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Modern management is what? Theory – the model and the characteristic

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Explore concept modern managementthe theory, model, and featured prominently in the management of the business today. Learn how to apply management, flexible integration modern technology with humans to create competitive advantage and sustainable.

1. Modern management is what?

Modern management not merely improved the methods of traditional management, which is also the change in perception when applied technology for optimal target operating procedures business. Modern management the role of technology, people and organizational culture, building management system, flexible to adapt to the rapid changes in the commercial market today.

The concept of modern management involves many factors, but the core is still optimizing performance, operational efficiency through the application management solutions intelligent matching technology. The key point of this model is the ability to continuous improvement, innovation, in the way of personnel management, work processes and the ability to make decisions based on data.

Why businesses need to apply modern management?

Ahead of the competition is increasingly fierce, applying modern management is necessary to adjust and improve business accordingly according to the changes in the business environment.

Provide enterprise software support work helps to quickly adapt to change, improve competitiveness. The benefits on business support, enhance operational efficiency, expand the ability to engage employees, optimize the use of resources.

2. Learn about theory modern management

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2.1 Theory of Kaizen by Masaaki Imai

Kaizen is a philosophy, a famous economist from Japan, be grafted by the word Kai (change) and Zen (Good), implying a continuous improvement to the new method for all people in the organization.

Originated from the belief the creativity of humans is limitless, encourage employees to give suggestions for improvement to contribute even the smallest according to the job every day. Insist that all employees in the enterprise, from the leadership to staff all play an important role as continuous improvement. In summary, Kaizen is the top pick from the small improvements become big results, focus on specific aspects to solve the root of the problem.

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Theory of Kaizen by Masaaki Imai

2.2 Theory Z by William Ouchi

Another theory Kaizen, theory Z (William Ouchi) mix between management styles between Japanese and Western. Focus on trust, mount the satisfaction level of employees in the enterprise.

Put potential development based on profitability and working conditions, requires building a culture of positive workplace where employees want to contribute all for business. This helps to reduce the rate of fluctuation of personnel, while improving work productivity.

2.3 Theory of general management and adaptation of Peter Drucker

Peter Drucker is known as the expert on modern management journal, Financial Times (Financial Times) has selected him as a manager master of all time.

According to him, there is no management model which is perfect in many situations. Which management must be based on deep understanding about the real situation at the enterprise, from there choose the most suitable methods.

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Management theory synthesis and adaptation of Peter Drucker

Theory Drucker emphasized the role shaping clear goals along the adapt quickly to the changes of the business environment. Effective management is the harmonious combination between strategy, systems, people and culture, creating a solid foundation for corporate long-term development.

3. Models modern management highlights in business operation

3.1 management Model of Kotter

American professor John Kotter has launched a new concept of change management, in particular that: change Management is the synthesis between the governance practices help to capture and control the process of change of business consistent with market volatility, ensure businesses have enough power to grow based on the context of today's business.

Model Kotter 8 steps to help businesses effectively manage the transition as follows:

  • Evoke the sensation of urgency
  • Team-building pioneer core
  • Planning the right vision
  • Inspire team
  • Deploy the plan, remove obstacles
  • Capture achievements in the short term
  • Replication improvements
  • Put improvements on organizational culture

In addition, the model Kotter especially useful for businesses is facing major changes, such as restructuring, conversion of or change in business strategy.

3.2 management Model 7S McKinsey's

Model 7S McKinsey's are important tools in strategic management, is synthesized from 7 elements starting with the letter S: Shared Value (common value), Structure (structure), Systems (System), Style (Style), Staff (Employees), Strategy (strategy) and Skills (Skills).

Business support focused on organizational strategy delivers effective results quickly. Reorder the entire operation in order to ensure not to miss any holes when implementing strategy.

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3.3 Pattern modern management of Holacracy

Holacracy is a management model based on the analytical autonomy for small groups in the enterprise, unlimited hierarchical. Navigate to the open communication and how to work flexible connection the entire staff work together to enhance performance.

Model management Holacracy characterized by the application of the principle of unique activities compared with the way hierarchical tradition. In Holacracy, the individual not only assume leadership roles but also the duty for which they are responsible. Here is a management system of a business organization according to the model full admin rights, in which employees are divided into small groups. Each group decide on the task role to achieve organizational goals in an effective way.

4. The characteristic of modern management

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4.1 flexibility and innovation

In this era, flexibility became requires survival of the business. The quick adjustment of strategy, process optimization and re-structure the organization is the only way to overcome the volatility to capture potential opportunities. Besides, it also helps businesses increase the ability to adapt according to circumstances, to stabilize mid-range fluctuations and far-reaching than competitors.

Innovation is not just limited to the improvement of products or services, which is the change of management thinking. The implementation of innovation needs to happen in each stitch, step by step, the daily activities, from human resource management to optimize workflows. The business knows leveraging the innovation won't stop growing, maintaining a superior performance to ensure high speed sustainable development in the future.

4.2 Integrated information technology

In recent years, technology is indispensable element when applying the model of modern management. Systems such as ERP, CRM, and especially the solution WHO helps automate processes, minimize errors, improve management efficiency.

Solution LV-DX Dynamic Workflow is a typical example of the application of technology in modern management. With the ability to integrate processes on a single platform, LV-DX Dynamic Workflow to help businesses automate complex workflows, eliminating the processing procedure repeat the craft takes time. Support staff focus on the strategy, generating revenue, increasing transparency in work. Read more about LV-DX Dynamic Workflow. [link]

4.3 transparency and data governance

Data is an invaluable asset of the business today management capabilities, and data mining to help leaders a quick decision to form competitive advantage long-term.

Moreover, the use of data has high authenticity will increase credibility for the business, limiting the irregularities from the old data. Make decisions based on specific information instead of feeling is huge step when modern management.

4.4 Focus on human

Human, is central in the model of modern management. Therefore, businesses want to break, not only based on factors using advanced technologies that need to have a team ready to embrace change, and always maintain the spirit of creativity. Don't stop at the track performance, modern management focused on human development, where employees feel respected and valued, have opportunities to develop themselves. This helps businesses retain talent, increase brand value, but also improve work performance.

Through this article, Lac did provide details of the theory and models modern administration, was studied by the leading experts in the field, hope you brings you the useful information.

Picture of Hồ Hiếu
Ho Hieu
Over 12 years of experience on business and management business and is a consultant on business management exposure over 300 CEO, CIO, CFO,...Read more >>>
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