system business. This helps to shape the scope and decide on the functions/features you need for business.

Next, research and choose a ERP software tailored to the needs, the scale of the business. Reviews technical features, ability to customize, flexibility and technical support of software to ensure compatibility, the ability to expand in the future.

At the same time, prepare well for the implementation process by identifying resources, implementation team, schedule and employee training plan. Ensure that the business has adequate preparation and support from stakeholders.

With the continuous development of technology and the need for increased business efficiency, deployment management software business online is an important step in the conversion of enhanced productivity for the business. However, to ensure success, businesses need to thoroughly review the important factors before deploying.

ERP software is a comprehensive solution to support business solved all the problems on finance, hr, project management, customer. Businesses can consider choosing the ERP system in Vietnam that Vietnam was that a hint, combined with the note when buying to find the most suitable option.


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Picture of Hồ Hiếu
Ho Hieu
Over 12 years of experience on business and management business and is a consultant on business management exposure over 300 CEO, CIO, CFO,...Read more >>>
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